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Cemetery Shindig
04-27-2006, 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by sasukefutant
I highly doubt Tool would refer to their construction of songs as recording sessions- even if it did include recording using lesser equipment. Typically, this would be referred to as the process of jamming and arrangement. and Tool have labeled these sessions as such in the past. Actually, they probably use recording equipment at about every one of their jam sessions as a means to preserve the excellent sections they happen upon. It's still referred to as a jam session.
You're arguing symantics over one of Blair's posts. If there was a microphone in the room, it COULD be called a recording session. Based on the nature of Blair's posts, that's the only thing that matters. Stop speculating and enjoy the album.
Old 04-27-2006, 01:27 PM   #12
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Re: A Glaring Inconsistency..

Originally Posted by sasukefutant
I highly doubt Tool would refer to their construction of songs as recording sessions- even if it did include recording using lesser equipment. Typically, this would be referred to as the process of jamming and arrangement. and Tool have labeled these sessions as such in the past. Actually, they probably use recording equipment at about every one of their jam sessions as a means to preserve the excellent sections they happen upon. It's still referred to as a jam session.
You're arguing symantics over one of Blair's posts. If there was a microphone in the room, it COULD be called a recording session. Based on the nature of Blair's posts, that's the only thing that matters. Stop speculating and enjoy the album.