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04-11-2007, 01:56 PM
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Has anyone read any Aleister Crowley?
His Thoth Tarot appears in the album not just coincidently.
I think anyway.
Crowley's motto was "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law. Love under will."
On another thread I pointed this out (forgive me). Qabalistically, will corresponds to the element fire. Emotions, water, and so on.
Crowley wrote much about "true will". We all have a purpose and we can trace it all the way back to the beginning through our intent.
"Love under will" makes sense since our hearts can and often do get us into trouble, when divorced from our true intent. To say "I had good intentions" when something goes wrong is to try to blame the mistake on our will, which is to make another mistake.
Love can be felt without doing anything at all. Will on the other hand is where the intent is and if traced back can be seen as pure as for instance a plant's "will" to do exactly what it was intended to do. To survive and multiply.
We on the other other hand are a little more complex.
Old 04-11-2007, 01:56 PM   #40
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Re: Move by will alone...?

Has anyone read any Aleister Crowley?
His Thoth Tarot appears in the album not just coincidently.
I think anyway.
Crowley's motto was "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law. Love under will."
On another thread I pointed this out (forgive me). Qabalistically, will corresponds to the element fire. Emotions, water, and so on.
Crowley wrote much about "true will". We all have a purpose and we can trace it all the way back to the beginning through our intent.
"Love under will" makes sense since our hearts can and often do get us into trouble, when divorced from our true intent. To say "I had good intentions" when something goes wrong is to try to blame the mistake on our will, which is to make another mistake.
Love can be felt without doing anything at all. Will on the other hand is where the intent is and if traced back can be seen as pure as for instance a plant's "will" to do exactly what it was intended to do. To survive and multiply.
We on the other other hand are a little more complex.
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