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Old 12-30-2006, 06:40 PM   #34
Level 7 - Loquacious
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Re: I don't understand this song..

I don't know, but in my opinion it sounds like it's about Jesus. I'm not saying i'm right and everyone is wrong- it's just Tool's way of messing with peoples' heads. Their songs mean different things to everyone.

I for one, am not a religious person. But i did go to Catholic school for 12 years so i know my theology. Thus why i'm not religious[lol].

But check it-

"You told us how you weren't afraid to die." - Jesus did state at the Last Supper he will die and he wasn't afraid. When he talked to God before being arrested, it did indeed sound like he was though.

"Standing above the crowd,
He had a voice that was strong and loud.
We'll miss him.
Ranting and pointing his finger
At everything but his heart.
We'll miss him."

-This part can be showing the frustration of Jesus showing the people that the church is robbing them and should not listen to them. As you know, he got angry one time when he saw people selling goods in a temple and he went pyscho bitch on everyone.

" Someone above the ground,
Someone who seemed to feel the same,
Someone prepared to lead the way, with
Someone who would die for me."

Someone above the ground would be God, and he feels the same way with Jesus. The frustration of trying to gain followers. And of course Jesus dies for us.

"Will you? Will you now?
Would you die for me?
Don't you fuckin lie."

If Jesus didn't die, would their be christianity? Nope, so he better have died eh?

"Come down.
Get off your fuckin cross.
We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr.

To ascend you must die.
You must be crucified
For your sins and your lies."

To ascent you must die, come on Jesus man right there lol Easter anybody? :P

That's just my thought... it's not a "YOU ALL ARE WRONG" IT's just my way of listening to the song. But i will say this... the song about Kurt Cobain? that's the worse of them all so far :P
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