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Old 09-24-2006, 03:24 PM   #90
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Re: 2006/09/23 - Toronto, ON - Molson Amphitheatre

5th show, and it was so intense I passed out 3 times in a row and cracked my forehead off the pavement in the pit. Maybe it wasn't so much the music as it was the intense dehydration and lack of fresh air in the pit (security did not care one bit about cigs/pot from what I saw).

That's the beautiful thing about Tool. I can pass out 3 times and be unconscious for over a minute each time, get dragged while unconscious by my girlfriend and a security guard to the first aid station, and still only miss 1 song (Jambi) :p

A minor concussion was totally worth seeing Wings/10kd live. Great show!
A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer