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06-17-2006, 12:59 AM
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Originally Posted by AskAQuestionGetAnAnswer
This is the one and only post I will ever make to this forum.

I’ve noticed the most are stating, “...what does he mean by this....? I think he means this ..... I can’t believe he’s suggesting....”. My comments are for you to *Stop*. Think for moment. Honestly, why does it matter what he means? It doesn’t. Are you ever going to meet Maynard? Nope. Am I? Nope. Do I want to? Not at all. So ask yourself, why does the implied significance of his lyrics hold such a large sway over your opinion? The question you should be asking is, “What does this mean to me?” & “What impact has this melody given to my life...?”

Open your mind.

There are many and few amongst us that seek wisdom - knowledge, intellect, and enlightenment - to the detriment of themselves and the ones they care for. I honestly do not feel that Maynard is any different. The seeking of such is not intentional, it is an unfortunate after-effect of our genome and our environmentally influenced past. We are a result of our questioning – but questioning is a curse and a torment of necessity. What’s the phrase, “All Indians, No Chiefs”... With that in mind, there is a difference between people that think on certain levels, and people that think like the majority of our population. The majority is not intellectual, they are not knowledgeable, and they are not enlightened. They do not seek to be any of these, so they are Indians... They dance around the fire with their creepy perverted husbands and I would like to push them in and laugh while they burn to death. Sound harsh? Oh well.

On the other hand you have pure human compassion – those that you attempt to hold onto – your last glimmer of hope in humanity. Cutting the bonds of ignorance from them is on of the most difficult endeavors in your life. Why? Because you are cutting all hope for yourself as well.... and your future. Who will leave your legacy behind when you lie in bed at night and question the insignificance of your own life? Have you ever stop to question why rationality and intuition are rarities in this world? Well I do.. every time I listen to this album. I honestly can’t answer the question, other than to state that intellect seems to be the one part of wisdom that cannot be taught. You are born with the ability to use reason and trust your instincts, or you do not have it. Has the force of the physical world become such that certain people never use these tools to assess their environment? If so, could there be a direct relation on the way the human race appears to be more and more reliant on technology as a pleasure and communication crutch? ... what if we become so integrated that we loose grasp of wanting something more? When we stop wanting more, do we continue to change and improve? Will we ever get off this planet, or are we dooming ourselves to nothing more than a school of fish, turning the same way our friends & neighbors do since it appears to be the only available option. .. ..

Since I told you to open your mind, I’ll tell you what happened to me when I stopped to reflect on this particular song. I thought about the concept of God. Have you ever stopped to really think about God? Have you ever questioned yourself into God, only to question yourself out, then back in again? What if we break the physical bonds of the world... can we become Gods? If we can become Gods... could there already be a God? If there is a God, one that has created all I see; if I try hard enough to see through it, will I see God? What if I see God, would I really see anything at all?.... and so the turn of questioning comes into a perfect circle.

You people sit and pick songs apart as if seeking your own happiness from the ability to translate what’s in the man’s head. Well, unfortunately, the answers you seek to the questions you have are no further than your own insight. Because chances are, unless the person that you are talking to has the same insight that you do, you will never be able to explain your thoughts and feelings to the ones that don’t. I will continue to struggle with this my entire life.

i really liked what you had to say you asked some pretty pointed questions and i like that. i tend to agree with what you said towards the end bout your insight being yr own i feel this is true but what shit's me is how a lot of people i meet and talk to are not interested in challenging their pre-concived ideas, being unable to ask 'what if this or what if that' it's like so many people are going along with whoever and what ever they are told. i have to say i identify with yr struggle it's like "let's all dance round the fire till it goes out, no one's briging any more wood to burn (or ideas) the one's that do get sent away, and that's what it feels like"
personally i don't think god requires to much thought all i need to realize is that god accepts me no matter what i do or who i am. we all don't need to be accepted by 'one mans' god cos if god exists in our minds (a concept i like) then we can all have our own. since we seem to be the only creatures on earth that has a concept (or the ability to think)of god and the supernatural it seems logical that we should all think of our own and then instead of fighting, killing&dividing each other over it, we could all be one in this ability to reason with one another about something we've made up.
this all probably sounds silly. writing up my thoughts and ideas is not my strong suit.

Old 06-17-2006, 12:59 AM   #25
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Re: Logically Realistic

Originally Posted by AskAQuestionGetAnAnswer
This is the one and only post I will ever make to this forum.

I’ve noticed the most are stating, “...what does he mean by this....? I think he means this ..... I can’t believe he’s suggesting....”. My comments are for you to *Stop*. Think for moment. Honestly, why does it matter what he means? It doesn’t. Are you ever going to meet Maynard? Nope. Am I? Nope. Do I want to? Not at all. So ask yourself, why does the implied significance of his lyrics hold such a large sway over your opinion? The question you should be asking is, “What does this mean to me?” & “What impact has this melody given to my life...?”

Open your mind.

There are many and few amongst us that seek wisdom - knowledge, intellect, and enlightenment - to the detriment of themselves and the ones they care for. I honestly do not feel that Maynard is any different. The seeking of such is not intentional, it is an unfortunate after-effect of our genome and our environmentally influenced past. We are a result of our questioning – but questioning is a curse and a torment of necessity. What’s the phrase, “All Indians, No Chiefs”... With that in mind, there is a difference between people that think on certain levels, and people that think like the majority of our population. The majority is not intellectual, they are not knowledgeable, and they are not enlightened. They do not seek to be any of these, so they are Indians... They dance around the fire with their creepy perverted husbands and I would like to push them in and laugh while they burn to death. Sound harsh? Oh well.

On the other hand you have pure human compassion – those that you attempt to hold onto – your last glimmer of hope in humanity. Cutting the bonds of ignorance from them is on of the most difficult endeavors in your life. Why? Because you are cutting all hope for yourself as well.... and your future. Who will leave your legacy behind when you lie in bed at night and question the insignificance of your own life? Have you ever stop to question why rationality and intuition are rarities in this world? Well I do.. every time I listen to this album. I honestly can’t answer the question, other than to state that intellect seems to be the one part of wisdom that cannot be taught. You are born with the ability to use reason and trust your instincts, or you do not have it. Has the force of the physical world become such that certain people never use these tools to assess their environment? If so, could there be a direct relation on the way the human race appears to be more and more reliant on technology as a pleasure and communication crutch? ... what if we become so integrated that we loose grasp of wanting something more? When we stop wanting more, do we continue to change and improve? Will we ever get off this planet, or are we dooming ourselves to nothing more than a school of fish, turning the same way our friends & neighbors do since it appears to be the only available option. .. ..

Since I told you to open your mind, I’ll tell you what happened to me when I stopped to reflect on this particular song. I thought about the concept of God. Have you ever stopped to really think about God? Have you ever questioned yourself into God, only to question yourself out, then back in again? What if we break the physical bonds of the world... can we become Gods? If we can become Gods... could there already be a God? If there is a God, one that has created all I see; if I try hard enough to see through it, will I see God? What if I see God, would I really see anything at all?.... and so the turn of questioning comes into a perfect circle.

You people sit and pick songs apart as if seeking your own happiness from the ability to translate what’s in the man’s head. Well, unfortunately, the answers you seek to the questions you have are no further than your own insight. Because chances are, unless the person that you are talking to has the same insight that you do, you will never be able to explain your thoughts and feelings to the ones that don’t. I will continue to struggle with this my entire life.

i really liked what you had to say you asked some pretty pointed questions and i like that. i tend to agree with what you said towards the end bout your insight being yr own i feel this is true but what shit's me is how a lot of people i meet and talk to are not interested in challenging their pre-concived ideas, being unable to ask 'what if this or what if that' it's like so many people are going along with whoever and what ever they are told. i have to say i identify with yr struggle it's like "let's all dance round the fire till it goes out, no one's briging any more wood to burn (or ideas) the one's that do get sent away, and that's what it feels like"
personally i don't think god requires to much thought all i need to realize is that god accepts me no matter what i do or who i am. we all don't need to be accepted by 'one mans' god cos if god exists in our minds (a concept i like) then we can all have our own. since we seem to be the only creatures on earth that has a concept (or the ability to think)of god and the supernatural it seems logical that we should all think of our own and then instead of fighting, killing&dividing each other over it, we could all be one in this ability to reason with one another about something we've made up.
this all probably sounds silly. writing up my thoughts and ideas is not my strong suit.

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