Thread: Shit is Whack.
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Old 06-15-2019, 04:35 AM   #1
Level 7 - Loquacious
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Shit is Whack.

Germs and Atoms are in an entirely different dimension than we are.

The most microscopic and macroscopic expansions
of intelligence lives in other dimensions.

Conceptually at least.

We as humans cannot zoom out far enough to even fathom a universe that is much larger than ours, physically. Nevertheless, it is ABSOLUTLEY (conceivingly) possible that our relative universe is comparable to the 99% of empty space that surrounds an atom, or even zoom down to quarks, they are surrounded by absolute darkness and don't have the sight or capability to see the full macroscopic scale. I mean, look at entanglement and you will instantly understand in the presence of a microscopic intelligence; or an intelligence that is so pervasive in our physicality that it exists as a background, original presence is truly is omni-there.

We are equally infinitely as small at atoms, we cannot even fathom zooming out beyond the possibilities of our microscopic universe.

Technically, zoom out of our universe, mentally picture your mind zooming out, out, out until you conceptualize our universe contained in a small cube , zoom out further, further until our little cuboidal universe becomes the smallest microscopic pixel that you can conceive.

Then, imagine the physical possibility that there are physical beings, like humans, who are so gigantic that our little square of the universe, our little cubic nano-inch of spacetime, is equally as inconceivable in their minds

They are in an extra dimension.

All the way up and all the way down.
An infinite mirror
Zooming in
Zooming out
Until matter
Is found
At such extreme
Finitely drop
Into the vanishing point into another dimension.

Other dimensions are merely beyond the horizon of conceptualization.

The mind's eye can only see so far.
Our mental field of view
Is so contracted
And small
That our imaginations
Often have
A point of maximum
Expansive Entropy,
Only after which point
An acute implosion
And re-contraction
Of the
Tethered and symbiotic
Physico-mental Loops
,Of such great strangeness,
To such infinitesimal degrees
We are re-created
Over and over and over again;

Each time Returning With the Face Of the Original face
Say hello to my frontal lobe.

Last edited by wisefool; 06-15-2019 at 04:44 AM..
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