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04-23-2006, 01:11 PM
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OBE is different than projection. OBE you're still grounded in this "dimension" When you project to depths and demensions other than your own. Lots of bad shit can happen. Shitting the bed is the least of your worries.When you project you throw yourself into the beam, and travel to different plains of existance. Trying to communicate with powers beyond your imagination, you try to remember it all, but comprehend very little.

I wasn't very concise when i said it was like "a guy waking up from an out of body experience" earlier. I didn't mean average every day "OBE". I meant Allistor Crowley style, Dark, deep, and intense OBE.
Old 04-23-2006, 01:11 PM   #10
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Re: Astral Projections

OBE is different than projection. OBE you're still grounded in this "dimension" When you project to depths and demensions other than your own. Lots of bad shit can happen. Shitting the bed is the least of your worries.When you project you throw yourself into the beam, and travel to different plains of existance. Trying to communicate with powers beyond your imagination, you try to remember it all, but comprehend very little.

I wasn't very concise when i said it was like "a guy waking up from an out of body experience" earlier. I didn't mean average every day "OBE". I meant Allistor Crowley style, Dark, deep, and intense OBE.
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