Thread: Silence Legion
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Angel on the Sideline
09-25-2008, 06:30 AM
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First, the official lyrics.

Silence, legion. Save your poison.
Silence, legion. Stay out of my way.

Now that we have that out of the way ... I think this is a very good and valid observation, Lateralareallofus. I haven't read the bible in its entirety. I really need to do so because I'm an avid reader and a writer and much of the world's great literature draws from the bible in various ways and an understanding of the bible would without a doubt provide me greater insight into some of the literature I covet.

You might be onto something here. It makes perfect sense. However, in the official lyrics, Maynard does not have the word 'legion' capitalized. I would think it would be capitalized if it were in reference to the demon named Legion. Then again, there is such a thing as typos ... so perhaps the lower-cap is just an oversight.

The legion could simply refer to the masses of personal demons the song's narrator squares off against. But your interpretation brings a nice perspective and enriches my understanding of the song by giving it another possible layer. Thanks for sharing your insight.

Last edited by Angel on the Sideline; 09-25-2008 at 11:01 AM..
Old 09-25-2008, 06:30 AM   #3
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Re: Silence Legion

First, the official lyrics.

Silence, legion. Save your poison.
Silence, legion. Stay out of my way.

Now that we have that out of the way ... I think this is a very good and valid observation, Lateralareallofus. I haven't read the bible in its entirety. I really need to do so because I'm an avid reader and a writer and much of the world's great literature draws from the bible in various ways and an understanding of the bible would without a doubt provide me greater insight into some of the literature I covet.

You might be onto something here. It makes perfect sense. However, in the official lyrics, Maynard does not have the word 'legion' capitalized. I would think it would be capitalized if it were in reference to the demon named Legion. Then again, there is such a thing as typos ... so perhaps the lower-cap is just an oversight.

The legion could simply refer to the masses of personal demons the song's narrator squares off against. But your interpretation brings a nice perspective and enriches my understanding of the song by giving it another possible layer. Thanks for sharing your insight.

Last edited by Angel on the Sideline; 09-25-2008 at 11:01 AM..
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