Thread: Interpretation?
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Alcawhorlick's Avatar Alcawhorlick
04-20-2006, 07:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Rav
My impression is that he is lamenting on some of his past actions, how close he may have come to going over the edge through some of the experiences he has had. This song sounds like a thank you to whoever it may be directed at, perhaps his mother or son, repeating how he would wish away everything he has achieved, if it meant he could always have that person with him.

Well, since the song reminds me a bit of H., and I had heard H. had something to do with mjk's son, initially I'd assume the "you" may be his son.

That is, if the lyrics are actually from mjk's perspective.

If so, I dont really like this song as much. This would be the type of lyrics I was hoping he'd avoid when I read the articles talking about how this album would be more "personal" or whatever. Although I thought that it was Vicarious that would be the song bitching about how horrible it is to be a rockstar and fucks "living vicariously" though him.

This seriously sounds like a goddamn kid rock song, complete with lines about whores, drugs, and apparent references to himself as a "King".
Old 04-20-2006, 07:31 AM   #7
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Re: Interpretation?

Originally Posted by Rav
My impression is that he is lamenting on some of his past actions, how close he may have come to going over the edge through some of the experiences he has had. This song sounds like a thank you to whoever it may be directed at, perhaps his mother or son, repeating how he would wish away everything he has achieved, if it meant he could always have that person with him.

Well, since the song reminds me a bit of H., and I had heard H. had something to do with mjk's son, initially I'd assume the "you" may be his son.

That is, if the lyrics are actually from mjk's perspective.

If so, I dont really like this song as much. This would be the type of lyrics I was hoping he'd avoid when I read the articles talking about how this album would be more "personal" or whatever. Although I thought that it was Vicarious that would be the song bitching about how horrible it is to be a rockstar and fucks "living vicariously" though him.

This seriously sounds like a goddamn kid rock song, complete with lines about whores, drugs, and apparent references to himself as a "King".
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