Thread: puzzle?
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05-07-2006, 01:46 PM
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Just to pick up on the Szukalski sculpture, it's called "The Struggle" and basically it's an open hand with bird heads on the finger tips, most interesingly is that the bird heads resembles small falcon or eagles heads.

here's a link to a larger picture: (I seem to recall that both Danny and Adam collects his works)

Now Adam is sitting sorta with his back to the scuplture which in also is turned away from him, on the Justin picture the eagle has just landed or is eager to get away and then on the eagle picture, our eagle is sitting calmly on the sculpture.

So basicallly Adam didn't want anything to do with the struggle, whatever it may have been, and the struggle wasn't something he could participate in anyway and Justin had a hand in calming the eagle, whatever the hell that represents, down so that it could sit the down and reconcile with whatever it was struggling with??

Hell I don't know.

Last edited by Nicolai; 05-07-2006 at 11:51 PM..
Old 05-07-2006, 01:46 PM   #67
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Re: puzzle?

Just to pick up on the Szukalski sculpture, it's called "The Struggle" and basically it's an open hand with bird heads on the finger tips, most interesingly is that the bird heads resembles small falcon or eagles heads.

here's a link to a larger picture: (I seem to recall that both Danny and Adam collects his works)

Now Adam is sitting sorta with his back to the scuplture which in also is turned away from him, on the Justin picture the eagle has just landed or is eager to get away and then on the eagle picture, our eagle is sitting calmly on the sculpture.

So basicallly Adam didn't want anything to do with the struggle, whatever it may have been, and the struggle wasn't something he could participate in anyway and Justin had a hand in calming the eagle, whatever the hell that represents, down so that it could sit the down and reconcile with whatever it was struggling with??

Hell I don't know.

Last edited by Nicolai; 05-07-2006 at 11:51 PM..
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