Thread: Best Album
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Old 11-29-2002, 04:25 PM   #5
Level 4 - Thinker
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a long dissertation

I've always viewed tool albums as a large cycle... a continuation of ideas from the last one, and depending on the type of person you are, and where you are in your life a specific album will appeal to you ( yet another reason why tool stands out among all the bands i hear). not counting opiate, which is really just a precursor to what came on undertow, you start of with undertow a very dark album, talking alot about the downward spiral ( thinking nine inch nails =P) the fall into darkness, wallowing in guilt, pain and all that fun stuff. then on to aenima where ever since i started listening to it, it felt kind of medical in the way it was presented. almost methodical. there was emotion in it, and yet it felt distant. as I've listened more that kind of faded as i empathized more with the songs but i still feel like the whole ketamine, dissassociative liner notes were important to the album. its an introspective album even though it's angry in places. for me that album is that turning point where you starting to decide what you want to keep and what you want to throw away. stinkfist, trying to feel again, eulogy about following others and nothinking for yourself, H is to deep for me to sum up but suffice to say continues the idea from stinkfist. 46&2 which is about metamorphisis, etc etc. it continues. and then you hit aenima which is nominally about the shithole LA is but seems to be alot more about the useless mindsets so many people put themselves in. ( as you can see aenima is my personal fav >=)
then you have lateralus which is the next step... mending bridges, reconnecting with the world around you further. I wont go into every song but specifically the grudge, parabol/parabola, lateralus and reflections all seem to be part of those ideas.

anyway i guess what I mean to say is that it depends on where you are in your life, and the mood your in... and that certain ideas reoccur over and over from different perspectives and depending on which perspective you identify with, that's the one your like the most. I love flood, but i think aenima is yet another flood ( not to say its repetitive) but a different perspective on the same concept. anywhoo enjoy
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