View Full Version : The "Matrix" Cult

12-04-2002, 09:17 PM
Hey all.
I was sitting at home last week when one of the current affairs shows over here came on. It featured a story on what they called a "Matrix" cult which was down in Byron somewhere. They had some bullshit name which probably linked them to some church in the hope of 'legitimising" themselves but I can't remember it. But anyway you should've heard some of the absolute bullshit that this 'spiritual' leader was feeding these people. His story pretty much ripped straight from the matrix. Except without the computers and shit. He claimed all reality was fake and that nothing they did really mattered and as such they should hand over all their money to him. You should've heard some of the absolute dribble coming out of this guys mouth as he tried to explain himself. I have never seen anyone use so many scientific words in one sentance without being able to achieve any meaning what soever. I only wish I had wrote down some of what he was saying so you could all piss yourselves laughing as well. (He really did have alot of nothing to say).

So far two people have commited suicide because he convinced them that this holy reality wasn't real and that it didn't matter if they swam out to sea or jumped off a cliff, it was all fake. And he continues to take their money, even though it apparantly isn't real. The Australian government is trying to have him deported. So long...

I reckon he'd have a web site somewhere, I'll see if I can find it and post it. it's probably worth it just for the laugh value. :)

12-05-2002, 08:24 PM
are you so sure it is? (real, that is)
....yay solipsism.

12-05-2002, 09:24 PM
What the hell does that have to do with tool.....I mean okay he had nothing to say neither does Bush but the ppl elected him. I mean I might as well tell you that my buddy saw this elephant on TV that could paint and you know how much these painings were.... $150 000 a peice now what I wanna know is who all this money goes to cuz it's for damn sure the elechant doesn't have a bank account.....

12-06-2002, 08:50 AM
i think jonno's trying to say how some deceiver like that can get up and trick people and ultimately hurt them becuase of their not thinking for themselves. dont let urself be tricked

12-07-2002, 11:31 PM
Yeah, Sorry I am a bit off topic but I thought it was pretty relevant to Eulogy. As soon as I saw the segment I put the song on. What was occuring was described almost perfectly by the lyrics of this song. The reason I posted it was I thought everyone might enjoy a change from the usual disection of Tools work...The topics here get so repetative. I just thought everyone might get a laugh. Ah well.

As for reality. Well, you're right that is a grey area :) But common sense tells me that what this man says if false and that what he's doing is wrong.

Anyway, I haven't been able to find this guys website but here's yet another story I found while looking. This guys delusional. http://todaytonight.com.au/stories/215374.html I really thought that Australian's did have more common sense than this but I guess anywhere can fall prey to this crap.

12-09-2002, 04:12 PM
yeah even if his message (solipsism) is right, what the guy's doing is wrong. But to me, this song goes deeper than just a false prophet; theyre easy to determine and break free from becasue they sound so sanctimonious and self abosorbed, its the humble and caring ones that are the most deceptive. Could the Eulogy also be about a specific mindset and not necesarily a person? mayb