View Full Version : Parabola Extended Version

12-03-2002, 09:38 AM
Has anyone heard the extended version of parabol/a played on teh last couple shows of the tour, ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!
i think that if you havent haer it yet, you are down on your luck, it good, its about 14 minutes long, recorded in san diego. if you havent heard this yet, get over to deadohiosky.net and get it, if its up yet, (because toolhub i got it last week) woooo! and comments?

12-06-2002, 12:16 PM
Could someone please e-mail me the URL for toolhub? I forgot what it was and where I got it right when I closed the explorer. [email protected] thanks much

12-07-2002, 02:40 PM
i went to www.deadohiosky.net and there werent any new versoins of parabola, but i did get a song called "commando" from the october 20 2002 show, its pretty cool.