View Full Version : Think4yourself

08-09-2003, 10:12 PM
Think 4 Yourself
I am sorry to post this under Lateralus instead of Salival, where the message is said on the song Third Eye, but I feel that if I put it there it will not likely be replied to or read.

Anyway, I have some thoughts on the idea of thinking for ourselves. Through what I have picked up on along my journey, I have come to learn that our government( or should I say THE government because it is hardly OUR own) has been lying to us for decades. Now, what I am gonna say is going to sound lame or unreal, but it's just a thought. I believe that aliens have been involved with our planet for years and years. Specifically from the World War 2 era to now a days. They have helped with many of the modern inventions and have brought upon us secret elements that are not in the Periodic table. Also, I have learned that we supposedly have human life on Mars right now. I guess the air is actually good enough to breath.

My main point is that if we don't start to think for ourselves and question authority, we may soon be so far into a fucking lie that we will all vanish. Aside from my thought of aliens, I think that there is a group of leaders that run the entire world. THE NEW WORLD ORDER, not the wrestling bulshit, thats what it is called. If what I have heard is correct, all wars and major accidents INCLUDING Sept. 11th were staged by the group that runs the world to give us allusions of terrorists playing out there angers on the U.S. It might be untrue, but if we don't question it than how vulnerable are we if it is true.

Although it would seem impossible, the worlds' population is actually starting to plateau and go down. Don't look at records of population, but the billions of people on earth are starting to die. The death rate is slowly, but surely passing the Birth rate. Once again you don't have to believe me, because it is just an idea which I frankly have no consistent proof of, but it is happening.
For anyone who follows profecies of the apocalypse, it may or may not happen but by the year 2005 we will notice slight if not significant changes in our world we know today. Even if the government doesn't tell us we will notice that our resources are going down the hill(oil & crops) and diseases will become more widespread across the U.S. and Africa. I have no proof, but I think that this secret group of leaders wants to cut down on the worlds' population. WHY they do, I have no idea, but if they wanted to increase poulation then why wouldn't they stop the AIDs epidemic. I think they have the "Money" to and they also probably have a cure. I would never underestimate scientists working ther whole lives' as far as an Aid's cure.

Sorry if I was out there, in fact don't beleve me. I don't really know if I believe it completely myself, But I do think for myself and I did question authority. So If I mysteriously vanish, then what the fuck at least I died for a purpose
The truth really is out there. I don't even know about half of the shit, however what I have explained was based on peoples' experiences with the gov't and aliens. My general source is the George Nouri show, go to the website. Once again it may or may not be true. Look at it this way...

What we are told and how we think, WE go to school WE get a job WE have a dream WE either follow it or not WE die. What I told you also could be true....

There is time travel, there are aliens, there is a reason to live and to fight for justice as quoted from the salival version of THird Eye "The truth is we don't know who we are."

08-11-2003, 10:54 AM
Just looking at what I have wrote I know that it all seems lame, but I would bet my money that the world is going to change its' course and modern ways pretty soon. 2012-2100 is going to be an adventure

Check out my thread in the socialize section in interact It goes more in depth on these ideas

It has about 20 posts already as of Aug. 11