View Full Version : Faaip de Oiad

08-03-2003, 11:58 PM
If you look on the back of the transparent cover for Lateralus you will see that this song was taken from the Art Bell show. The Art Bell show, now called the George Nouri show is on late nights on AM(the station changes from state to state, however I believe that whatever the station is, It is an ABC affiliate.)
I highly suggest that if you have never heard it on the air you try to listen to one of the shows. The talk is usually about the unknown(aliens, secret government, remote viewing, Earths' future, etc.)and althought some of the stuff is untrue the general format will make you more aware of whats REALLY going on.??

08-05-2003, 07:12 PM
Sounds cool, we might get it out here...probably out of Detroit...I'll look for it though.

08-06-2003, 12:35 PM
you should look at that rather detailed descriptive account on Toolband.com of how this song evolved and how it was concieved. Very interesting stuff.

Just go to news and then go to past news. Look at June 8th of this year.

08-06-2003, 10:44 PM
Thanks man I checked it out

08-06-2003, 11:50 PM
Enochian seems to be a very deep language. The reference to the kabbalistic tree of life (in the 3rd part, the "lucid dream ") is incredible if the experience was connected to the alien happeneing that same night. Kabbalah, the mistisism of judiasm seems to be connected indirectly to enochian and also the egyptians. If aliens helped with the pyramids or are more involved in some religious history then some of my thoughts on life are totally untrue.
But then again what is true??

08-07-2003, 05:57 AM
search for the thread with the same name as this one in the socialize section

it was started by george bush sr. (he's a loser)

he won't tell you anything

08-07-2003, 06:12 AM
thE*s0uRce[']it was started by george bush sr. (he's a loser)

he won't tell you anything

hmmm. He never was much of a res0urceful presence on these boards.

08-07-2003, 11:35 AM
Enochian seems to be a very deep language. The reference to the kabbalistic tree of life (in the 3rd part, the "lucid dream ") is incredible if the experience was connected to the alien happeneing that same night. Kabbalah, the mistisism of judiasm seems to be connected indirectly to enochian and also the egyptians. If aliens helped with the pyramids or are more involved in some religious history then some of my thoughts on life are totally untrue.
But then again what is true??

You should do some research on Enochain. Dr John Dee was the, supposedly, medium that recieved this angelic language from an angel I blieve in the 1500's or so. It's no coincidence either that in the bible is states that people who become, at times, completely emersed in the 'spirit' will spontaneously speak in 'tongues' as a 'tongue of fire' will assume a position above your head enabling you to speak in the language of the spirit.

If you are interested I was talking about this in the Allusions of Lateralus thread. It is my belief that Enoch, the story of an anceint angelic population, and the emerging esoteric groups and philosophies that grew out of this story are some of the primary influences of Tool and especially Lateralus as a whole as well.
