View Full Version : In tension eternally

04-06-2007, 03:59 PM
First we are One.
Then we seperate. then theres Tension. (gravity pulling us toward one again)

.... "Intension" is obviously the message that the "DMT fractal elves/Grey aliens" have told the Chosen one.

That in the beginning we're Pure. (One intention which is: Move by will all one)

MaynardKeenan Interview: "If you look at the cycles of the moon, it starts as a thin crescent and then gradually waxes until it becomes full; then it gradually wanes back into another crescent and then it is gone. The moon reflects sunlight like humans reflect information. We wax and wane and when we become full moons, our egos are full. We think we have this knowledge when in fact, the information we have is pure. And how it reflects or shines off of us, is something we take credit for as though the moon could take credit for its brightness when, in fact, it is only reflecting light from the sun. We have to understand that we are ego-less just as the moon is without light. It and we are simply reflectors. The ego is not responsible for the information. It can reflect the information in creative ways, but the information itself is pure". http://www.cdicarlo.com/paper_04maynard.htm

then spark becomes a flame. etc, etc.

"Pure intention juxtaposed
Will set two lovers' souls in motion
Disintegrating as it goes
Testing our communication
The light that fueled our fire then
Has a burned a hole between us so
We cannot see to reach an end
Crippling our communication" - schism.

This is all there is to it. The truth of Will.
Told by the Communicating self-transforming Dmt elves to the chosen one.
He was Stoned. and that worked as a translation Rosetta stone.
So he might communicate with the Spirits of the wise plant via Ayahuasca.
this is what we learn when we die. when Dmt is released from the pineal.

All is Will. Ego (seperation from all) is illusion.
We're all just satellites.

Our current lord is the Sun.

Shinning its bright light to guide us through the Tension of VICARIOUS conflict.
Till we come one again.

Cuz that's really what we all want deep down. Tales of conflict.

"The light that fueled our fire then
Has a burned a hole between us so
We cannot see to reach an end
Crippling our communication" - schism.

We cannot see to reach an end. get it???

Eternal conflict.

eternal Ouroborus snake biting its own tail.
In hope of turning this piss into whine.

But it never happens.

Thus. Eternal conflict...

04-06-2007, 08:34 PM
Interesing. A different approach, but I like it. Now I'll reflect it off of MY scars.

04-06-2007, 10:03 PM
First we are One.
Then we seperate. then theres Tension. (gravity pulling us toward one again)

.... "Intension" is obviously the message that the "DMT fractal elves/Grey aliens" have told the Chosen one....

How interesting. Just a while ago I was reading Iron Man: Extrremis and an old dude that Tony Stark goes to see was talking about DMT and how 60% of people have the same hallucination under it. Something about "Self transforming machine elves" and little bouncing technological artifacts that spoke a basic machine code. Also how the brain is designed to take in and process DMT. How it lets us see our own operating system. Like we're supposed to take DMT and hack into our own operating system and change ourselves. Cool stuff!

04-07-2007, 03:00 AM
Iron man contains Dmt references :O huuuh.. cool haha. gotta buy more comics I guees :D

04-07-2007, 08:48 PM
Yeah, I was taken aback too. I don't know if every Iron Man story references DMT but, Iron Man Extremis did. It was an awesome read.

04-11-2007, 01:40 PM
The reference to the spark, the flame, the fire connects to the Tetragrammaton, YHVH.
Yod is fire, which is wands in the Tarot, and will. The king or knight.
Heh is water, cups, and emotion. The Queen.
Vav is air, swords, and mind. The prince.
Heh (final) is earth, disks (pentacles), and material possessions or wealth. The princess.
If you're not at all interested in Qabalah, sorry---it just seemed appropriate since both the Tree of Life and the Thoth Tarot appear in the album.
I believe this choice of words is undeniably Qabalistic, whether TOOL's intension or not.

04-11-2007, 05:09 PM
Nice trypto :D I'e been looking for that information actually.

Im a huge lore fan of the sephiroth.
I've studied alot of sephiroth, but havent found the elemet correlations you just wrote. thanks.
could you link something?

04-13-2007, 01:05 PM
I do not own a computer (isn't that so prehistoric of me?) so I tend to accumulate books.
So when it comes to links, I would be referring to books:
The Tree of Life by Israel Regardie and also Garden of Pomegranates. By Dion Fortune there's The Mystical Qabalah. The Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot is awesome and gives a very brief explanation of Qabalistic attributes--it's the deck in Danny's picture from 10,000 Days. The Book of Thoth by Aleister Crowley is the "official" reference for understanding the deck.
The card called "Atu VI, The Lovers" actually refers to the brothers, Cain and Abel-"Schism".
Aleister Crowley also has many other books dealing with the huge set of correspondences that superimpose upon the Tree of Life (also in Danny's picture). 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings is another excellent reference.
TOOL also incorperate Enochian Magic into their work, like the big heptagram they've used on stage and I've read on the FAQ that Faiiap de Oiad (not sure of spelling) is Enochian. Crowley used this, too.
Honestly there's much, much more that I do not know than I do on these subjects.
I became interested in Magick and Qabalah through a friend who isn't into TOOL. It amazed me to find out later that TOOL incorperates these things into their work.

04-13-2007, 01:17 PM
Oh yeah---I see you mentioned the sephiroth as something you're alredy intersted in. There are differnt "flavors" of Qaballah, if you will.
Qaballah is considered "Hermetic". Caballa is "Christian" and "Kabbalah" is Jewish.
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is the group Crowley learned from, and they emphasize the Tarot card attributions as well as elemental and astrological and planetary.
For instance the 10 sephiroth correspond to the Aces through Tens. The 22 paths, to the 22 Hebrew letters, which correspond to the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot (0 - XXI).
I don't think the Jewish and Christian explanations get into these correspondences, but the Hermetic assigns great importance to them (Tarot and Tetragrammaton).