View Full Version : Dialogue with God/Existence/Consciousness/Self/Ever-Present Witness

03-26-2007, 10:44 PM
Its interesting when you look at many Tool songs as dialogues or monologues with and/or to some sort of creator figure (which DOESNT have to be independent of the individual)... Good examples are H. and Third Eye


They're both totally void of hate,
But killing me just the same.

...considerately killing me

There are experiences that people have whether induced by drugs or not that bring them closer to god, to nothingness, or to all of existence. These experiences in there very essence tend to "crucify the ego" or remove a person from all the safeguards they have placed within their dualistic mind. As well the snake and shedding skin references refer to (or tend to refer to) transformative processes or illuminations.

3rd eye:

So glad to see you,
Ive missed you so much,
So glad its over,
Ive missed you so much,

Came out to watch you play,
Why are you running away?

Personally, even if this interpretation is inaccurate in relation to Maynard's life, I find it astounding the connection that can still be made: I feel that a lot of these songs that involve a sort of dialogue or monologue revise the path the soul takes or at least the human's life. What I can relate to is a notion of coming into this body with a superficial sort of nondual awareness, proceeding or being forced into a dualistic state of mind, and being held at gunpoint there until some part of reaches up and through the gallows to bring one home.

Anyway, just a reflection.
