View Full Version : Length of track 11:11, why?

03-18-2007, 01:33 AM
I've read somthing about 11:11 being a signifigant number and synchronicities happening around this. does this mean anything to any one else, does this have a numerological signifigance? 1 and 1 becoming 1?

03-18-2007, 06:38 PM
so you know from experience? anyway penises look like bannanas, everyone knows that not ones. 1111 four ones =two penises according to your theory. I was thinking more along the lines of a continued theme with 1's from past albums and some correlation of LSD, aleins, being able to interpret all the languages on the rosseta stone by taking the drug? and why the length of the song would be exactlty 11:11, i see the number a lot on clocks, and have read about others as well, just hopeing someone that wasn't still in the phalic stage could help.

03-18-2007, 07:38 PM
When you're with another guy, you both have penises (which look like ones.) When you make love to someone, you both become one. So one and one make one when two guys make love to eachother, because one's penis goes into the other's butt and that leaves...

one penis!

wow dude no comment on that post. You freaked me out...

03-19-2007, 01:52 AM

Maybe its the band telling you that "We are just four individuals (1111) and we wrote this incredible song and we nailed it live.. SO FUCK OFF!"

hmmmm... i think am onto something here.... !!?!?!?!

03-19-2007, 03:04 PM
maybe thats just how long the song is.

03-19-2007, 07:23 PM
If you can stand to read this I think it raises some important questions concerning the song and the album as a whole

Solara has been highlighting the significance of 11:11 since approximately 1987, around the time of or shortly after the Harmonic Convergence. This was an important cosmic measurement point, where humanity was tested to determine whether to evolve/ascend to the next level… or not. The balance of humanity chose to evolve. As such, Kryon refers to the Harmonic Convergence as the 11:11, and regards it as the occurance of “permission to evolve”. It is around this time that Solar began her 11:11 work.

Solara conveys that 11:11 is our “wake-up call” and our “trigger of remembrance”. The significance of noticing 11:11 can be compared to a lucid dream, whereby the dreamer awakens within the dream state. 11:11 taps you on the shoulder, prompting you to look at the clock at exactly that time, and then winks at you as if to say “remember, this is only a dream”. 11:11 whispers in your ear “it’s time to wake up now”. 11:11 is like a glitch in the matrix that keeps popping up, telling us that something is not as it appears to be.

To make the connection between Solara’s message and transgenderism, it is necessary to first provide a brief background of the signficiance of 11:11. The following is exerpted from Solara’s website.


Repeated sightings of 11:11 have happened to millions throughout the world. Many want to know why this is happening? What does the 11:11 signify? For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to millions of people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during time of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on those seeing them. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Greater Reality. The 11:11 is an insertion point for the Greater Reality to enter the present moment. When this happens, it is time to stop whatever you are doing and LOOK LARGER.

You can enter the Greater Reality and travel deeper into the Invisible. You can seed a long held desire, receive a vision, ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply feel the Invisible insert itself into the present moment. The revelations you receive will not come in the form of mental concepts. Rather, it will be an enhanced state of being in which you will see everything as if with new eyes. A deeper understanding of what is truly real will surround you. It tells you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is real and what is illusory. It's time to pierce the veils of illusion which keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into a Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness.

The 11:11 is the bridge between duality and Oneness. It is our pathway into the Unknown. Each time we see the numbers 11:11, our cellular memory banks are further activated. There's a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten. The appearance of 11:11 is a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with the Greater Reality. The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention.

The purpose of the 11:11 Activation was to open the Doorway of the 11:11. This Doorway is the transition zone or bridge between two very different evolutionary spirals; our old one which is anchored in duality and the new evolutionary spiral of Oneness. Each evolutionary spiral is aligned with different Great Central Sun Systems. The Doorway of the 11:11 opened on January 11, 1992 and is now scheduled to close on November 11, 2011.

According to Solara’s message, during the period of 1/11/1992 to 11/11/2011, there will be 11 Gates/Doorways of human evolution presented. Of the 11 Doorways, 7 have been “activated” so far. Activations involve performing group ceremony/ritual at a specific time and place. Groups of literally tens of thousands of human lightworkers have made the journey to physically attend at that time/place to assist in the Activation. On seven different occasions and locations since 1992, lightworkers from around the globe have converged for the sake of evolution, with another four yet to come. Imagine a football stadium full of people, gathered together in some remote location, performing a ceremony to unlock an energy portal which will unleash the potential of human evolution. It is an understatement to say that Solara’s work has been revolutionary in the New Age community. In Solara’s words…

Within the Doorway of the 11:11 there are Eleven Gates. Each Gate is a stepping-up station to a new frequency band of energy. These Gates are similar to locks in a canal. Once a Gate is activated and entered, we begin an intense process of transformation and initiation as our beings are immersed in a new frequency patterning. Traveling upon these frequency bands, we master the lessons of each Gate until we arrive at the next Gate. Each Gate has a unique vibratory keynote with which we must align ourselves in a state of harmonic resonance. It is this process of alignment which gives us the needed recalibration so that we may travel deeper into the Invisible. The Gates of the 11:11 can be entered at any time once they have been activated, for we are not all on the same timing within our evolutionary spiral. Hence, you might be currently experiencing any or all of the first four Gates. However, a Gate may not be entered until it has been properly activated.

The First Gate - Healing our Hearts

The focus here is on the healing of our emotions. This requires a constant process of letting go, a continuous reevaluation of our old ways of feeling & loving. With this much needed healing of our individual hearts, we experience an activation of our One Heart. The One Heart is the heart of all. It is the core of our new emotional body. This means that we share the same heart, a much vaster and truer heart than before. The One Heart is the heart which cannot be broken. There is no more "giving" or "receiving" of love. Love simply is, a constant recycling, coming and going and recirculating. As we let go of the experiences of the past, we learn to live our Love.

The Second Gate - And the two shall become One

The keynote of the Second Gate is the two becoming One. This entails an intensive process of reunifying all our inherent polarities: inner male & female, Sun and Moon, spirit and matter, Earth and Star. Our new emotional bodies are strengthened, further anchoring the One Heart. We now embody the Lovers from Beyond the Stars; a deeper, vaster Love than we ever experienced as True Loves. The reunion of the Lovers from Beyond the Stars back into One Being creates the doorway into a new heightened level of Love called the Greater Love.

To read about Gates Three to Seven, visit www.nvisible.com

Solara’s information is relevant to the Transgender community because the Second Gate balances inherent polarities, including that of gender. I propose that transgendered people are evolving through Gate Two, and reunifying their inner male and female polarities. It is due to this balancing of inner gender influence that males are inclined to outwardly manifest their inner femininity, just as females are inclined to outwardly manifest their inner masculinity. Men exhibiting femininity should be celebrated because it is a sign of human evolution. Based upon Solara’s message, a man can not evolve without transcending Gate Two, which includes embracing his feminine self.

The linkage here is that Solara’s influential 11:11 message supports transgenderism. Those who resonate to the message of Solara, must also embrace transgenderism. If evolution through Gate Two requires the balancing of male/female, it follows that transgenderism is actually the state to which all humans must aspire if they are to evolve. A transgendered human is a more evolved human. All who align with Solara and have passed through Gate Two must themselves have become transgendered in the process.

At this precious moment of 11:11 on 11/11 of 11, the light in me salutes the light in you, the beautiful transgendered Ones. Know that you are in the right place, at the right time. When you see 11:11, be reminded that human evolution is quickening, and you are forerunners on this path. As say both Kryon and Solara, the time for balancing gender duality is NOW. Transgendered people are moving in an evolutionary direction.

With reverence,
Michele Angelique

Maybe a bit new agey, ok it is New Age, but any thoughts concerning the lenghth of the track, the title, the lyric Don't know wont know, is this an elaborate satire or more? Shine on until the two become one, the artwork net of being, the two images becoming one, what do you think?

03-20-2007, 05:13 AM
i see the number a lot on clocks

Twice a day? Not surprising.

03-20-2007, 09:21 AM
Twice a day? Not surprising.

why not? could just mean nothing that we have clocks to calculate time, get to work on time, watch your favorite tv show or some other meaningless shit, or our ability to precieve time, could be an imporant function in the mind, I mean hey consciouness can effect random number generators, and every time you look at a clock and you see 1111 or111or 1010 or some other ordering of 1s you get suspicious, psychotic thoughts even, like the ones in the song.
so I think they made the song that length for a reason.

03-20-2007, 09:23 AM
Rosetta stoned = tool's mission statement.
their Rosetta stone = H. + Triad + Third Eye + Gudge over this new mission statement.

I think they want us to lay off the drugs, pull our head out our hippy haze and give a listen.

11:11, pure beings juxtaposed?

It's time now, my time now....

03-20-2007, 09:44 AM
TheZuesanator, you sure you're not a Scientologist? LOL. All of that was complete crap, 11:11 couldn't possibly have any ancient purpose or signifigance....we wouldn't even have seen 11:11 if it weren't for digital clocks to begin with and for all ancient knew, we'd still be sitting there staring at fuckin' sundials in the present day.

03-20-2007, 10:22 AM
So I win

03-20-2007, 05:22 PM
why else would all these numbers keep popping up around you? Or why would there be so many other ''coincidences.''

Don't you see, God wants to see which of us finds the Rabbit's chocolate egg.

by jevons, from the intension thread

03-20-2007, 05:26 PM
I love being loved, or hated, whatever. Keep it up and you'll get an egg.

03-20-2007, 06:12 PM
At least I was right about Lipan Conjuring being a Meditation or a Relaxation to get us ready for Rosetta Stoned.

Lipan Conjuring: 1:11

Nothing says Preperation like a song thats 1:11.

03-20-2007, 07:58 PM
thank you I think we're getting somewhere

03-21-2007, 08:43 AM
At least I was right about Lipan Conjuring being a Meditation or a Relaxation to get us ready for Rosetta Stoned.

Says who?

03-21-2007, 08:58 AM
If you can stand to read this I think it raises some important questions concerning the song and the album as a whole

Solara has been highlighting the significance of 11:11 since approximately 1987, around the time of or shortly after the Harmonic Convergence. This was an important cosmic measurement point, where humanity was tested to determine whether to evolve/ascend to the next level… or not. The balance of humanity chose to evolve. As such, Kryon refers to the Harmonic Convergence as the 11:11, and regards it as the occurance of “permission to evolve”. It is around this time that Solar began her 11:11 work.

Solara conveys that 11:11 is our “wake-up call” and our “trigger of remembrance”. The significance of noticing 11:11 can be compared to a lucid dream, whereby the dreamer awakens within the dream state. 11:11 taps you on the shoulder, prompting you to look at the clock at exactly that time, and then winks at you as if to say “remember, this is only a dream”. 11:11 whispers in your ear “it’s time to wake up now”. 11:11 is like a glitch in the matrix that keeps popping up, telling us that something is not as it appears to be.

To make the connection between Solara’s message and transgenderism, it is necessary to first provide a brief background of the signficiance of 11:11. The following is exerpted from Solara’s website.


Repeated sightings of 11:11 have happened to millions throughout the world. Many want to know why this is happening? What does the 11:11 signify? For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to millions of people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during time of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on those seeing them. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Greater Reality. The 11:11 is an insertion point for the Greater Reality to enter the present moment. When this happens, it is time to stop whatever you are doing and LOOK LARGER.

You can enter the Greater Reality and travel deeper into the Invisible. You can seed a long held desire, receive a vision, ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply feel the Invisible insert itself into the present moment. The revelations you receive will not come in the form of mental concepts. Rather, it will be an enhanced state of being in which you will see everything as if with new eyes. A deeper understanding of what is truly real will surround you. It tells you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is real and what is illusory. It's time to pierce the veils of illusion which keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into a Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness.

The 11:11 is the bridge between duality and Oneness. It is our pathway into the Unknown. Each time we see the numbers 11:11, our cellular memory banks are further activated. There's a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten. The appearance of 11:11 is a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with the Greater Reality. The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention.

The purpose of the 11:11 Activation was to open the Doorway of the 11:11. This Doorway is the transition zone or bridge between two very different evolutionary spirals; our old one which is anchored in duality and the new evolutionary spiral of Oneness. Each evolutionary spiral is aligned with different Great Central Sun Systems. The Doorway of the 11:11 opened on January 11, 1992 and is now scheduled to close on November 11, 2011.

According to Solara’s message, during the period of 1/11/1992 to 11/11/2011, there will be 11 Gates/Doorways of human evolution presented. Of the 11 Doorways, 7 have been “activated” so far. Activations involve performing group ceremony/ritual at a specific time and place. Groups of literally tens of thousands of human lightworkers have made the journey to physically attend at that time/place to assist in the Activation. On seven different occasions and locations since 1992, lightworkers from around the globe have converged for the sake of evolution, with another four yet to come. Imagine a football stadium full of people, gathered together in some remote location, performing a ceremony to unlock an energy portal which will unleash the potential of human evolution. It is an understatement to say that Solara’s work has been revolutionary in the New Age community. In Solara’s words…

Within the Doorway of the 11:11 there are Eleven Gates. Each Gate is a stepping-up station to a new frequency band of energy. These Gates are similar to locks in a canal. Once a Gate is activated and entered, we begin an intense process of transformation and initiation as our beings are immersed in a new frequency patterning. Traveling upon these frequency bands, we master the lessons of each Gate until we arrive at the next Gate. Each Gate has a unique vibratory keynote with which we must align ourselves in a state of harmonic resonance. It is this process of alignment which gives us the needed recalibration so that we may travel deeper into the Invisible. The Gates of the 11:11 can be entered at any time once they have been activated, for we are not all on the same timing within our evolutionary spiral. Hence, you might be currently experiencing any or all of the first four Gates. However, a Gate may not be entered until it has been properly activated.

The First Gate - Healing our Hearts

The focus here is on the healing of our emotions. This requires a constant process of letting go, a continuous reevaluation of our old ways of feeling & loving. With this much needed healing of our individual hearts, we experience an activation of our One Heart. The One Heart is the heart of all. It is the core of our new emotional body. This means that we share the same heart, a much vaster and truer heart than before. The One Heart is the heart which cannot be broken. There is no more "giving" or "receiving" of love. Love simply is, a constant recycling, coming and going and recirculating. As we let go of the experiences of the past, we learn to live our Love.

The Second Gate - And the two shall become One

The keynote of the Second Gate is the two becoming One. This entails an intensive process of reunifying all our inherent polarities: inner male & female, Sun and Moon, spirit and matter, Earth and Star. Our new emotional bodies are strengthened, further anchoring the One Heart. We now embody the Lovers from Beyond the Stars; a deeper, vaster Love than we ever experienced as True Loves. The reunion of the Lovers from Beyond the Stars back into One Being creates the doorway into a new heightened level of Love called the Greater Love.

To read about Gates Three to Seven, visit www.nvisible.com

Solara’s information is relevant to the Transgender community because the Second Gate balances inherent polarities, including that of gender. I propose that transgendered people are evolving through Gate Two, and reunifying their inner male and female polarities. It is due to this balancing of inner gender influence that males are inclined to outwardly manifest their inner femininity, just as females are inclined to outwardly manifest their inner masculinity. Men exhibiting femininity should be celebrated because it is a sign of human evolution. Based upon Solara’s message, a man can not evolve without transcending Gate Two, which includes embracing his feminine self.

The linkage here is that Solara’s influential 11:11 message supports transgenderism. Those who resonate to the message of Solara, must also embrace transgenderism. If evolution through Gate Two requires the balancing of male/female, it follows that transgenderism is actually the state to which all humans must aspire if they are to evolve. A transgendered human is a more evolved human. All who align with Solara and have passed through Gate Two must themselves have become transgendered in the process.

At this precious moment of 11:11 on 11/11 of 11, the light in me salutes the light in you, the beautiful transgendered Ones. Know that you are in the right place, at the right time. When you see 11:11, be reminded that human evolution is quickening, and you are forerunners on this path. As say both Kryon and Solara, the time for balancing gender duality is NOW. Transgendered people are moving in an evolutionary direction.

With reverence,
Michele Angelique

Maybe a bit new agey, ok it is New Age, but any thoughts concerning the lenghth of the track, the title, the lyric Don't know wont know, is this an elaborate satire or more? Shine on until the two become one, the artwork net of being, the two images becoming one, what do you think?

wow...that is just reading waaaaay too much into it. Seriously...the song is 11 minutes and 11 seconds long..get over it...

03-21-2007, 09:02 AM
wow...that is just reading waaaaay too much into it. Seriously...the song is 11 minutes and 11 seconds long..get over it...


03-21-2007, 10:23 AM
See the ''fluxterpretation''. Head south a few words. The fact that this has massive ''mission statement'' capabilities means it could be a big deal. So, what the fuck?

The fact that 11:11 has actually been a lyric should precipitate into the connection being founded, plus the mission statement thing, plus the fact that there's four members of the band.

Seems like a cute little personification to me: The band that knew the score.

''Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers' souls in motion....''

''Eleven lead me through each gentle step by step by inch by loaded memory....''

The number has long been associated with unity, hadden't it?

Alex in Chains
03-23-2007, 02:39 AM
All of that was complete crap

What do you expect from someone who can't spell "Zeus"?

03-23-2007, 06:59 AM
just a question. which would you remember more 12:57 or 11:11? 11:11 seems like it would be easier to remember wouldnt it? you probably see 12:57 about as many times that you see 11:11, but since 11:11 consists of only 1's then it seems to catch the eye more. you ignore 12:57 cause the more variety in numbers makes it more difficult to remember then 11:11.

03-23-2007, 07:47 AM
just a question. which would you remember more 12:57 or 11:11? 11:11 seems like it would be easier to remember wouldnt it? you probably see 12:57 about as many times that you see 11:11, but since 11:11 consists of only 1's then it seems to catch the eye more. you ignore 12:57 cause the more variety in numbers makes it more difficult to remember then 11:11.

It's like when the sunset is all the same colour, except for a light blue. Hear me out, a blinking 12:00 is common, but 11:11 is one of a kind.


03-23-2007, 07:58 AM
just a question. which would you remember more 12:57 or 11:11? 11:11 seems like it would be easier to remember wouldnt it? you probably see 12:57 about as many times that you see 11:11, but since 11:11 consists of only 1's then it seems to catch the eye more. you ignore 12:57 cause the more variety in numbers makes it more difficult to remember then 11:11.

and your point iiiiisss.....*drum roll*..................

03-23-2007, 08:07 AM
It's like when the sunset is all the same colour, except for a light blue. Hear me out, a blinking 12:00 is common, but 11:11 is one of a kind.


so people on here had 11:11 blinking instead of 12:00? i would like to hear their stories. I thought everyone here was talking about just catching the time 11:11.

and your point iiiiisss.....*drum roll*..................

....my point is is that it only seems like a coincidence cause 11:11 is easier to remember then other times in the day. its psychological really.

.... *hits cymbal* ~~~

03-23-2007, 08:11 AM
[QUOTE=lllvllledusa;1822387]so people on here had 11:11 blinking instead of 12:00? i would like to hear their stories. I thought everyone here was talking about just catching the time 11:11.

No, i meant the sifgnificance of it. I was just tryi9ng to back you up. I failed.
*hangs head, pities things*
And it's the snare ye should be tapping.

03-23-2007, 08:31 AM
[QUOTE=lllvllledusa;1822387]so people on here had 11:11 blinking instead of 12:00? i would like to hear their stories. I thought everyone here was talking about just catching the time 11:11.

No, i meant the sifgnificance of it. I was just tryi9ng to back you up. I failed.
*hangs head, pities things*
And it's the snare ye should be tapping.

lol whoops... you think i could still try out for the drummer in your band? haha

03-23-2007, 08:31 AM
You're better than... what's his name? Nobody, yeah, fuck that guy, he's uut!

03-24-2007, 09:43 AM
Get a life dude.

03-24-2007, 02:27 PM
What do you expect from someone who can't spell "Zeus"?

someone has noticed my typo, with that and this thread combined I have lost all credability, thank you.

03-24-2007, 02:34 PM
Get a life dude.

1984 - present.

Get the fuck out or contribute something.

03-24-2007, 02:42 PM
if tool are the masterful musicians we believe them to be then I think they may have intentionally made the song this length for a reason, because of the synchronicity that happens with numbers, maynard talked about in that interview with the elton john glasses on. "the first thing kids noticed when they take acid and begin to realize thier metaphysical or spiritual self are the little synchronicities, like, wow, I looked at the clock today and it was 111 and didn't look at it again all day but when I did it was 555, isn't that trippy" terribly misquoted and he said isn't that trippy with a kind of disgust, and 1111 is the number of the illuminati in some of the things I've read but couldn't find again, so I posted that one thing for a refrence piece, even if that particular one is crap and makes me out to look like a scientologist, but when he said that he seemed like man they just don't it, please think bigger, that was you fucking sign we are not doomed just THINK. THat said, I think that the length of the song is signifigant, when compared to the lyrics, and the very last lines, don't know won't know and it ends on 11111, it may be a coincidence, bullshit, a waste of time, but i think that it makes sense, when I get more time I' going to put more into this with the lyrics.

03-26-2007, 09:35 AM
if tool are the masterful musicians we believe them to be then I think they may have intentionally made the song this length for a reason, because of the synchronicity that happens with numbers, maynard talked about in that interview with the elton john glasses on. "the first thing kids noticed when they take acid and begin to realize thier metaphysical or spiritual self are the little synchronicities, like, wow, I looked at the clock today and it was 111 and didn't look at it again all day but when I did it was 555, isn't that trippy" terribly misquoted and he said isn't that trippy with a kind of disgust, and 1111 is the number of the illuminati in some of the things I've read but couldn't find again, so I posted that one thing for a refrence piece, even if that particular one is crap and makes me out to look like a scientologist, but when he said that he seemed like man they just don't it, please think bigger, that was you fucking sign we are not doomed just THINK. THat said, I think that the length of the song is signifigant, when compared to the lyrics, and the very last lines, don't know won't know and it ends on 11111, it may be a coincidence, bullshit, a waste of time, but i think that it makes sense, when I get more time I' going to put more into this with the lyrics.

Yeah, work on your english a little with that spare time too. A lot of what you said made no sense.

03-27-2007, 10:07 AM
Inner..what are you talking about? Tool ARE masterful musicians!


03-27-2007, 10:10 AM
And you are a masterful thanksgiving dinner.

03-27-2007, 10:16 AM
ahh thank you...aren't I perty?

03-27-2007, 10:32 AM
It makes me want to throw up everytime i see it. But i'm sure you're very pretty.

03-27-2007, 10:41 AM

03-27-2007, 10:41 AM

03-27-2007, 10:56 AM
This thread has officially gone to shit

...be back half hour

03-27-2007, 10:59 AM
ahh geez...we done it again...we went off topic for 20 seconds..thanks a lot Jevs...

03-27-2007, 11:08 AM
What has been said is enough, i am only cawing and bawgawking to increase the reader base.

Jevons believes in his posts, jevons believes in a stronger, unified tomorrow in TDN.

vote jevons.

03-27-2007, 11:30 AM
I believe in drinking a nice cold beer when I get home from work.

03-27-2007, 11:37 AM
I have been reading you guys for days... thanks *smiles*

03-27-2007, 12:36 PM

03-27-2007, 12:38 PM
Well jevons believes you should have two beers, and that those beers should bear a lower liquor tax.

vote jevons.

03-27-2007, 12:40 PM
Jevons for president...

America would rule.

03-27-2007, 12:41 PM
I have been reading you guys for days... thanks *smiles*

And jevons even believes in the stalkers, those lurkers, those in the bushes with their pants down. They are as crucial as the homeless person, the crack head, all those individuals that make this great Nation-State of ours worth fighting, and usually dying for.

payed for by the Jevons for Leader campaign '07.

buttons available at www.freedomtoast.com

03-27-2007, 12:46 PM
haha...tell me Jevs..what does your campaign consist of?

03-27-2007, 12:47 PM
*trying to think of catchy slogan*

03-27-2007, 12:51 PM
My campaign consists of a chicken in every pot, a malformed foetus in every womb, and a new era, a time of peace for the good people of TDN, who have suffered, suffered through time of recessiopn, of oppression, of hate.
We are the future, and it is time to take what's ours.

In god we trust, and we find god on money in our pockets,

vote jevons.

03-27-2007, 12:52 PM
How's this for catchy: It's 10:10 PM, do you know where your children are? Jevons does, and that means he's the man for the job.


Keep placid, immerse yourself in Jevons.

03-27-2007, 12:53 PM
Hmmm...that would be better than the one I came up with...la dee dee

03-27-2007, 02:26 PM
[QUOTE=jevons;1830161]And jevons even believes in the stalkers, those lurkers, those in the bushes with their pants down.

Hey, Im no stalker... yet. Im just somebody who just discovered Tool and stubbled upon the website by accident, looking for a connection to the universe that probubly doesn't exist... and who couldn't get into thier email for some godforsaken F-ing reason so I couldn't verify and post before... I've been posting shit like that for days, only to be told my account hadn't been activated... dont worry, people *grins* I wont just be an observer any longer...

03-27-2007, 02:27 PM
Alright... so I haven't figured out how to quote yet...big deal *hangs head in shame*

03-27-2007, 03:14 PM
How to quote? Click "Reply with quote"??

03-28-2007, 07:54 AM
[QUOTE=jevons;1830161]And jevons even believes in the stalkers, those lurkers, those in the bushes with their pants down.

Hey, Im no stalker... yet. Im just somebody who just discovered Tool and stubbled upon the website by accident, looking for a connection to the universe that probubly doesn't exist... and who couldn't get into thier email for some godforsaken F-ing reason so I couldn't verify and post before... I've been posting shit like that for days, only to be told my account hadn't been activated... dont worry, people *grins* I wont just be an observer any longer...

Jevons understands your problem. Why, back in college, jevons had a similar problem. Some say there is still an undecorated avatar out there, down there, in the dusty halls of tdn, waiting to be opened and driven. Some say it holds the key to eternal life, down there in the dust.
And if elected, i plan to sweep those halls clean. Because TDN cannot stand-- for 4 more years of nepitism, rascalism, and all these smarty folk that say we come descended from monkeys. That's not my culture and heritage. Is that your culture and heritage?

vote jevons, let's sweep this state clean.

03-28-2007, 08:45 AM
Hehe, the avatar will come... I just need to do some digging myself... and yes... Im decended from monkeys, you can tell but the way I bang on the keyboard!

03-28-2007, 09:28 AM

03-28-2007, 09:40 AM
Hehe, the avatar will come... I just need to do some digging myself... and yes... Im decended from monkeys, you can tell but the way I bang on the keyboard!

No no, i was sympathising. I have an old SN down in the vaults.

Solidarity, turkey sisters.

*turkey dances*

03-28-2007, 10:18 AM
<---Hasn't even bothered with an avatar after years of being on here.

03-28-2007, 10:19 AM
you can borrow mine until you find one half as intelligent Inner, haha..joking

03-28-2007, 10:20 AM
you can borrow mine until you find one half as intelligent Inner, haha..joking

Finding one as half as intelligent as a turkey would require quite some research. And about 2 1/2 times the intelligence to do so.

03-28-2007, 10:22 AM
<---Hasn't even bothered with an avatar after years of being on here.

Jesus Christ, am i speaking Greek? It had nothing to do with the avatar, it was about the dude having problems with opening his account. The avatar was window dressing for the sentence.


vote jevons

and congratulations on being the guy without an avatar, it makes you special.

''Ladies and gentlemen, do you really want a Leader who won't even take the time to clean his own house?"

vote jevons, let's sweep this state clean.

03-28-2007, 10:33 AM
the thread that went haywire

03-28-2007, 10:40 AM
this thread went Jevons.

Next stop, the moon.

We are only doing the honourable thing. To debate length of tracks is silly; sure, there are things to be said, but they're all so trivial compared to, oh, i dunno, the music.

03-28-2007, 10:41 AM
we should start a "Jevons, Hobble, Inner" thread, no one else allowed. Anyone else who dare enter will be subject to severe punishment and fines up to $200,000.00. Eh?

03-28-2007, 10:45 AM
this thread went Jevons.

Next stop, the moon.

We are only doing the honourable thing. To debate length of tracks is silly; sure, there are things to be said, but they're all so trivial compared to, oh, i dunno, the music.

True. There's no denying you entered this thread knowing exactly what it was about though....

03-28-2007, 12:41 PM
Has anyone bothered to take notice of how many micrometeres thick a CD is?
If we were to use the length of a human penis as exactly one unit of measurement, then figure the co-sine, multiply that by 11 to the negative 11, we would get, (if we use a 400x lens) a perfect representation of four very small penises with two little dots in between, which are really erect penises see from a birdseye view which have been disembodied. Therefore, we actually have six penises, and not two, as someone else has postulated. Then we divide that by the difference, which in this case would be two, and are left with 1+1+1+1=4=number of neutrons in a fully developed penis atom.
Also 11 is always a gay number and gayness is contagious. Even though they cannot reproduce they multiply by taking any innocent heterosexual integer and make it gay through ****-multiplication.
For instance 7---a perfectly fine number until 11 comes in, butfucks it and now the 7 is 77. An obviously gay number.
You can also see this with 3. Expose it to the corrupting influence of 11 and now the decent 3 you've grown to respect as a religious number (the Holy Trinity) all of a sudden becomes a raging ****: 33!
And since 3s are really asses facing right the negativeQ-factor applies and it becomes
-33 Now you can see actual butfucking taking place since the -is a penis facing to the left.
Jesus died at age 33. So he couldn't have possibly had children. He was gay!

03-28-2007, 12:44 PM
Now do you see?

03-28-2007, 01:34 PM
okay, it would have been far more entertaining without the penis. Just a bit loud, a bit...uhh...obvious...

03-28-2007, 01:39 PM
Has anyone bothered to take notice of how many micrometeres thick a CD is?
If we were to use the length of a human penis as exactly one unit of measurement, then figure the co-sine, multiply that by 11 to the negative 11, we would get, (if we use a 400x lens) a perfect representation of four very small penises with two little dots in between, which are really erect penises see from a birdseye view which have been disembodied. Therefore, we actually have six penises, and not two, as someone else has postulated. Then we divide that by the difference, which in this case would be two, and are left with 1+1+1+1=4=number of neutrons in a fully developed penis atom.
Also 11 is always a gay number and gayness is contagious. Even though they cannot reproduce they multiply by taking any innocent heterosexual integer and make it gay through ****-multiplication.
For instance 7---a perfectly fine number until 11 comes in, butfucks it and now the 7 is 77. An obviously gay number.
You can also see this with 3. Expose it to the corrupting influence of 11 and now the decent 3 you've grown to respect as a religious number (the Holy Trinity) all of a sudden becomes a raging ****: 33!
And since 3s are really asses facing right the negativeQ-factor applies and it becomes
-33 Now you can see actual butfucking taking place since the -is a penis facing to the left.
Jesus died at age 33. So he couldn't have possibly had children. He was gay!


03-29-2007, 09:58 AM
Has anyone bothered to take notice of how many micrometeres thick a CD is?
If we were to use the length of a human penis as exactly one unit of measurement, then figure the co-sine, multiply that by 11 to the negative 11, we would get, (if we use a 400x lens) a perfect representation of four very small penises with two little dots in between, which are really erect penises see from a birdseye view which have been disembodied. Therefore, we actually have six penises, and not two, as someone else has postulated. Then we divide that by the difference, which in this case would be two, and are left with 1+1+1+1=4=number of neutrons in a fully developed penis atom.
Also 11 is always a gay number and gayness is contagious. Even though they cannot reproduce they multiply by taking any innocent heterosexual integer and make it gay through ****-multiplication.
For instance 7---a perfectly fine number until 11 comes in, butfucks it and now the 7 is 77. An obviously gay number.
You can also see this with 3. Expose it to the corrupting influence of 11 and now the decent 3 you've grown to respect as a religious number (the Holy Trinity) all of a sudden becomes a raging ****: 33!
And since 3s are really asses facing right the negativeQ-factor applies and it becomes
-33 Now you can see actual butfucking taking place since the -is a penis facing to the left.
Jesus died at age 33. So he couldn't have possibly had children. He was gay!

What can I say, the guy digs penis. To each their own

03-29-2007, 11:16 AM
Discriminater. Hater. Hatehatehate hate.

Quick, come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help, help, Tryptosaur's bein repressed.

Fuck i miss Monty Python.

03-29-2007, 05:53 PM
1984 - present.

Get the fuck out or contribute something.

enough said...well mabey not, when you sit thier in your computer chair or whatever you use and take time to get on websites and post negative comments that do nothing for the conversation you obviously dont have to much of a life your self...stereotipical hypocrite

03-29-2007, 06:00 PM
Defense? I could get used to this.

author of bible
03-29-2007, 10:42 PM
vote for jevons...

after all we DO live in the "heaven of fools"...

03-30-2007, 08:36 AM
If you can stand to read this I think it raises some important questions concerning the song and the album as a whole

Solara has been highlighting the significance of 11:11 since approximately 1987, around the time of or shortly after the Harmonic Convergence. This was an important cosmic measurement point, where humanity was tested to determine whether to evolve/ascend to the next level… or not. The balance of humanity chose to evolve. As such, Kryon refers to the Harmonic Convergence as the 11:11, and regards it as the occurance of “permission to evolve”. It is around this time that Solar began her 11:11 work.

Solara conveys that 11:11 is our “wake-up call” and our “trigger of remembrance”. The significance of noticing 11:11 can be compared to a lucid dream, whereby the dreamer awakens within the dream state. 11:11 taps you on the shoulder, prompting you to look at the clock at exactly that time, and then winks at you as if to say “remember, this is only a dream”. 11:11 whispers in your ear “it’s time to wake up now”. 11:11 is like a glitch in the matrix that keeps popping up, telling us that something is not as it appears to be.

To make the connection between Solara’s message and transgenderism, it is necessary to first provide a brief background of the signficiance of 11:11. The following is exerpted from Solara’s website.


Repeated sightings of 11:11 have happened to millions throughout the world. Many want to know why this is happening? What does the 11:11 signify? For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to millions of people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during time of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on those seeing them. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Greater Reality. The 11:11 is an insertion point for the Greater Reality to enter the present moment. When this happens, it is time to stop whatever you are doing and LOOK LARGER.

You can enter the Greater Reality and travel deeper into the Invisible. You can seed a long held desire, receive a vision, ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply feel the Invisible insert itself into the present moment. The revelations you receive will not come in the form of mental concepts. Rather, it will be an enhanced state of being in which you will see everything as if with new eyes. A deeper understanding of what is truly real will surround you. It tells you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is real and what is illusory. It's time to pierce the veils of illusion which keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into a Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness.

The 11:11 is the bridge between duality and Oneness. It is our pathway into the Unknown. Each time we see the numbers 11:11, our cellular memory banks are further activated. There's a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten. The appearance of 11:11 is a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with the Greater Reality. The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention.

The purpose of the 11:11 Activation was to open the Doorway of the 11:11. This Doorway is the transition zone or bridge between two very different evolutionary spirals; our old one which is anchored in duality and the new evolutionary spiral of Oneness. Each evolutionary spiral is aligned with different Great Central Sun Systems. The Doorway of the 11:11 opened on January 11, 1992 and is now scheduled to close on November 11, 2011.

According to Solara’s message, during the period of 1/11/1992 to 11/11/2011, there will be 11 Gates/Doorways of human evolution presented. Of the 11 Doorways, 7 have been “activated” so far. Activations involve performing group ceremony/ritual at a specific time and place. Groups of literally tens of thousands of human lightworkers have made the journey to physically attend at that time/place to assist in the Activation. On seven different occasions and locations since 1992, lightworkers from around the globe have converged for the sake of evolution, with another four yet to come. Imagine a football stadium full of people, gathered together in some remote location, performing a ceremony to unlock an energy portal which will unleash the potential of human evolution. It is an understatement to say that Solara’s work has been revolutionary in the New Age community. In Solara’s words…

Within the Doorway of the 11:11 there are Eleven Gates. Each Gate is a stepping-up station to a new frequency band of energy. These Gates are similar to locks in a canal. Once a Gate is activated and entered, we begin an intense process of transformation and initiation as our beings are immersed in a new frequency patterning. Traveling upon these frequency bands, we master the lessons of each Gate until we arrive at the next Gate. Each Gate has a unique vibratory keynote with which we must align ourselves in a state of harmonic resonance. It is this process of alignment which gives us the needed recalibration so that we may travel deeper into the Invisible. The Gates of the 11:11 can be entered at any time once they have been activated, for we are not all on the same timing within our evolutionary spiral. Hence, you might be currently experiencing any or all of the first four Gates. However, a Gate may not be entered until it has been properly activated.

The First Gate - Healing our Hearts

The focus here is on the healing of our emotions. This requires a constant process of letting go, a continuous reevaluation of our old ways of feeling & loving. With this much needed healing of our individual hearts, we experience an activation of our One Heart. The One Heart is the heart of all. It is the core of our new emotional body. This means that we share the same heart, a much vaster and truer heart than before. The One Heart is the heart which cannot be broken. There is no more "giving" or "receiving" of love. Love simply is, a constant recycling, coming and going and recirculating. As we let go of the experiences of the past, we learn to live our Love.

The Second Gate - And the two shall become One

The keynote of the Second Gate is the two becoming One. This entails an intensive process of reunifying all our inherent polarities: inner male & female, Sun and Moon, spirit and matter, Earth and Star. Our new emotional bodies are strengthened, further anchoring the One Heart. We now embody the Lovers from Beyond the Stars; a deeper, vaster Love than we ever experienced as True Loves. The reunion of the Lovers from Beyond the Stars back into One Being creates the doorway into a new heightened level of Love called the Greater Love.

To read about Gates Three to Seven, visit www.nvisible.com

Solara’s information is relevant to the Transgender community because the Second Gate balances inherent polarities, including that of gender. I propose that transgendered people are evolving through Gate Two, and reunifying their inner male and female polarities. It is due to this balancing of inner gender influence that males are inclined to outwardly manifest their inner femininity, just as females are inclined to outwardly manifest their inner masculinity. Men exhibiting femininity should be celebrated because it is a sign of human evolution. Based upon Solara’s message, a man can not evolve without transcending Gate Two, which includes embracing his feminine self.

The linkage here is that Solara’s influential 11:11 message supports transgenderism. Those who resonate to the message of Solara, must also embrace transgenderism. If evolution through Gate Two requires the balancing of male/female, it follows that transgenderism is actually the state to which all humans must aspire if they are to evolve. A transgendered human is a more evolved human. All who align with Solara and have passed through Gate Two must themselves have become transgendered in the process.

At this precious moment of 11:11 on 11/11 of 11, the light in me salutes the light in you, the beautiful transgendered Ones. Know that you are in the right place, at the right time. When you see 11:11, be reminded that human evolution is quickening, and you are forerunners on this path. As say both Kryon and Solara, the time for balancing gender duality is NOW. Transgendered people are moving in an evolutionary direction.

With reverence,
Michele Angelique

Maybe a bit new agey, ok it is New Age, but any thoughts concerning the lenghth of the track, the title, the lyric Don't know wont know, is this an elaborate satire or more? Shine on until the two become one, the artwork net of being, the two images becoming one, what do you think?

I have never done drugs, smoked, or drank alcohol! and i see the number alot on my clock 11:11 (just getting back on maynard's quote) and so does the number 3:33. and there are some "cult" or whatever who are buying people off.. check : http://www.1111spiritguardians.com/
the number has some sorta spiritual aura around it. i started seeing it at a certain of time where a big change in my life happend. so i believe that it has something into it. but i dont want to join a sick "cult" that believes that they are the "chosen ones" .... hmmm ?? could it be....

i know the length is significant. infact very!! its just a feeling. probably people would say to shove that feeling up my ass!! but i dont care. its what the song represents to me. i think the ^^quote^^ has beautiful information. and i think i can really really relate it to my expriences. thanks for the info thezuesanator, please keep posting.

03-30-2007, 10:10 AM
Those who fill the world with lies have had such practise at it that they can make it seem not only true, but symmetrical to the ''universal'' truths.

Like how easy it is for people to spend their lives in shit factories, feeling ''a part of the organization.''

The darkness presents itself as light, therefore the light must be defined, understood to a pure degree.
Which is where our years as scientists come in.
No accident, no coincidences.
No time.

''...stretching up and over me. Soften this old armour, hoping i can clear the way by stepping through my shadow, and coming out the other side. Step into the shadow, 46 and 2 it's just ahead of me."

03-30-2007, 12:27 PM
I'm not the one who's into penises.
I have one of my own and it's the only one I need.
Whoever started the thing about 1+1=gay sex is the one to take a look at.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. I just thought that the implication that a 1=a penis was hilarious!

03-30-2007, 12:29 PM
the important thing is, are you voting jevons?

He'd vote for you...

author of bible
03-30-2007, 02:13 PM
lets see..
jevons= "G" ones
= G times ones...
drop the G ..
lets all vote 1's....

03-30-2007, 04:22 PM
I misplaced my copy of 10,000 days a couple of months back and to fill in the need to hear I downloaded an mp3 version. Now i cannot remember if the track length is listed on the sleeve, but the length of my mp3 of rosetta is 11:14. As you all seem to unaminously agree that its 11:11 in length Im thinking that it was listed as such even if the real track length does not correlate. If its just my mp3 thats like that fair enough (but I dont see how as its just ripped from the cd) but if its like that on the cd then I presume its done intentionally, it a real coincidence that this 11:11 theory references two becoming one and we do know that Tool like their numerology (vigniti tres). Good find.

03-30-2007, 04:26 PM
All of this is very interesting, but what does the song make you feel, exactly?

And authour of bible, what the fuck are you talking about?
jevons is my Irish last name, which is English, which was French, which means ''i go'' in very bad grammar.
Je viens = jevons, somehow....

I think they mock numerology.

03-30-2007, 05:07 PM
^^^ Yes I think they do too. Tool have a strange relationship with 'new age' philosophy they seem to both be intensely fascinated and highly amused by it simultaneously. I think it comes from a love of classic rock like Led Zep and the Stones they were always portrayed as dabbling in occult and new age stuff. I think Tool both emulate and mock this element of rock music - kinda like Tenacious D (in this respect only) but with far more intelligence and subtlety.

"Work hard. Stay in school. Listen to your Mother. Your Father is right"

author of bible
03-31-2007, 04:29 PM
All of this is very interesting, but what does the song make you feel, exactly?

And authour of bible, what the fuck are you talking about?
jevons is my Irish last name, which is English, which was French, which means ''i go'' in very bad grammar.
Je viens = jevons, somehow....

I think they mock numerology.

just an innocuous attempt to pull numbers outta your nick...
no offenses meant dude...

masta killa
03-31-2007, 08:55 PM
I don't look into it that much, I think it just happens to be the length of the song. I do think the whole idea is interesting though and I was amused by a lot of the other posts here.

04-01-2007, 02:26 PM
i will personally flog the next human being who mentions tool and Mick Jagger's band in the same breath.

Cat 'o nine tails.

Fuck little mick jagger, aka GoatBoy.

author of bible
04-01-2007, 03:47 PM
i will personally flog the next human being who mentions tool and Mick Jagger's band in the same breath.

Cat 'o nine tails.

Fuck little mick jagger, aka GoatBoy.


04-04-2007, 07:00 PM
I think it is possible that we are the aliens, we are alienated from each other in a sense and from nature almost entirely. The imagry is just a projection of an archetypal figure from our collective unconscious pionting into the future, so there is this precognitve aspect to it as well. Aliens are highly advanced technologically and travel space and even time in Si-Fi literature.
The guy takes some drugs that penetrate th e boudry of normal consciousness and bring those type of archetypal figures into consciuosness( I once fought the Devil aka my shadow durring a trip) among other types of awareness. However this particular guy ended up in the hospital as a result of his trip. In all the articles I 've researched on LSD the hospital is the place you don't want to go, it will not help. So his trip has gone awry
Lipan conjuring starts out with this sacred type of chanting and progresses to an angry sream the scream of a race divided within and among ourselves. Perhaps the drugs could be used for a spiritual experience but not in this guys experience, he is the stereotypical drug user, trying to go to sleep, escape, and is unconsious. THe scream is echoed throught the rest of the song. He has seen our future THE FUCKING ALIENS we will become if we don't wake up(11:11). He is the one the chosen one, but he didn't graduate from high school he is unsure of himself and insecure but he is a hero. The hereo starts from humble begings and does the hero thing, chek out Joeseph campbell Hero of a THousand Faces.
We are all heros we can do it we can make the jouney through to self-awareness. This is a simultaneously satirical, tragic, and hopeful song depending on the listener. Above all it is one of there most powerful songs in my opinion and in my top ten. What I am getting at is that this song is telling us to wake up and why we must, we are the chosen ones if that helps, narssissism is something you have to take into consideration when dealing with ourselves.
So it is not a coincedence that this song's length is 11;11 when that number is considered a trigger for us to think bigger wake up and evolve.
I hope this clears up any vagueness that has been going on with this thread, and I welcome all critiscm even if it involves penises, campiegns or scientologist accusations, I know you are just projecting your shadows onto my persona I display as thezuesanator. And I onto yours....um should I say that?
I f anyone would like to take this further and pick out all the details following this type of thought It would be wonderful I just don't have the time right now but want to keep this thread ALIVE!

04-04-2007, 08:57 PM
freud wrote a whole entire book on the latent content humor reveals

04-04-2007, 09:22 PM
hot dogs lots of hot dogs every day and i don't know why they're the only thing i eat

04-04-2007, 09:31 PM
but whaT about the other stuff penises were the only thing you picked out of it and that was your first association to the numbers, you could critisize my interpretation at least

author of bible
04-05-2007, 02:43 AM
and the thread lives on..

04-18-2007, 01:54 PM
One could take anything and spin infinite levels of meaning from it.
Even when actually taking 1.
And no, I don't mean in the...

04-18-2007, 02:36 PM
freud wrote a whole entire book on the latent content humor reveals

The dirty jokes about Bosnians he trades on the train, then they forget what they were talking about... priceless.

04-18-2007, 05:13 PM
Always the naysayers....
Begin: Begin the system of letting go! Let go of what you think is impossible. Hell, people have believed in crazier shit that any of the '11 theories.' I have personally been running into that number and making people think I'm some kind of crazy-person for years talking about it. (My younger brother for one thought I was crazy until one day we were talking about it and a small piece of paper came blowing by. I hadn't seen what was written on it and I said,"U think I'm crazy? And then I picked up the paper and it was one of the "Inspected by" tags from an underwear package. And yes, Inspected by "#11" From then on he's been less likely to call me crazy"
In any case, Start the letting go process, people, and things you may now think are foolish or impossible may not be as ludicrous as you think now. TRY something new. "Question authority.
Back to the 11's: I've created my own theories about what it was or what it meant, and tho, I am very interested, have never heard of this"Solaris" either, but that's kind of what I thought it was...something the universe (GOD if u must) was trying to tell me....I'm still learning....still searching....
what I want to stick here is for people to open their minds about things like this...
and to remember this: Believe it, and its true (to you) so what do you beleive>?

04-18-2007, 06:12 PM
Okay, maybe the song length is 11:11 because, similarly to the character in the story (the chosen one,) people who attach significance to these numbers have acquired a false sense of enlightenment.

People everywhere think they're "chosen" because they look at the clock at 11:11 each day.

(Incidentally, I think a lot of this album is about false enlightenment which makes it an interesting followup to Lateralus. Maybe that's why a lot of people don't like it as much; they're subconsciously picking up on all of the negative stuff without realizing it was intentional.)

I dont agree that it is negative. I feel that it's more of an interpretive view of Lateralus, and where Lateralus has brought us collectively. (Hopefully) Negative comes with the posative and I think this album is very straight-forward for a reason. Maybe because it could be.

I think that this song depicts the feeling of enlightenment in all its fearful glory and then the inevitable feeling of coming down brought on by him saying or thinking during the time of enlightenment, that he wondered "Will I ever be coming down?"
By saying this key phrase the enlightened puts up a barrier of reality in the middle of their unconscious enlightenment that their time in this place of knowledge and serenity is condemned to dwindle,almost asking for it. The enlightened feels like they "shit the bed" or "shit the bed again." Because they know that the human mind isn't capable of maintaining that level of conscious enlightenment. But lets not be negative, because this proves that it is possible to use our minds to speak freely to one another move things with our minds and even alter our state of reality. So, we got that goin' for us.

go mushrooms!

04-18-2007, 06:39 PM
Okay, maybe the song length is 11:11 because, similarly to the character in the story (the chosen one,) people who attach significance to these numbers have acquired a false sense of enlightenment.

People everywhere think they're "chosen" because they look at the clock at 11:11 each day.

(Incidentally, I think a lot of this album is about false enlightenment which makes it an interesting followup to Lateralus. Maybe that's why a lot of people don't like it as much; they're subconsciously picking up on all of the negative stuff without realizing it was intentional.)

its not that they think there chosen, maybe some do. You are missing the point. To look at a clock does not mean you are enlightened, it is the repetition of and it being a synchronitic-like experience. THe fact that many people experience it makes it phenomenon. It has become a theory in terms of the evolution of our consciouness, as a signpost to open yourself to more. Perhaps a colletive realization of unity consciuosness, and it does not have to be reduced to only this particular experience. So i sugest that the length of the track is sugesting this becuase of the disharmonic consciouness of the guy in the song.

04-21-2007, 10:12 AM
anyone noticed the time that the story in disgustipated begins? maybe at one minute and eleven seconds, anyone ever notice the song jimmy where maynard wails eleven seven times, the number eleven is a parabola, the number one looks just like a um well a line, maybe we should read between the lines

05-23-2007, 06:52 PM
I saw the cut-out from Revolver when they were in it, and the clock points to both 11 and 23 (the clock had 24 numbers on it, I think).

05-23-2007, 06:53 PM
11 is not a parabola, it's a palindrome (sic)

05-23-2007, 07:26 PM
I'm glad the mods left this one alone ... see! You could've banned somebody. Bring back Slicknickshady. (the only awesome Tool-head from D-town)

06-13-2007, 04:49 PM
i dunno but i read this on facebook... maybe it could help a lil?

The Mayan Calendar reaches the end of its Great Cycle at 11:11 universal time, the solstice. The Great Cycle is 5,125 years long, and began in 3114 BC. For the Mayans, the end of the cycle symbolised a rebirth into a new era.

So... they think that December 21, 2012 is The Apocalypse somehow. Is this all bullshit? Thoughts plz.

06-13-2007, 07:12 PM
I haven't ever seen or read a reputable source mention hours or minutes when refering to 12/21/2012. I've only seen that info tossed around on forums and such, mainly this one.

Will it be AM or PM? Or since Universal time refers to G.M.T., am I to assume the time is based on the 24 hour clock? In which case the 'world will end' at 5:11 am in the Mayan time zone?

I don't think hours or minutes or 11:11 fit in with the Mayan stuff, and as for the long count calender / great cycle ending, I just always assumed they got bored with it, or sick of writing it out, or they ran out of room on that big calender pyramid.

In my opinion, it is total horseshit (the apocalypse that is; if I'm wrong, I owe each of you a Coke, hell, make it a blowjob). This is all based on many assumptions, the first of which is that they are even translating the language/numbers properly. Some people still insist that it will be 12/23.

If anyone knows of any real correlation of the time and date I'd loved to know about it.

06-14-2007, 05:51 AM
I don't think hours or minutes or 11:11 fit in with the Mayan stuff, and as for the long count calender / great cycle ending, I just always assumed they got bored with it, or sick of writing it out, or they ran out of room on that big calender pyramid.

In my opinion, it is total horseshit (the apocalypse that is; if I'm wrong, I owe each of you a Coke, hell, make it a blowjob). This is all based on many assumptions, the first of which is that they are even translating the language/numbers properly. Some people still insist that it will be 12/23.

If anyone knows of any real correlation of the time and date I'd loved to know about it.

My thoughts exactly. i just assume its bull, but i wouldnt mind hearing from someone about it who actually knows what they're talking about. Or maybe I could just look some of it up myself, and stop being a lazy ass.

uh... did i mention this song is the shit, by the way?

06-14-2007, 09:26 AM
I haven't ever seen or read a reputable source mention hours or minutes when refering to 12/21/2012. I've only seen that info tossed around on forums and such, mainly this one.

Will it be AM or PM? Or since Universal time refers to G.M.T., am I to assume the time is based on the 24 hour clock? In which case the 'world will end' at 5:11 am in the Mayan time zone?

I don't think hours or minutes or 11:11 fit in with the Mayan stuff, and as for the long count calender / great cycle ending, I just always assumed they got bored with it, or sick of writing it out, or they ran out of room on that big calender pyramid.

In my opinion, it is total horseshit (the apocalypse that is; if I'm wrong, I owe each of you a Coke, hell, make it a blowjob). This is all based on many assumptions, the first of which is that they are even translating the language/numbers properly. Some people still insist that it will be 12/23.

If anyone knows of any real correlation of the time and date I'd loved to know about it.

I read all of that and heard free blowjob...where do I sign?

06-14-2007, 10:14 AM
I read all of that and heard free blowjob...where do I sign?

Just PM me on 12/22/2012 (or 12/24) and I'll be right over (assuming the apocalypse happens, of course). You sure you wouldn't rather have a coke?

06-14-2007, 10:18 AM
i'll take a coke. *mooch*

06-14-2007, 10:34 AM
Seriously though, I haven't found anything anywhere that gives the time of day that everything is supposed to go down on 12/21/2012. So, as for 11:11 having to do with the Mayan phenomenon, I think we can put that to rest.

For those who think the track length is a coincidence, you have to take into account Lost Keys. By dividing the song into 2 tracks, which segue with approximately 10 seconds of feedback, gave them the little bit of fudge room to make it exactly 11:11. Calculating the length of a song in the writing stage is fairly easy if you know the time sigs and the BPMs.

I personally dig the correlation to the 'false sense of enlightenment' theory posited by others in this thread. That seems like the clever, smart-ass Tool that I've come to know and love.

PS I hope that the Four Horsemen blast Opiate on a boom box when the shit goes down.

06-14-2007, 05:56 PM

This is definitely a first, Inner and Hobble agreeing on something.

06-14-2007, 08:57 PM
I have never done drugs, smoked, or drank alcohol! and i see the number alot on my clock 11:11 (just getting back on maynard's quote) and so does the number 3:33. and there are some "cult" or whatever who are buying people off.. check : http://www.1111spiritguardians.com/
the number has some sorta spiritual aura around it. i started seeing it at a certain of time where a big change in my life happend. so i believe that it has something into it. but i dont want to join a sick "cult" that believes that they are the "chosen ones" .... hmmm ?? could it be....

i know the length is significant. infact very!! its just a feeling. probably people would say to shove that feeling up my ass!! but i dont care. its what the song represents to me. i think the ^^quote^^ has beautiful information. and i think i can really really relate it to my expriences. thanks for the info thezuesanator, please keep posting.

It's an overwhelming feeling of peace and "I'll be alright"-edness that comes with 11:11. It's happened to me too during huge changes in my life and the deaths of loved ones. It seems to be a reminder that they(the deceased/hyper-conscious) are alright, and I will be too. Very reassuring, and I feel a wave of energy pass through me as I write this too, as though it is important/good news.

[On a side note, I have been seeing 11:23 a lot too. I mean daily. It's message seems to demand respect, but offer BOTH overwhelming hope, and iverwhelming warning.]

Wait, huge though occured. Freaky waves are getting stronger. The line "A message of hope to those who choose to hear it, and a warning to those who don't" keeps coming into my head.

By the way, I'm hardcore straight edge and a 4.0 student, so I'm not high or crazy.

06-15-2007, 09:19 AM
Just PM me on 12/22/2012 (or 12/24) and I'll be right over (assuming the apocalypse happens, of course). You sure you wouldn't rather have a coke?

I suppose that depends on if you're a guy or girl...I answered a little too quickly yesterday and didn't take that thought into account...lol Anyhow, I don't see how ANY guy in their right mind would take up a Coke over a good BJ

06-15-2007, 09:26 AM
It's an overwhelming feeling of peace and "I'll be alright"-edness that comes with 11:11. It's happened to me too during huge changes in my life and the deaths of loved ones. It seems to be a reminder that they(the deceased/hyper-conscious) are alright, and I will be too. Very reassuring, and I feel a wave of energy pass through me as I write this too, as though it is important/good news.

[On a side note, I have been seeing 11:23 a lot too. I mean daily. It's message seems to demand respect, but offer BOTH overwhelming hope, and iverwhelming warning.]

Wait, huge though occured. Freaky waves are getting stronger. The line "A message of hope to those who choose to hear it, and a warning to those who don't" keeps coming into my head.

By the way, I'm hardcore straight edge and a 4.0 student, so I'm not high or crazy.

Yeah but, I'll bet prior to this album you could've seen 11:23 a million times and never thought twice about it. Just like 11:11, it's just a pre-dispositioned thought. Until you heard of it as a kid you probably never thought twice about it either. Not to diminish any symbolic meaning the number may actually have but, I think it's all in our heads and would've never meant a thing if we had never had the notion put in our heads.

Arkham Asylum
06-15-2007, 10:23 AM
Man, you guys are going to love this:

The Atlantic City show on June 9th ended at exactly 11:11 pm. I have proof if it's necessary, but for now just take my word on it.

06-15-2007, 09:04 PM
Yeah but, I'll bet prior to this album you could've seen 11:23 a million times and never thought twice about it. Just like 11:11, it's just a pre-dispositioned thought. Until you heard of it as a kid you probably never thought twice about it either. Not to diminish any symbolic meaning the number may actually have but, I think it's all in our heads and would've never meant a thing if we had never had the notion put in our heads.

Actually, I saw it before I even learned or heard of it. I then thought it merely a coincidence. No need to get overly ambitious, but in truth I really do feel that there is a message of peace/hope/alright-edness.

06-22-2007, 12:09 PM
and it continues, I knew I was on to something.

06-22-2007, 12:32 PM
Look at the Jimmy lyrics.

06-23-2007, 08:20 PM
It's 11:11 because Maynard wanted us all to make a wish after the song was over.

06-24-2007, 11:25 AM
It's 11:11 because Maynard wanted us all to make a wish after the song was over.

thats what ive always heard when you see the clock and they all have the same numbers make a wish ive made alot of wishes on these coincidences(*probably mispelled) but i dont think any of them came true i think there may be something to this numbers thing maybe it is only coincidence who knows but as i was reading all this i had a thought has anyone ever looked into the mayan culture and how they were supposedly obsessed with time maybe they refer to this theory in some way

06-24-2007, 06:18 PM
In Jimmy maynard says "11" 6 times. i must agree there is some kind of conection we are supposed to be making what it is i do not know

Arkham Asylum
06-24-2007, 06:47 PM
Maybe it's like symbolic or something


06-25-2007, 09:51 AM
In Jimmy maynard says "11" 6 times. i must agree there is some kind of conection we are supposed to be making what it is i do not know

Wasn't he 11 when his mother had her stroke?

06-26-2007, 11:46 AM
thats what I've heard.

06-26-2007, 11:55 AM
Yeah but, I'll bet prior to this album you could've seen 11:23 a million times and never thought twice about it. Just like 11:11, it's just a pre-dispositioned thought. Until you heard of it as a kid you probably never thought twice about it either. Not to diminish any symbolic meaning the number may actually have but, I think it's all in our heads and would've never meant a thing if we had never had the notion put in our heads.

I noticed it and then had a really synchronistic evening with it, and it still happens in pairs without thinking about, really this is not something I want to happen to me, it just does. In numerology 11 is suposed to be a trump number or something.? However, it is from an internet source, so I'm skeptical in giving validity.

06-26-2007, 05:24 PM
In Jimmy maynard says "11" 6 times. i must agree there is some kind of conection we are supposed to be making what it is i do not know

I hear the number 11 would have us search inward. It is a call to be aware of our inner feelings, that we may be disconnected with our inner energies.

This makes absolutely so much sense that they use the number 11 in the song jimmy and all over Tools music.

Maynard was 11 when he had no choice but to move on from childhood to adulthood. Upon doing this he disconnected from his inner energies/ inner child. The whole song is about searching for the inner child (11 or what he lost within when he was 11) and healing it so that he would no longer allow the seriousness of adulthood to keep him away from these inner connections... and so he could head "home".

"So glow, child, glow"

oopps, I forgot to add this to my jimmy interp.

07-12-2007, 02:43 AM
some food for thought...

Physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of DNA.

You will note that seeing 11:11 frequently creates synchronicities in your life.

The year 2011 will have great significance and consciousness will evolve in full swing. January 1, 2011 we find - 1/1/11 which could be seen as 1111. November 11 - 11/11/11. This promises to accelerate consciousness toward 2012.

2012 links to the Mayan Calendar end time at 11:11 UT, Universal Time. (December 12, 2012).

11 is a double digit and is therefore considered a Master or Power Number. In Numerology 11 represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner. Eleven is a higher octave of the number two . It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.

Many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code/alarm as they see it on digit clocks and watches. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories, that we are spirits having a physical experience, not physical beings embarking on a spiritual experience.

11:11 or derivatives of these numbers, 111 and 11, are digits that repeat in time thus a metaphor for reality as patterns that repeat in time for us to experience. This can refer to the rise and fall of civilizations, our personal experiences and lessons, loops in time. They are cycles of time that create and recreate following the blueprint.

Ellie and 11:11 .... In 1991, when I was hosting the talk show "The Metaphysical Experience", a woman named Solara was my guest. Her topic was Activation of the 11:11 Doorway. It was all about ascension and the beginning of awareness of the 11:11 code. In 1995, a Crystalinks' reader named Joe emailed about his experiences with the numbers 111:111, hence the file you are reading was first created and in so doing I took a long hard look at this phenomena experienced by those around me. Each time Joe was about to go through another major spiritual awakening, an epiphany of some kind, those numbers would appear in his physical experience to signal the upcoming change. The numbers say, "Pay attention!"

11 represents spiraling twin strands of human DNA moving into higher frequency of consciousness.

11 represents balance.

11+11=22=4=Time. 22 is a Master or Masonic Number.

Some souls see a Golden Age emerging, as told by the ancient prophets. Gold refers to Alchemy , the alchemical changes that are taking place in our bodies in the evolution of consciousness.

Reality as a geometric design is based on numbers (universal language) that repeat in cycles to create the linear time experiment. In Pythagorean Numerolgy, a cycle is based on 9. 9=End. 9/11= end of the DNA biogen(et)ic program running at the moment.


07-12-2007, 09:46 AM
some food for thought...

Physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of DNA.

You will note that seeing 11:11 frequently creates synchronicities in your life.

The year 2011 will have great significance and consciousness will evolve in full swing. January 1, 2011 we find - 1/1/11 which could be seen as 1111. November 11 - 11/11/11. This promises to accelerate consciousness toward 2012.

2012 links to the Mayan Calendar end time at 11:11 UT, Universal Time. (December 12, 2012).

11 is a double digit and is therefore considered a Master or Power Number. In Numerology 11 represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner. Eleven is a higher octave of the number two . It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.

Many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code/alarm as they see it on digit clocks and watches. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories, that we are spirits having a physical experience, not physical beings embarking on a spiritual experience.

11:11 or derivatives of these numbers, 111 and 11, are digits that repeat in time thus a metaphor for reality as patterns that repeat in time for us to experience. This can refer to the rise and fall of civilizations, our personal experiences and lessons, loops in time. They are cycles of time that create and recreate following the blueprint.

Ellie and 11:11 .... In 1991, when I was hosting the talk show "The Metaphysical Experience", a woman named Solara was my guest. Her topic was Activation of the 11:11 Doorway. It was all about ascension and the beginning of awareness of the 11:11 code. In 1995, a Crystalinks' reader named Joe emailed about his experiences with the numbers 111:111, hence the file you are reading was first created and in so doing I took a long hard look at this phenomena experienced by those around me. Each time Joe was about to go through another major spiritual awakening, an epiphany of some kind, those numbers would appear in his physical experience to signal the upcoming change. The numbers say, "Pay attention!"

11 represents spiraling twin strands of human DNA moving into higher frequency of consciousness.

11 represents balance.

11+11=22=4=Time. 22 is a Master or Masonic Number.

Some souls see a Golden Age emerging, as told by the ancient prophets. Gold refers to Alchemy , the alchemical changes that are taking place in our bodies in the evolution of consciousness.

Reality as a geometric design is based on numbers (universal language) that repeat in cycles to create the linear time experiment. In Pythagorean Numerolgy, a cycle is based on 9. 9=End. 9/11= end of the DNA biogen(et)ic program running at the moment.


I find all of that interestng but the numbers mean nothing to me in personal life other than "oh, 11:11 again, neat" and on with the day. I've seen it multiple times and never once has the day been any more signifigant than the day before or the day after. I'm not trying to tear apart the mystical aspect of it, I find it intriguing just like the movie Pi but does it apply to my everyday life in any applicable way, no.

07-12-2007, 10:49 AM
I find all of that interestng but the numbers mean nothing to me in personal life other than "oh, 11:11 again, neat" and on with the day. I've seen it multiple times and never once has the day been any more signifigant than the day before or the day after. I'm not trying to tear apart the mystical aspect of it, I find it intriguing just like the movie Pi but does it apply to my everyday life in any applicable way, no.

noted, but it does give an explanation to the thread.

i found the black and white aspect of π very intriguing because it complements to his overwhelming obsession with π. one can also make the correlation to lateralus' lyrics, black then white are all i see in my infancy, because of his simplistic nature and complete focus on π.

there have been a couple of movies, 23 and π, that deal with the consequences of applying and over analyzing numbers/symbols in everyday life. one of those being how the person loses all personal desires but one, an obsessive delusional paranoia for the object.

07-21-2007, 11:03 PM
maybe thats just how long the song is.


09-06-2007, 05:31 AM

go back to your cave and play with a box of rocks

09-13-2007, 09:01 PM
Maybe 11:11 is hours and minutes instead of minutes and seconds. And that's how long it took for the dude tripping to come down off his trip.....fuck I don't know.

I figured I'd post in here to see if anyone is still contemplating this topic.....

09-14-2007, 09:40 AM
Maybe 11:11 is hours and minutes instead of minutes and seconds. And that's how long it took for the dude tripping to come down off his trip.....fuck I don't know.

I figured I'd post in here to see if anyone is still contemplating this topic.....

Nah, not really. 11:11 has an interesting "new age" and/or "occult" signifigance. I'm pretty sure there's no secret to the song length other than they were all like, hey let's make this song exactly 11min 11sec (11:11) long, wouldn't that be cool. It goes along with our 11 references with Jimmy and it'll get all those dumbass over-analytic fans guessing for months and trying to find some secret like they always do. And here you are.

09-14-2007, 08:59 PM
Nah, not really. 11:11 has an interesting "new age" and/or "occult" signifigance. I'm pretty sure there's no secret to the song length other than they were all like, hey let's make this song exactly 11min 11sec (11:11) long, wouldn't that be cool. It goes along with our 11 references with Jimmy and it'll get all those dumbass over-analytic fans guessing for months and trying to find some secret like they always do. And here you are.

Totally off topic, but does anyone else make a wish when the clock shows 11:11?

You have to touch the clock though.....very important!!

09-15-2007, 01:29 AM
EDIT:I couldnt be assed to read the thread, and inner Eulogy said it first.

really theres nothing to tie RS to Jimmy... ones about his mummy being paralysed, another about tripping.
the song was probably going to finish around the 11:11 mark... and they just made it exact, to make it look neat :)
there's no plausible significance in anything iv read

09-17-2007, 09:17 AM
Totally off topic, but does anyone else make a wish when the clock shows 11:11?

You have to touch the clock though.....very important!!

If you're doing that then you must still believe in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny & the Toothfairy....but be my guest. We all gotta believe in something right? I guess some just prefer to believe in something real.

09-17-2007, 01:14 PM
If you're doing that then you must still believe in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny & the Toothfairy....but be my guest. We all gotta believe in something right? I guess some just prefer to believe in something real.

I saw the Toothfairy last night on the corner selling wisdom teeth ten cents a piece. So I am a believer!

09-17-2007, 04:40 PM
I saw the Toothfairy last night on the corner selling wisdom teeth ten cents a piece. So I am a believer!

LOL, too funny. I consider 11:11 to be my meditation time I guess.

09-26-2007, 06:27 PM
hello all u tool fans and whatna, this is my first post. im a pretty new tool fan, i started getting into their crazy music after hearing the pot, it was the best tool jam i had ever heard, and idk before that i just kinda always thought it all sounded the same. but damn after that i jsut started watchin the videos and whatna, i was like damn i love this music! plus i just read DMT the spirit molecule and i started lookin at all that alex grey work they use, its so crazy. i love it.

lol anyway, i just bought the 10 000 days album an this is like the first thing i noticed!, i love this type of shit, its like omg its 1111 i dont care if your a scientoligist or what its still kinda crazy. and i dont think its really significant or anything, i just feel lucky everytime i see it. they definitly did it on purpose though things like that dotn just happen especially in artowork and whatna, its like certain numbers symbolize certain things, 33 jesus, 28 woman cycle, 3.159 pie, its all crazy paterns we dont understand at least all the time. but whatever.

the songs abotu some kid trippin balls and thats what trippin/crazy people do, overanalyze everything, so why wouldint they make it 11 minutes 11 seconds perfectly. its just fuckin weird like psycadelics in general. and its like the length of a nice dmt trip.

09-26-2007, 06:30 PM
hello all u tool fans and whatna, this is my first post. im a pretty new tool fan, i started getting into their crazy music after hearing the pot, it was the best tool jam i had ever heard, and idk before that i just kinda always thought it all sounded the same. but damn after that i jsut started watchin the videos and whatna, i was like damn i love this music! plus i just read DMT the spirit molecule and i started lookin at all that alex grey work they use, its so crazy. i love it.

lol anyway, i just bought the 10 000 days album an this is like the first thing i noticed!, i love this type of shit, its like omg its 1111 i dont care if your a scientoligist or what its still kinda crazy. and i dont think its really significant or anything, i just feel lucky everytime i see it. they definitly did it on purpose though things like that dotn just happen especially in artowork and whatna, its like certain numbers symbolize certain things, 33 jesus, 28 woman cycle, 3.159 pie, its all crazy paterns we dont understand at least some of them.

the songs abotu some kid trippin balls and thats what trippin/crazy people do, overanalyze everything, so why wouldint they make it 11 minutes 11 seconds perfectly. its just fuckin weird like psycadelics in general. and its like the length of a nice dmt trip. its something for u to be like hm... i wonder.

09-27-2007, 06:23 AM
hello all u tool fans and whatna, this is my first post. im a pretty new tool fan, i started getting into their crazy music after hearing the pot, it was the best tool jam i had ever heard, and idk before that i just kinda always thought it all sounded the same. but damn after that i jsut started watchin the videos and whatna, i was like damn i love this music! plus i just read DMT the spirit molecule and i started lookin at all that alex grey work they use, its so crazy. i love it.

lol anyway, i just bought the 10 000 days album an this is like the first thing i noticed!, i love this type of shit, its like omg its 1111 i dont care if your a scientoligist or what its still kinda crazy. and i dont think its really significant or anything, i just feel lucky everytime i see it. they definitly did it on purpose though things like that dotn just happen especially in artowork and whatna, its like certain numbers symbolize certain things, 33 jesus, 28 woman cycle, 3.159 pie, its all crazy paterns we dont understand at least some of them.

the songs abotu some kid trippin balls and thats what trippin/crazy people do, overanalyze everything, so why wouldint they make it 11 minutes 11 seconds perfectly. its just fuckin weird like psycadelics in general. and its like the length of a nice dmt trip. its something for u to be like hm... i wonder.

you should be banned

09-27-2007, 07:40 AM
you should be banned

LMAO, agreed

09-27-2007, 08:11 AM
well i am a bad writer, my ideas come out in jumbles u know? but whatever, i just came here to talk to people about tool and what i think about their shit. i mean how many other bands have sites where people overanylize every fuckin track, not many. and its especially cool to do with tool cause theyre so fuckin weird and mysterious.

anyway if u dont like my ideas, just deal with em. u could at least have given me a little welcome u know? but no just slam me on my first post, shit! u guys are crazy. but i funna stay wether u like it or not. so come on, lets try and be friends. why not? its just the internet.

09-27-2007, 09:30 AM
well i am a bad writer, my ideas come out in jumbles u know? but whatever, i just came here to talk to people about tool and what i think about their shit. i mean how many other bands have sites where people overanylize every fuckin track, not many. and its especially cool to do with tool cause theyre so fuckin weird and mysterious.

anyway if u dont like my ideas, just deal with em. u could at least have given me a little welcome u know? but no just slam me on my first post, shit! u guys are crazy. but i funna stay wether u like it or not. so come on, lets try and be friends. why not? its just the internet.

two words : population control

you will find no guilt or pity in this dwelling.

09-27-2007, 10:15 AM
Even though most of Keenan's references to death in Rosetta Stoned are in regards to the "prophet/tripper" who describes his vision/trip in the song, those references carry the additional projection of the album's theme as a whole, which very much have to do with the speaker's mother.

When he says "God damn, shit the bed", it's ridiculous to say that it only references the character in that song. Shitting the bed is exactly what his mother did at her death. No one makes that kind of joke flippantly in a song as cynical as RS on the same album that's named after the song that eulogizes his mother. So the joke is a deadly serious one, and is tied to Keenan's critique of his mother's religious views as a whole throughout the album. When you take into account that the other song by Tool that is most like RS contains lyrics like "Came out to watch you play/why are you running away?", then it becomes easier to intuit that all the songs are connected, and all contribute to a common set of themes.

Keenan alludes to his mother's status as a prophetic figure in the Wings double song with lines like "You are the light and wat that they will only read about". Then later in the album, he cynically likens prophetic vision to a common acid trip by any stoner. Get it?

In a way, Rosetta Stoned is as much about Judith as Wings is.

09-27-2007, 12:52 PM
there should be more people in the world like resolution. what a genious/good guy overall.
"The year 2011 will have great significance and consciousness will evolve in full swing. January 1, 2011 we find - 1/1/11 which could be seen as 1111. November 11 - 11/11/11. This promises to accelerate consciousness toward 2012."
motherfucker can tell the future! oh lordy!

and why would i need your pity or guilt? i was just tryin to say maybe you should be less of an asshole right off the bat. even if what i said made little sense to you. sorry i dont try and sound like im a genious. not everybody is as smart or as great as you. dont forget.

and octopod a lot of people shit their pants when they die. its natural. maybe the songs supposed to be a bit funny. it made me laugh when i read the words.

09-27-2007, 01:01 PM
sorry i dont try and sound like im a genious.

the irony hurts to laugh at.

09-27-2007, 01:06 PM
there should be more people in the world like resolution. what a genious/good guy overall.
"The year 2011 will have great significance and consciousness will evolve in full swing. January 1, 2011 we find - 1/1/11 which could be seen as 1111. November 11 - 11/11/11. This promises to accelerate consciousness toward 2012."
motherfucker can tell the future! oh lordy!

and why would i need your pity or guilt? i was just tryin to say maybe you should be less of an asshole right off the bat. even if what i said made little sense to you. sorry i dont try and sound like im a genious. not everybody is as smart or as great as you. dont forget.

and octopod a lot of people shit their pants when they die. its natural. maybe the songs supposed to be a bit funny. it made me laugh when i read the words.

thank you for the response about people like resolution it makes me sane because i see it all the time and i just get pissed that people are talking down to a person over the internet. Grow the fuck up and show a little respect for people who are getting their damn feet wet. People who have like 4,000 posts talk like they are Gods...if you ask me they need to get a life. Think about that...that is alot of time spend starting at a computer screen boosting their egos because they probally cant do it without a keyboard. Peace Time to go play some football. "Hint, Hint."

09-27-2007, 01:08 PM
thank you for the response about people like resolution it makes me sane because i see it all the time and i just get pissed that people are talking down to a person over the internet. Grow the fuck up and show a little respect for people who are getting their damn feet wet. People who have like 4,000 posts talk like they are Gods...if you ask me they need to get a life. Think about that...that is alot of time spend starting at a computer screen boosting their egos because they probally cant do it without a keyboard. Peace Time to go play some football. "Hint, Hint."

think about this: you almost match my count and have been here four months less than me; so what does that say about you?


09-27-2007, 01:14 PM
think about this: you almost match my count and have been here four months less than me; so what does that say about you?


I was not directing that statement to you moron. lol what a dumbass. I said PEOPLE who have 4,000 posts NOT Resolution. read before you speak you idiot. Trust me i will never have that many posts. So just shut up now.

My statement directed to you was talking down to a new comer to this site. But i guess your posts make you feel good about yourself.

09-27-2007, 01:24 PM
I was not directing that statement to you moron. lol what a dumbass. I said PEOPLE who have 4,000 posts NOT Resolution. read before you speak you idiot. Trust me i will never have that many posts. So just shut up now.

My statement directed to you was talking down to a new comer to this site. But i guess your posts make you feel good about yourself.

wow i am put down now needing a corner to cry in.

does it matter that your a new person talking shit to older person on this site? kind of a double standard don't you think?

about post counts you can check the feedback forum for the thread "post counts" to see how i really feel about them. only if your really concerned with what i think.

09-27-2007, 01:34 PM
wow i am put down now needing a corner to cry in.

does it matter that your a new person talking shit to older person on this site? kind of a double standard don't you think?

about post counts you can check the feedback forum for the thread "post counts" to see how i really feel about them. only if your really concerned with what i think.

I am just defending someone who had a thought about RS and you just shot him down like he was a fuckin retard. you being an older person, ( I dont know if you mean age or join date i hope you mean join date because if not than your just an old loser that has no life) you should show respect for the new ones but your just too fuckin cool to care so shut up now ok go cry in your damn corner. You need too.

About the posts, i dont care what you think about the topic. My issue is you and some other in this forum act like you know everything about Tool and life for that matter. It makes alot of people mad in here when they think they said something worth while and a fuckin douchbag like yourself just says "Go kill yourself, or what the fuck are you talkin about?" People like you are the reason why there is so much negativity amongst socializing events/websites. Grow the fuck up.

09-27-2007, 01:41 PM
I am just defending someone who had a thought about RS and you just shot him down like he was a fuckin retard. you being an older person, ( I dont know if you mean age or join date i hope you mean join date because if not than your just an old loser that has no life) you should show respect for the new ones but your just too fuckin cool to care so shut up now ok go cry in your damn corner. You need too.

i'll bet that you get picked on by bullies a lot and finally have the finger strength to type up for yourself. hasn't the milk gone sour yet or are you still clinging, suckling?

09-27-2007, 01:42 PM
i'll bet that you get picked on by bullies a lot and finally have the finger strength to type up for yourself. hasn't the milk gone sour yet or are you still clinging, suckling?

lol dude you are a moron. Peace man. Your not even worth arguing with.

09-27-2007, 01:54 PM
lol dude you are a moron. Peace man. Your not even worth arguing with.*resumes sucking cock*

i'll take the lack of effort as a vertical nod.

09-27-2007, 02:07 PM
lol, the resolution, resolution is an asshole. get off your high horse, maybe more people will like you if you stop pretending to be so much better and smarter than everyone else. u obviously have all the answers, and dont need to listen to lesser people. why dont u go make a mesage board where u can post all by yourself and tell yourself how great you are. boost your ego a little more. why are u so full of yourself?

"hasn't the milk gone sour yet or are you still clinging, suckling?"

lol thats the lamest thing i have ever heard anyone say to another person. it would be funny to meet you in person. very funny.

09-27-2007, 02:14 PM
lol, the resolution, resolution is an asshole. get off your high horse, maybe more people will like you if you stop pretending to be so much better and smarter than everyone else. u obviously have all the answers, and dont need to listen to lesser people. why dont u go make a mesage board where u can post all by yourself and tell yourself how great you are. boost your ego a little more. why are u so full of yourself?

"hasn't the milk gone sour yet or are you still clinging, suckling?"

lol thats the lamest thing i have ever heard anyone say to another person. it would be funny to meet you in person. very funny.

wow you seemed to have me figured out. maybe the reason why i seem full of myself is because you are so low of yourself. if you honestly believe that i care about anything that anyone says or thinks here or outside of here you have horribly miscalculated.

i think your friend let you get on their name because they felt abused because i can really sense a different tone and correct grammar.

09-27-2007, 02:24 PM
why am i not surprised to see other people thinking resolution is a lame tampon.....what a dumb fucking bitch.....

09-27-2007, 02:40 PM

09-27-2007, 02:46 PM
if you didint care about what people posted you would not respond. i am pretty content with myself, thanks. perhaps i sound different because I try not to take my opinions to seriously especially when it comes to talking about shit like 11:11 and tripping out on psycadelics, I take what I can from them and leave the rest for the crazy people. I start to get serious when someone insults me after my first post, and really has no idea of who I am and vice versa. I would not like to resort to name calling and lame fighting over the internet. lets just take eachothers ideas and citicize or agree with them with reasonable arguments and thoughts, thats all I wanted to hear in response of my comments, if you think its funny or stupid whatever i dont care, just respond with something.

instead you boldly state, "you should be banned" and pretty much ignore me and what i had to say altogether.

09-27-2007, 02:50 PM
here's a reasonable thought, you're full of shit.

here's some advice, learn to laugh.

Arkham Asylum
09-27-2007, 02:53 PM
Even though most of Keenan's references to death in Rosetta Stoned are in regards to the "prophet/tripper" who describes his vision/trip in the song, those references carry the additional projection of the album's theme as a whole, which very much have to do with the speaker's mother.

When he says "God damn, shit the bed", it's ridiculous to say that it only references the character in that song. Shitting the bed is exactly what his mother did at her death. No one makes that kind of joke flippantly in a song as cynical as RS on the same album that's named after the song that eulogizes his mother. So the joke is a deadly serious one, and is tied to Keenan's critique of his mother's religious views as a whole throughout the album. When you take into account that the other song by Tool that is most like RS contains lyrics like "Came out to watch you play/why are you running away?", then it becomes easier to intuit that all the songs are connected, and all contribute to a common set of themes.

Keenan alludes to his mother's status as a prophetic figure in the Wings double song with lines like "You are the light and wat that they will only read about". Then later in the album, he cynically likens prophetic vision to a common acid trip by any stoner. Get it?

In a way, Rosetta Stoned is as much about Judith as Wings is.

Okay, to side-step the petty arguments in the past few posts...

I like this idea, Octopod. I definitely agree with the prophet/Judith connection. "Shitting the bed" is common phenomenon at death and taking the line in a serious tone vastly changes the song. I wish you would post more often because you always contribute well-thought out ideas which are completely new AND you are articulate (and not an asshole who talks down to other members and can't spell for shit.)

In other words, thank you for another enlightening post and I look forward to any blog updates.

09-27-2007, 03:14 PM
that octopod, hes a good guy. but yea, thats what I said, everybody shits the bed when they die. nobody thinks he was tryin to be funny at all?

and to resolution, ahahahaha.

09-27-2007, 05:49 PM
Arkham, thank-you for bringing th thread back to the topic.

but yea, thats what I said, everybody shits the bed when they die. nobody thinks he was tryin to be funny at all?

I think that much of the song is cynical and funny, and yes that line is definitely a joke. But it's serious at the same time.

Yes, everyone shits when they die, but not everyone dies in bed. Specifically, it's the death of the sick, the affluent, the lazy, the quitter, and the crippled. In other words, it's the death of those either unable or unwilling to die "in action". Unlike someone who would die while swimming, for instance. When you consider the death of the comatose in these terms, Tool's lyrics for such songs as Vicarious gain further resonance. Why? Because those who watch TV are, in one sense, the amassed comatose. They watch death on TV, and doing so wait for the kind of death Keenan describes.

With this thought in mind, the speaker's reference is very specific to the sort of death Judith experienced. This makes it's presence more than just a flippant usage. But it also offers critique to the speaker's own revelatory experience in Third Eye, indicating that he is not willing to rest on the laurels of that experience no matter how mind blowing or eye-opening it was. This is where the lyrics to Lateralus come into play:

"Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.
Withering my intuition leaving all these opportunities behind."

People use this quote a lot here in the Navy when trying to dissuade others from thinking too deeply about the lyrics, but I feel that Keenan is really talking about his own analyzation of his experience with LSD. You can only think about your own personal revelations (be they spiritual or practical) so much before it becomes time for you to do something about them. You must risk all and act because the opportunity to do so is fleeting, which is true for all. It is at the moment of overanalyzation that revelations which initially felt holy can become a joke on your unwilling or fearful existence, and Rosetta Stoned... within the scheme of the band's other songs... seems to highlight this idea while sending up the notion that anyone could have a revelation that applies to all humanity (a quality which those within scripture claim to have).

Another difference between his mother's death and the death of some prophets in scripture is also highlighted in the name of the song: A prophet who braves death by stoning to speak what he or she believes to be the word of God to a people faces dying "in action", and not in bed. It is in these subtleties that we can infer that the speaker was in many ways disgusted by his mother, and disdainful of her faith.

09-29-2007, 12:31 PM

Your seriously are the dumbest person i have ever talked to on the internet...you modified my post to say "Resumes sucking cock" you need to grow up seriously dude...i dont even know who to modify someone elses fuckin post so that tells me right there that you are a pathetic loser that has no life. Get a life.

09-29-2007, 01:20 PM
How is this thread still alive?

Fucking lock it already.

09-30-2007, 12:50 AM
Your seriously are the dumbest person i have ever talked to on the internet...you modified my post to say "Resumes sucking cock" you need to grow up seriously dude...i dont even know who to modify someone elses fuckin post so that tells me right there that you are a pathetic loser that has no life. Get a life.

wow and the rabbit finishes the race.

09-30-2007, 03:16 PM
i think they read this website www.alloya.com she channeled a book called we are here by zeta aliens from hyperspace you can download it and 2 othere books on her site i get mad sychronictys that have to do with this site .she says shes a et from zeta reculit in human body too also theres a line about a double 11 in the book of law .alloya is probaly a secert chief . it says this about 11 11 in the we are here book Chapter seven – The Zeta Mission
You as a Zeta are on Earth at this time to impart a new frequency of energy into the
planetary grid. By aligning and integrating your Zeta aspect you are bringing a new
frequency into the body. This new frequency will aid the planet in its development. You have
by now probably had many dreams, encounters and inspired ideas about yourself being one
of us, a Zeta. We will guide you in the integration procedure and allow you to anchor into the
grid who you really are.
Here is a little game that we have designed to get your attention. We use the digital
clock to show you synchronized times. If you are seeing groups of numbers such as 11.11,
12.12 10.01 etc then this is a way that we can communicate with you.
Here is what the numbers mean.
1) Is the number of the oneness, the source and the Universal Dreamer. If you see
number combinations that have one in it, then it is a sign of your spirit influencing your
reality, being in the flow of creation. The one singularity.
2) Is the number of the twin flames or the two polarities coming together. If you
see two then it is a sign that you are co-creating with someone or something, creating
something new. If you saw one and two together then this is a sign that you are in divine
flow with someone else.
3) Is the number of evolution in thought. If you see three then it is a sign that you
are moving faster along your evolutionary path and are speeding along your time lines to
catapult you into the destiny of your future. You are taking a short cut. If you see this three
combination then it is a sign that you are injecting a new blueprint into your reality.
4) Is the number of the elements that make up the natural world. It also represents
the four laws that hold the universe in balance. So if you see the number four it is a sign that
you are affecting your physical world, or that you are coming against the natural laws of the
5) Is the number of alchemy, it is the number that transforms the physical energies
into spiritual energies. If you see the number five, you are seeing a sign of a process of
transmutation of physical energies. Turning lead into gold. Turning the dense physical body
into a body of light.
6) Is the number of movement. If you see this number it is sign of destiny affecting
your motion through life.
7) Is the number of cycles and phases. If you see this number it is a sign you are
going through maybe even karmic cycles and there is promise of clearing and balancing with
the number seven.
8) Is the number of the snake, it is infinity. The ability to self perpetuate your
creative process. It is the number of sex, and the exchange and merging of energies. If you
see the number eighth it is a sign that you are aligning and running your creative energy in
the correct way.
9) Is the number of death. It is the opposite of six which is movement in evolution
the urge to be the “I am “. Nine however is the number associated with moving back to the
“Am “. The all that is. If you see nine you are getting a sign that you need to let go of
something to be closer to the source.
10) Is the number of the oneness and “0”, which is the void and the ability to create
a reality a new. So 10 is the spirit and the void coming together to create something new.
You are getting a sign that you can in that moment recreate your reality inline with your
soul‘s intent.
11) Is the number of the Zeta and the gateway for new energies and concepts to
enter your reality. So if you see eleven it is a sign that you are opening to new possibilities.
Often brought by the Zeta. It is a sign that we are in your reality. back to me writing this is not from alloyas book . i ve seen 4 faces of the zeta when i was laying down then opened my eyes and it was a 11 11 on the clock . alloya teaches you to breath into tense parts of your body till it clears and say people have emotional chasms and miasms that block energy thru the chakra system . she talks about how the anuucki implant people too and fill your charkra sytem and meridian lines with fear programing . she has pics of graphics that show them made out of metal . i keep breathing into this spot onmy head the energy drips into my mouth that has a metal taste like when your stoned and dont get the whole wraper off a hershy kiss and eat it . i paid for her service to get implants removed because of that . she told me i had a anuucki implant in my 3 rd eye i took her 2 sessions to remove it . inbetween the 2 sessions my brother records a episode of sienfeild on a dvd recorder and watches it around 11 o clock im sitting at the computer and here someone on the show say hows that for a coincidence and its 11 11 on the clock. next i pay for a kundalin activation service from alloya a few weeks later . i was checking my downloads on soulseek around 11 20 and noticed someone sent me a message at 11 11 and right as i noticed that a box pops up that says have mail from alloya . the mail was about how she woke up my kundalini and there where blocks in the root the one of above it the solor pelux was clear then my soul told he to stop or it will overload my body she said to e mail her back in a month and she finish it with nomore pay . also in 1999 there was this guy on deoxy.org a discordian futant cthulu worshiper called octopus dancer who kept trying to start a orgy on the date 11 11 i read the story on his site then saw waves turn into tenticals and would trip on that chulthlu was going to eat my soul when i disvolved into oneness . i would think apc lyrics and the lyric off nins the fragil that went the folls devotion swolled up in emty space the tears of regret flowing down the side of his face was about that . there was a demented uncle in octopusdancers story how tured out to be lucifer . i read thru alloyas site before she channeled anything about 11 11 to get my mind of chthulu . i found the link on spritweb under a interveiw with druval malkedik or how ever you spell that merkaba teachers name s interveiw i e mailed alloya and she told me i was goig thru the lucifer process . she has a story about a demon called delucy trying to eat someones soul in the land of maya avoloni on her site too . then was reading a list i was lurking on a guy with lucifer in his name was saying the light is a trap thing is a joke . i had sychnictys conected with alloyas book and the cosmic trigger too ill post about that in a forum not about song lyrics. one more thing she has stars you click on her site i was listining to the lyrics The universe is hostile
So impersonal
Devour to survive
So it is, so it's always been ... right as i clicked on a star that says you are working withlucifers energy . she teaches that the universal mind made lucifer so he could create a place of daulity where no one would rember we are part of god and all one . in 1999 she said lucifer was released from st michaels mount in cornwall england .

10-01-2007, 09:22 AM
Even though most of Keenan's references to death in Rosetta Stoned are in regards to the "prophet/tripper" who describes his vision/trip in the song, those references carry the additional projection of the album's theme as a whole, which very much have to do with the speaker's mother.

When he says "God damn, shit the bed", it's ridiculous to say that it only references the character in that song. Shitting the bed is exactly what his mother did at her death. No one makes that kind of joke flippantly in a song as cynical as RS on the same album that's named after the song that eulogizes his mother. So the joke is a deadly serious one, and is tied to Keenan's critique of his mother's religious views as a whole throughout the album. When you take into account that the other song by Tool that is most like RS contains lyrics like "Came out to watch you play/why are you running away?", then it becomes easier to intuit that all the songs are connected, and all contribute to a common set of themes.

Keenan alludes to his mother's status as a prophetic figure in the Wings double song with lines like "You are the light and wat that they will only read about". Then later in the album, he cynically likens prophetic vision to a common acid trip by any stoner. Get it?

In a way, Rosetta Stoned is as much about Judith as Wings is.

No offense but, were you physically sitting there with a bed pan on her death bed? Most of what you've said was very well put and thought out but this is just flat out lame making a connection between his "god damn, shit the bed" line and his mother actually shitting herself as she died. As a matter fact it's pretty sick that you would even bring it up.

10-01-2007, 09:24 AM
thank you for the response about people like resolution it makes me sane because i see it all the time and i just get pissed that people are talking down to a person over the internet. Grow the fuck up and show a little respect for people who are getting their damn feet wet. People who have like 4,000 posts talk like they are Gods...if you ask me they need to get a life. Think about that...that is alot of time spend starting at a computer screen boosting their egos because they probally cant do it without a keyboard. Peace Time to go play some football. "Hint, Hint."

I inflate my penius with my keyboard...does that count?

10-01-2007, 09:29 AM
Your seriously are the dumbest person i have ever talked to on the internet...you modified my post to say "Resumes sucking cock" you need to grow up seriously dude...i dont even know who to modify someone elses fuckin post so that tells me right there that you are a pathetic loser that has no life. Get a life.

Hey now, you thought the same thing of me before you got to know me better. =-P

10-01-2007, 09:33 AM
i think they read this website www.alloya.com she channeled a book called we are here by zeta aliens from hyperspace you can download it and 2 othere books on her site i get mad sychronictys that have to do with this site .she says shes a et from zeta reculit in human body too also theres a line about a double 11 in the book of law .alloya is probaly a secert chief . it says this about 11 11 in the we are here book Chapter seven – The Zeta Mission
You as a Zeta are on Earth at this time to impart a new frequency of energy into the
planetary grid. By aligning and integrating your Zeta aspect you are bringing a new
frequency into the body. This new frequency will aid the planet in its development. You have
by now probably had many dreams, encounters and inspired ideas about yourself being one
of us, a Zeta. We will guide you in the integration procedure and allow you to anchor into the
grid who you really are.
Here is a little game that we have designed to get your attention. We use the digital
clock to show you synchronized times. If you are seeing groups of numbers such as 11.11,
12.12 10.01 etc then this is a way that we can communicate with you.
Here is what the numbers mean.
1) Is the number of the oneness, the source and the Universal Dreamer. If you see
number combinations that have one in it, then it is a sign of your spirit influencing your
reality, being in the flow of creation. The one singularity.
2) Is the number of the twin flames or the two polarities coming together. If you
see two then it is a sign that you are co-creating with someone or something, creating
something new. If you saw one and two together then this is a sign that you are in divine
flow with someone else.
3) Is the number of evolution in thought. If you see three then it is a sign that you
are moving faster along your evolutionary path and are speeding along your time lines to
catapult you into the destiny of your future. You are taking a short cut. If you see this three
combination then it is a sign that you are injecting a new blueprint into your reality.
4) Is the number of the elements that make up the natural world. It also represents
the four laws that hold the universe in balance. So if you see the number four it is a sign that
you are affecting your physical world, or that you are coming against the natural laws of the
5) Is the number of alchemy, it is the number that transforms the physical energies
into spiritual energies. If you see the number five, you are seeing a sign of a process of
transmutation of physical energies. Turning lead into gold. Turning the dense physical body
into a body of light.
6) Is the number of movement. If you see this number it is sign of destiny affecting
your motion through life.
7) Is the number of cycles and phases. If you see this number it is a sign you are
going through maybe even karmic cycles and there is promise of clearing and balancing with
the number seven.
8) Is the number of the snake, it is infinity. The ability to self perpetuate your
creative process. It is the number of sex, and the exchange and merging of energies. If you
see the number eighth it is a sign that you are aligning and running your creative energy in
the correct way.
9) Is the number of death. It is the opposite of six which is movement in evolution
the urge to be the “I am “. Nine however is the number associated with moving back to the
“Am “. The all that is. If you see nine you are getting a sign that you need to let go of
something to be closer to the source.
10) Is the number of the oneness and “0”, which is the void and the ability to create
a reality a new. So 10 is the spirit and the void coming together to create something new.
You are getting a sign that you can in that moment recreate your reality inline with your
soul‘s intent.
11) Is the number of the Zeta and the gateway for new energies and concepts to
enter your reality. So if you see eleven it is a sign that you are opening to new possibilities.
Often brought by the Zeta. It is a sign that we are in your reality. back to me writing this is not from alloyas book . i ve seen 4 faces of the zeta when i was laying down then opened my eyes and it was a 11 11 on the clock . alloya teaches you to breath into tense parts of your body till it clears and say people have emotional chasms and miasms that block energy thru the chakra system . she talks about how the anuucki implant people too and fill your charkra sytem and meridian lines with fear programing . she has pics of graphics that show them made out of metal . i keep breathing into this spot onmy head the energy drips into my mouth that has a metal taste like when your stoned and dont get the whole wraper off a hershy kiss and eat it . i paid for her service to get implants removed because of that . she told me i had a anuucki implant in my 3 rd eye i took her 2 sessions to remove it . inbetween the 2 sessions my brother records a episode of sienfeild on a dvd recorder and watches it around 11 o clock im sitting at the computer and here someone on the show say hows that for a coincidence and its 11 11 on the clock. next i pay for a kundalin activation service from alloya a few weeks later . i was checking my downloads on soulseek around 11 20 and noticed someone sent me a message at 11 11 and right as i noticed that a box pops up that says have mail from alloya . the mail was about how she woke up my kundalini and there where blocks in the root the one of above it the solor pelux was clear then my soul told he to stop or it will overload my body she said to e mail her back in a month and she finish it with nomore pay . also in 1999 there was this guy on deoxy.org a discordian futant cthulu worshiper called octopus dancer who kept trying to start a orgy on the date 11 11 i read the story on his site then saw waves turn into tenticals and would trip on that chulthlu was going to eat my soul when i disvolved into oneness . i would think apc lyrics and the lyric off nins the fragil that went the folls devotion swolled up in emty space the tears of regret flowing down the side of his face was about that . there was a demented uncle in octopusdancers story how tured out to be lucifer . i read thru alloyas site before she channeled anything about 11 11 to get my mind of chthulu . i found the link on spritweb under a interveiw with druval malkedik or how ever you spell that merkaba teachers name s interveiw i e mailed alloya and she told me i was goig thru the lucifer process . she has a story about a demon called delucy trying to eat someones soul in the land of maya avoloni on her site too . then was reading a list i was lurking on a guy with lucifer in his name was saying the light is a trap thing is a joke . i had sychnictys conected with alloyas book and the cosmic trigger too ill post about that in a forum not about song lyrics. one more thing she has stars you click on her site i was listining to the lyrics The universe is hostile
So impersonal
Devour to survive
So it is, so it's always been ... right as i clicked on a star that says you are working withlucifers energy . she teaches that the universal mind made lucifer so he could create a place of daulity where no one would rember we are part of god and all one . in 1999 she said lucifer was released from st michaels mount in cornwall england .

What in the FUCK was that?

10-01-2007, 10:29 AM
No offense but, were you physically sitting there with a bed pan on her death bed? Most of what you've said was very well put and thought out but this is just flat out lame making a connection between his "god damn, shit the bed" line and his mother actually shitting herself as she died. As a matter fact it's pretty sick that you would even bring it up.

Yeah, it is pretty sick, but that's the whole point. I didn't bring it up. The guy who wrote the lyrics for this particular album is the one joking about shitting the bed in an album that is named after a song that was written to eulogize his mother, who undoubtedly experienced that very thing as she died. If it's "lame" to make that connection in the first place, then why joke about it on the same album?

No one has to be present to know that someone who dies from complications related to paralysis from a stroke does so in bed. Perhaps she was in a wheel chair at the time, but that makes little difference. It's not like she was out there playing murder ball and took one to the skull. Maynard knew that this particular usage of humor would be very black when juxtaposed with the album's title track.

10-01-2007, 05:15 PM
Yeah, it is pretty sick, but that's the whole point. I didn't bring it up. The guy who wrote the lyrics for this particular album is the one joking about shitting the bed in an album that is named after a song that was written to eulogize his mother, who undoubtedly experienced that very thing as she died. If it's "lame" to make that connection in the first place, then why joke about it on the same album?

No one has to be present to know that someone who dies from complications related to paralysis from a stroke does so in bed. Perhaps she was in a wheel chair at the time, but that makes little difference. It's not like she was out there playing murder ball and took one to the skull. Maynard knew that this particular usage of humor would be very black when juxtaposed with the album's title track.

Good points octopod.

10-01-2007, 08:36 PM
Hey now, you thought the same thing of me before you got to know me better. =-P

yes of course my good friend but your intelligent. I have different thoughts about this resolution character. Good Day. Maybe there is a diamond in the ruff...Maybe not.

10-02-2007, 08:32 AM
yes of course my good friend but your intelligent. I have different thoughts about this resolution character. Good Day. Maybe there is a diamond in the ruff...Maybe not.

Maybe there is a foot in your mouth...Maybe not because it's up your ass.

10-02-2007, 09:41 AM
Maybe there is a foot in your mouth...Maybe not because it's up your ass.

Perhaps you're unaware of what differentiates your head from your ass and may be quite confused as to which is which.

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.

10-02-2007, 11:49 AM
Resolution...I dont feel the need to fuel your fire anymore to recieve these ridiculous comments you enjoy saying so try to grow up than maybe we can have an intelligent conversation.

10-05-2007, 10:42 PM

I'm sayin'.

Bridger the Mountain Man
12-19-2007, 10:28 AM
Sorry i didnt see this thread before i started one of my own. but there is a connection:


its not just the 11:11 being a digital number. its just he number 11 that is significant. In Tarot 11 is a master number as is 22.

here are some interesting ideas of 11 (also in the song Jimmy)


they even mention the song Jimmy there...

The atomic number of sodium.
In chemistry, Group 11 includes the three coinage metals copper, silver, and gold known from antiquity.
The number of spacetime dimensions in M-theory.
Apollo 11 was the first manned spacecraft to land on the Moon.
The approximate periodicity is 11 years in sunspot cycle.

The interval of an octave and a fourth is an eleventh. A complete eleventh chord has almost every note of a diatonic scale.
The band Primus has a song "Eleven" on their Album Sailing the Seas of Cheese that is in 11/8 time.
The band Tool has a song "jimmy" on their Album Ænima which includes many instances of the number eleven.
The stylized maple leaf on the Flag of Canada has eleven points.
The Canadian one-dollar coin is a hendecagon, an eleven-sided polygon.
Clocks depicted on Canadian currency, for example the Canadian fifty-dollar bill, show 11:00.
In Astrology, Aquarius is the 11th astrological sign of the Zodiac.
In tarot, card no. 11 is "Justice".

its just one of those numbers that are everywhere and people pick up on it. may not have any significance!

12-22-2007, 01:28 PM
i think they read this website www.alloya.com she channeled a book called we are here by zeta aliens from hyperspace you can download it and 2 othere books on her site i get mad sychronictys that have to do with this site .she says shes a et from zeta reculit in human body too also theres a line about a double 11 in the book of law .alloya is probaly a secert chief . it says this about 11 11 in the we are here book Chapter seven – The Zeta Mission
You as a Zeta are on Earth at this time to impart a new frequency of energy into the
planetary grid. By aligning and integrating your Zeta aspect you are bringing a new
frequency into the body. This new frequency will aid the planet in its development. You have
by now probably had many dreams, encounters and inspired ideas about yourself being one
of us, a Zeta. We will guide you in the integration procedure and allow you to anchor into the
grid who you really are.
Here is a little game that we have designed to get your attention. We use the digital
clock to show you synchronized times. If you are seeing groups of numbers such as 11.11,
12.12 10.01 etc then this is a way that we can communicate with you.
Here is what the numbers mean.
1) Is the number of the oneness, the source and the Universal Dreamer. If you see
number combinations that have one in it, then it is a sign of your spirit influencing your
reality, being in the flow of creation. The one singularity.
2) Is the number of the twin flames or the two polarities coming together. If you
see two then it is a sign that you are co-creating with someone or something, creating
something new. If you saw one and two together then this is a sign that you are in divine
flow with someone else.
3) Is the number of evolution in thought. If you see three then it is a sign that you
are moving faster along your evolutionary path and are speeding along your time lines to
catapult you into the destiny of your future. You are taking a short cut. If you see this three
combination then it is a sign that you are injecting a new blueprint into your reality.
4) Is the number of the elements that make up the natural world. It also represents
the four laws that hold the universe in balance. So if you see the number four it is a sign that
you are affecting your physical world, or that you are coming against the natural laws of the
5) Is the number of alchemy, it is the number that transforms the physical energies
into spiritual energies. If you see the number five, you are seeing a sign of a process of
transmutation of physical energies. Turning lead into gold. Turning the dense physical body
into a body of light.
6) Is the number of movement. If you see this number it is sign of destiny affecting
your motion through life.
7) Is the number of cycles and phases. If you see this number it is a sign you are
going through maybe even karmic cycles and there is promise of clearing and balancing with
the number seven.
8) Is the number of the snake, it is infinity. The ability to self perpetuate your
creative process. It is the number of sex, and the exchange and merging of energies. If you
see the number eighth it is a sign that you are aligning and running your creative energy in
the correct way.
9) Is the number of death. It is the opposite of six which is movement in evolution
the urge to be the “I am “. Nine however is the number associated with moving back to the
“Am “. The all that is. If you see nine you are getting a sign that you need to let go of
something to be closer to the source.
10) Is the number of the oneness and “0”, which is the void and the ability to create
a reality a new. So 10 is the spirit and the void coming together to create something new.
You are getting a sign that you can in that moment recreate your reality inline with your
soul‘s intent.
11) Is the number of the Zeta and the gateway for new energies and concepts to
enter your reality. So if you see eleven it is a sign that you are opening to new possibilities.
Often brought by the Zeta. It is a sign that we are in your reality. back to me writing this is not from alloyas book . i ve seen 4 faces of the zeta when i was laying down then opened my eyes and it was a 11 11 on the clock . alloya teaches you to breath into tense parts of your body till it clears and say people have emotional chasms and miasms that block energy thru the chakra system . she talks about how the anuucki implant people too and fill your charkra sytem and meridian lines with fear programing . she has pics of graphics that show them made out of metal . i keep breathing into this spot onmy head the energy drips into my mouth that has a metal taste like when your stoned and dont get the whole wraper off a hershy kiss and eat it . i paid for her service to get implants removed because of that . she told me i had a anuucki implant in my 3 rd eye i took her 2 sessions to remove it . inbetween the 2 sessions my brother records a episode of sienfeild on a dvd recorder and watches it around 11 o clock im sitting at the computer and here someone on the show say hows that for a coincidence and its 11 11 on the clock. next i pay for a kundalin activation service from alloya a few weeks later . i was checking my downloads on soulseek around 11 20 and noticed someone sent me a message at 11 11 and right as i noticed that a box pops up that says have mail from alloya . the mail was about how she woke up my kundalini and there where blocks in the root the one of above it the solor pelux was clear then my soul told he to stop or it will overload my body she said to e mail her back in a month and she finish it with nomore pay . also in 1999 there was this guy on deoxy.org a discordian futant cthulu worshiper called octopus dancer who kept trying to start a orgy on the date 11 11 i read the story on his site then saw waves turn into tenticals and would trip on that chulthlu was going to eat my soul when i disvolved into oneness . i would think apc lyrics and the lyric off nins the fragil that went the folls devotion swolled up in emty space the tears of regret flowing down the side of his face was about that . there was a demented uncle in octopusdancers story how tured out to be lucifer . i read thru alloyas site before she channeled anything about 11 11 to get my mind of chthulu . i found the link on spritweb under a interveiw with druval malkedik or how ever you spell that merkaba teachers name s interveiw i e mailed alloya and she told me i was goig thru the lucifer process . she has a story about a demon called delucy trying to eat someones soul in the land of maya avoloni on her site too . then was reading a list i was lurking on a guy with lucifer in his name was saying the light is a trap thing is a joke . i had sychnictys conected with alloyas book and the cosmic trigger too ill post about that in a forum not about song lyrics. one more thing she has stars you click on her site i was listining to the lyrics The universe is hostile
So impersonal
Devour to survive
So it is, so it's always been ... right as i clicked on a star that says you are working withlucifers energy . she teaches that the universal mind made lucifer so he could create a place of daulity where no one would rember we are part of god and all one . in 1999 she said lucifer was released from st michaels mount in cornwall england .

HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! (pun intended)

wow, some fans go pretty far for this stuff...

12-25-2007, 04:20 PM
When you're with another guy, you both have penises (which look like ones.) When you make love to someone, you both become one. So one and one make one when two guys make love to eachother, because one's penis goes into the other's butt and that leaves...

one penis!

There are no words to describe that.

12-25-2007, 07:53 PM
They are trying to tell us that when we drink Sunkist and take large amounts of sudafed we will see various 1's.

12-25-2007, 08:26 PM
They are trying to tell us that when we drink Sunkist and take large amounts of sudafed we will see various 1's.

Interesting thought. when i take large amounts of sudafed and sunkist i dont really see 1's...

12-25-2007, 08:48 PM
You have to REALLY want to see them.

12-25-2007, 09:19 PM
Do eyes count as 1's? i was just wondering. and what about other distorted images?

12-26-2007, 01:15 AM
Do eyes count as 1's? i was just wondering. and what about other distorted images?

No. No they don't.

12-26-2007, 10:03 AM
Damn man ill have to do that again soon to see if i see the 1's. Will it help if i listen to rosetta stoned:)