View Full Version : lateralus interpretation

07-08-2003, 02:23 AM
this is just my interpretation and i might be wrong !! :)

if we take the lettering on the cd cover to suggest 'lateral us'..
lateral: on the same level
us: a relationship

.. then maybe it's about relationships and how to evolve *together*

yet the lyrics would indicate that the people in the relationship aren't really on the same level.. they're just *relating* on the same level. ie the more evolved person (played by the voice of maynard) is actually allowing himself to be temporarily 'lowered', to meet the other person at their own level.

let's call the more evolved person, the one with the higher vibration, X
and the lower-vibe person Y

X's higher energy will tend to stir up the contents of Y's unconscious.. hence, Y will start to project her shit onto X, thinking that X is responsible for how she feels, when really it's just her own shit coming up to be cleared.

X experiences Y's emotions being transmitted into him, and, as long as Y is willing to let go of them, he can take the feelings and transmute them.. receiving lead and handing it back as gold.

if Y would rather hold onto the lead (due to ego insecurities or whatever), X can exert pressure on Y's leaden feelings within his own body (because they're being shared via empathy, the relationship connection). this will cause hell for Y until Y either lets go of the feelings, or lets go of X (the lonesome end).. unless X turns the fire off.

X doesn't like keeping the fire turned off though, because it means he has to suffer under Y's projections. but sometimes it's the only way to keep them from splitting up, so it can be worth it to hang in there (giving blood, keeping faith).

i think the process of communication is emphasised because as all the feelings come up, a lot of misgivings, second-guessings, suspicions, grudges, etc tend to arise. in a way, X and Y are actually at war (X vs Y's negative ego.. both trying to kill/eat each other), so it's vital that they communicate well on a conscious level, to move thru all the negative illusions, take responsibility for their own actions, and see each other clearly again (parabol/a).

Y can tend to get addicted to X's love and support, choosing to depend on him instead of looking within to find her own source of strength - draining him.. eventually Y finds herself driving on X's empty, or acid-filled, tank (ticks n leeches). she better go get some fuel of her own before she tries to drive back to X's house.

at this point, X and Y's relationship has been exhausted. they both need to put the solar panels up and recharge their batteries. X recharges relatively quickly, and gets on with his own life (lateralus). Y meanwhile is feeling like she can't bring herself to face X again. she feels a little disgraced. they still miss each other though.

who will snap first and reestablish contact? it shouldn't be X (disposition).. he's done nothing wrong. and if he breaks and gives in to his need for Y (reflection), how is Y ever going to learn to stand on her own two feet? it would always be a case of Y depending on X unless she somehow re-establishes her own connection to the source.. her ego must die.

triad... tool minus maynard. sounds like a baby crying at the start.. a metaphor for Y's rebirth, expressing her light and power independently of X. now they can reunite and do stuff together.

08-22-2003, 08:54 AM
i just want to add, maybe faaip de oiad continues on from the rest of the album. ie i think people naturally want to keep the earth from falling into the wrong hands (aliens may just be a metaphor) and/or make it a better place, and of course they're more empowered to do that when there's a multitude of them and they're all fairly well evolved