View Full Version : self-realization through near-death experience? LSD? (chakra relation)

01-15-2007, 04:40 PM
‘I have come curiously close to the end, ‘

I believe at this part he is referring to a near-death experience. When someone has this experience it usually changes their life and they are usually curious as to what happened. This gets them to really question other aspects of life, which is related to the higher chakras. Near-death experiences allow you to notice that there are higher levels

Beneath my self-indulgent pitiful hole,’

here, after he had this experience which showed him there are higher chakras he is back to the lower chakras (1)survival, 2)sex, and/or 3)will/ego)

‘Defeated, I concede and
Move closer’

He wants to move closer to the higher chakras again

‘I may find comfort here
I may find peace within the emptiness
How pitiful ‘

[I guess here ill tell u a certain way to find the higher chakras first… now im not for sure he did this, this is only an interpretation] psychedelics (not drugs in a normal sense) like shrooms, peyote, and LSD help people pass the half step between the 3rd and 4th chakra or the doorway to the higher chakras. The only problems with these psychedelics is that after you come down from your high, in the higher levels, you are shot back down the lower 3 chakras (1)survival, 2)sex, and/or 3)will/ego) again.

So anyways, him moving closer or seeking ways of returning by taking psychedelics may give comfort and peace because it brings him back to the higher chakras… but in the end it just brings him back to his "pitiful hole".

‘It's calling me...’

He’s very curious as to this find of higher chakras. Its like every time he is back to the lower chakras the higher chakras are calling for him to come back and stay there

‘And in my darkest moment, fetal and weeping’

So hes back to the lower chakras. Which is really shitty to go back aspecially after you been to higher levels. He is almost pining away, becoming very weak and unhappy.

’The moon tells me a secret - my confidant’

His confidant just happens to be the six chakra (in relation to the moon) or the 3rd eye chakra. He’s been to the 6th chakra (3rd eye) and back… "prying" it open I guess you can say!!!… It’s a place that u can trust. I think at this point instead of using psychedelics he decided to meditate to the higher chakra that he discovered in the past which was the 6th chakra or… the moon

‘As full and bright as I am
This light is not my own and
A million light reflections pass over me’

So the moon begins to tell him this secret, which I think he did because he decided to meditate maybe?, of something that is of a higher level then him. The moon (6th chakra) tells him about the sun (7th chakra or crown). The moons (6th chakra) source of everything comes from the 7th chakra

‘Its source is bright and endless
She resuscitates the hopeless
Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting’

So now Maynard is getting introduced to an even higher chakra then the 6th, which is the crown chakra. Without this chakra we would be lost.

‘And as I pull my head out I am without one doubt
Don't wanna be down here feeding my narcissism.’

So this really opened up his eyes. Hes all like “fuck the lower chakras, im going to head for the top cause I found a better way to reach the higher chakras and im going to get to the crown”

‘I must crucify the ego before it's far too late
I pray the light lifts me out’

He doesn’t want to go back to the 3rd chakra (will/ego). Ego leads your spiritual path in the opposite direction. Check out in the parabola video how the light is lifting itself to the higher chakras.

’Before I pine away.’

He must do this all before he gets so weak and confused, stuck in the lower chakras, that he loses his memory of the higher chakras. Eventually he will just waste away instead of evolving if he doesn’t do this.

‘So crucify the ego, before it's far too late
To leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical,’

So now hes tell us that we should do this too. we must find the higher chakras (note: hes not telling us to do this by taking psychedelics)

‘And you will come to find that we are all one mind
Capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable.’

At this point he is speaking of what you will find when you reach the crown (7th) chakra or the sun because when you reach this level all you really care about is connecting with god (the one spirit, one consciousness, ~~one mind~~ that we all share)

’Just let the light touch you
And let the words spill through
And let them pass right through
Bringing out our hope and reason ...
before we pine away.’

He’s telling us to just let this light pass through the half step or gateway b/t the lower and higher chakras up to the crown

confused about something? let me know what youre confused about

01-16-2007, 03:38 AM
i liked your post but don't think it's all pinned down as you put it. i'm not sure whether the chakras correspond to the sun and moon, but i don't care nor think its relevent. i've cycled through this experience many times do it resonates, but every tool song seems to fit in with this context. while still holding theiir own messages.. up down, digging through, muscle memory, in out, sweating staring thinking sinking, Home, Wild, etc. (death rattle)

01-16-2007, 10:38 PM
i'm not sure whether the chakras correspond to the sun and moon

here... i did the google search. this explains how the chakras relate to the planets...

01-17-2007, 05:19 AM
all i really know of the NDE is that it concerns a large amount of endogenous dmt production from out of the pineal gland. this experience has relations to that of the 49 days after conceptions in which the pineal gland first appears within the formation of the embryo (and, coincedentally?, it's also when our gender polarity is determined ...male or female), the violent birthing process, and specific spiritual tunings (frequencies and resonance, my friends). i want to believe that what i had endured on 1-5-07 was somewhat close to a NDE ...turns out my girlfriend of six long and seemingly wonderful years decided to perform that very special kiss on another a mere 8 days before we were to move out to college together - she told me this after explaining that she couldn't love me anymore. my spiritual path collided with her materialistic - she should've known, if only she cared for who i was (she couldn't see that part of me, i couldn't see that part of her). needless to say, i could've killed myself, if only to end the path of dillusion (confusion) i was heading down. thankfully i had tool to fall back on, to sorta keep my views in perspective. it felt like tool could've signaled to me "it's alright to feel this pain, but make sure that you learn something from it". i turned it into a "bad trip". it was VERY psychedelic, nothing seemed "real" in the same sense as i know it now. since then, i've lost nearly 15 pounds (and not just from shitting) and 've just now regained my appetite. now? i miss it! i want to feel like the whole world hates me again, that there's nothing here for me but my own thoughts ...i was concentrated, i felt like i saw through the bullshit 'cause once you're "there" EVERYTHING else seems like pathetic trivial bullshit > "my self-indulgent pitiful hole". "reflection" absolutely opened me to take it in and reflect. pain is pain, and it hurts, but it's still a feeling. i absolutely believe that their music had saved my life ...and i have a feeling that it won't be the first time.

01-17-2007, 10:56 AM
lol wow the same thing almost happened to me like 1 month ago. 3 years with my boyfriend... but i pulled my head out cause something really amazing happened from listening to tool and reading drunvalo. they helped me meditate to connect to the higher self which is great but after a while it goes away and im back in my hole... my urges to hold on were very strong. but in my darkest moment i believe it really did something for me. its almost as if i have unconditional love for everything now. i know for a fact that i pulled my head out of the lower chakras and entered ATLEAST my heart chakra. my ways have changed for the better.

here is a great site about transcending the ego http://www.heartbeat2000.com/ego.htm

so... i got most of my ideas for this thread from "ways to find the secret doorway" out of the ancient secret of the flower of life v.2 by drunvalo...~ which happens to be my source for most of the posts i made so far.

these are the ways ppl connected to see the higher chakras or pass the half-step from this "self-indulgent pitiful hole":
near- death experiences
spiritual paths

damn i cant wait till i activate my merkaba