View Full Version : Judith Marie Keenan/Garrison

06-19-2003, 03:17 PM
Go to http://www.aperfectcircle.com/judith2.jpg

Anyone know how she died?

06-20-2003, 08:07 PM
well she was 60, very young, and i dont think maynard wants it to be talked about... just for us to appreciate her life

06-20-2003, 11:29 PM
If you go to the Socialize section, there are already like 3 threads on this.

There's no point in discussing how she died, why she died or anything. Maynard can handle it himself.

And she was 59. Check your math.

06-25-2003, 09:53 PM
I'm sure this has probably been discussed elsewhere, but does the APC song "judith" refer to mjk's mother in any way? has maynard ever given clues as to whether the "sea of names" refer to actuakl people? or are those songs just 'eulogy' types songs about no one in particular?

07-23-2003, 11:40 AM
Jesus had a life, it was a life of passionate outreach, it was a life which desperately expressed a message through example, and the message usually fell on deaf ears or ears that twisted the meanings on the way to the brain. This life met many people along the way, and those people had names.

Maynard has a life, it is a life of passionate outreach, it is a life which desperately expresses a message through example, and the message usually falls on deaf ears or ears that twist the meaning on the way to the brain. This life knows many people in its time, and those people have names.

My opinion is that the entire APC debut record shows how similar we can be to Christ. A lot of the same names are used, with the same character attributes. Thomas = doubt, Magdalena = something i can have but refuse to allow myself to have because it would compromise my integrity (and it could be anything, not just a relationship with a woman), 3 Libras = 3 magi, etc. We each have our own Mer de Nommes.