View Full Version : parabol and parabola two different ancient greek words that have a different meanning

01-02-2007, 01:04 PM
parabol is a simple story that we tell and have a deeper meaning ... you can see this word in the bible :christ when he talked to people was using parabols for the people to understand him and these simple stories had a diffent meanning:ex. the son that lost all his money after leaving his house ,went back to his father asking for forgivness and the father accepted the apology and had a party with guests to welcome his son.This is a parabol and has a deeper meanning about love and god and people that lose their way and god will forgive them etc....Its just an example for you to understand this greek word cause it s difficult for me to explain

01-02-2007, 01:12 PM
the exact word parabola is the plural form of the word parabolo in ancient greek and has nothing to do with parabol.Its a way instead of paying something to the state and might have a spiritual meanning in the album...ex:when u want to get your drivers licence here ,u have to pay something to the state so u go to the ministry department and buy a parabolo(1 parabolo- many : parabola) and the money go to the state .The thing is that parabolo is just a paper and so all this thing is just for the state to take the money ...it s close to a check but not the same

01-22-2007, 05:38 PM
thats all very good and interesting, but why do u think Tool has an interest in the state knicking money in this song. it surely has to be coincidence that the word means something so off topic to the songs lyrics and the rest of the albums themes.

02-19-2007, 08:46 AM
thats very true... however parabola is also connected to mathematics, which is a conic section generated by the intersection of a right circular conical surface and a plane parallel to a generating straight line of that surface. A parabola can also be defined as locus of points in a plane which are equidistant from a given point (the focus) and a given line (the directrix).

The parabola is an important concept in abstract mathematics, but it is also seen with considerable frequency in the physical world, and there are many practical applications for the construct in engineering, physics, and other domains.