View Full Version : Weaker Effort?

06-09-2003, 10:29 AM
It isn't my very favorite Tool song, but I was shocked to find out that Hooker with a Penis is widely considered to be one of the band's weaker efforts. With this in mind, I feel compelled to explain why it deserves more appreciation among those who may have dismissed it in the past.

I love Hooker With a Penis. I think it is an indespensable part of Ænima's message. The way Maynard exposes his "critic's" entire life as one giant clusterfuck of commerce is brilliant. Once the song is over, you realize that it wasn't a personal attack, but rather a commentary about the way commercialism is so tightly intertwined with our society. It's hand in hand with Stinkfist. I once saw a study that said an average American sees thousands of ads per day. Such is inescapable. Why then, waste your time calling people "sell-outs" and the like. You're only fooling yourself, because in the end, we're all sell-outs. Our modern world is (sadly) fueled by the insatiable appetite of a materialistic society...unless you are some kind of Aborigine or South American tribesman living off the Earth..in which case you probably wouldn't be here discussing these songs.

Far too often is HWAP prematurely dismissed as a juvenile "diss", out of place amongst songs like 46&2, and Third Eye, whose "deepness" is much easier to recognize after first listen. This song, on the other hand, requires a little thought to get past its apparently shallow exterior. I believe the scenario with the man telling Maynard that he sold out is just a vessel to base the rest of the song on. It was the spark that started the creative fire that resulted in the true message the song delivers.

Am I the only one who feels this song doesn't get the recognition it deserves?

brian c
06-09-2003, 12:05 PM
I agree. The message that Hooker With a Penis is sending is often dissmissed due to the fact that many people think that its meaning is left too wide out in the open. One can either see it as just a heavy song with lots of profanity about selling out or they can look for something deeper. Your explanation was brilliant, and i couldn't have said it better myself.

Good Post


06-09-2003, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by animantra
Am I the only one who feels this song doesn't get the recognition it deserves?
At least in my book it gets its dues. I hadn't actually taken up a poll to see if anyone gave a shit about it, though.

It makes a good song to scream to while on the freeway with the windows rolled down. You'd be surprised how many people twitch their heads when I drift by bellowing:

Before you point your finger
You should know that
I'm the man,

If I'M the FUCKIN' man
Then YOU'RE the FUCKIN' man as well
So you can

Pleasantly punctuating each "F" as the traffic slows to a snails pace.

For that matter, it feels good...a brilliant way to vent off some steam at nothing in particular.

Of course...all the while taking the deeper, more ruminating point of the song to heart, mind you...


06-10-2003, 12:20 AM
ha ha ha you too man!!!!!!!

its a great leveller for all involved...

06-10-2003, 10:22 AM
i believe hooker with a penis means alot on the personal level to alot of people, and it also delivers a big massege.
for me personally it talks aobut those lil people that hate u even though they do not know u.
yet, i think it didn't get its deserved respect becuz it was very heavy, and iguess people expect a much more creative blah blah blah. but that doesnt metter, becuz Tool is creative they flow i ndifferent directions. i thin kthat the heavy outfit that has been craftly made for this song suits it perfectly. because the massage is pretty simple: "why should you have the right to even express your opinion on me and expect me to give a flying pig's penis?"
it's supposed to be vilont and heavy, because it expresses Maynard's anger to its fullest. and like every Tool song, this song goes deepr then its outside layer, it's full of double-meanings and metaphors.
anyways, it's a great fuckign song.

"... Try To Read Between the Lines."