View Full Version : Aleister Crowley

05-25-2003, 12:13 AM
I dont know if anyone else has discussed this;

When Aleister Crowley was initiated as a Neophyte of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn he chose his motto, Perdurabo, which means I SHALL ENDURE TO THE END.

he also wrote a poem with the same title;

I am not lower than all men - I feel
Too keenly. Yet my place is not above,
Though I have this - unalterable love
In every fibre. I am crucified
Apart on a lone burning crag of steel,
Tortured, cast out; and yet - I shall abide.

Maybe Maynard read it?

06-10-2003, 05:56 AM
I'm not sure exactly how accurate it is that this was an influence on Maynard's writing, but I could see where it certainly could have some bearing. There is definately the distinct possibility that he has read that poem and maybe it envoked something within himself along those same lines. I commend you on your research.

06-10-2003, 06:38 AM
Originally posted by headcase69
I commend you on your research.

Check you out, that's probably the most kind and honest thing I've read in-passing when responding to a thread. It sure as hell beats, "Nice try Jizznobber, but try again!"

*makes a note*