View Full Version : The meaning behind the saturn reference

09-29-2006, 07:01 PM
Not sure if anyone has posted on this before but when he refers to saturn hes referring to the middle finger. Its weird how i found this out, one day i was at the mall at a odd store that sells all aorts of things and i came across a statue of a hand that was kind of like a map that a palm reader would use. On the fingers were planets names and the middle finger was Saturn. So in the song when he says "saturn ascends the one the ten hang on or be humbled again" what he is saying is be an asshole and keep the grudge against your subject or take the embrace " at least thats what i got out of it. The line "saturn comes back around showing you everything lets you choose what you will or will not tolerate,saturn comes back around lifts you up like a child or drags you down like a stone to consume you till you choose to let this go" that pretty much says it right there. You have the choice to be angry and hold a grudge and it will make you feel good for awhile and that you are superior, but in the end it will drag you down. So sometimes you just have to let things go or they will eat away at the valuable time you have left .

09-30-2006, 05:20 PM
So Saturn coming back around is really someone giving the finger?

10-01-2006, 10:40 AM

saturn is also representative of the calcination process or crushing of the ego. being that he reference alchemy already with the word transmutate, i'm going to say thats the meaning behind saturn.

10-01-2006, 01:59 PM
I have a bachelors degree in Full Metal Alchemist. So if anyone has any quetion on alchemy just ask me. (Note: This was a joke)

10-11-2006, 08:20 PM
after hearing jambi, where saturn is also mentioned, i believe 'saturn' refers to his mother in an astrological sense. although I can't see Maynard as an astrology believer..but who knows..

10-12-2006, 03:41 AM

saturn is also representative of the calcination process or crushing of the ego. being that he reference alchemy already with the word transmutate, i'm going to say thats the meaning behind saturn.

I agree.

I have a bachelors degree in Full Metal Alchemist. So if anyone has any quetion on alchemy just ask me.

haha. classic.

10-12-2006, 09:37 PM
i always thought it was saturn as in the roman version of chronus. especially when hes like lifts you up like a child because chronus devoured his children in hopes that they wouldnt overthrow him, an event that was prophesized.
which kind of works with the song's theme- he is caught on past events and can't break free of his grudge.. so he eats kids

base metal
10-19-2006, 08:02 PM
Hmmm, interesting thread. I've been wondering about this Saturn thing myself, can't say I know for sure, but, it may be a reference to both the middle finger and the "return" of Saturn in relation to its position in the heavens and your birth year.

11-05-2006, 10:45 AM

Saturn is sad, morose, and cold, and presides over the left leg. It is associated with the principles of limitation, restrictions, boundaries, reality, crystallizing and structures. It is considered the greater malefic.

The Return of Saturn (Saturn return) is said to mark significant events in each person's life.

i believe saturn held a grudge against uranus.... there's a story involved
i'll have to look it up when i get home

11-06-2006, 10:53 AM
Lots of interesting ideas in this thread. Relating to the middle finger seems a little trivial for Maynard's lyrics. The alchemy ref. is a good possbility though.

Here's another:


base metal
11-14-2006, 04:05 PM
Named after the Roman god Saturn and referred to as Kronos - father of zeus (Jupiter) in Greek mythology, Saturn evidently holds symbolic singificance in astrology in general. Not only is it a fascinating celestial body, but it is highly regarded as a "mythological superpower". Considering that it is the second largest planet in our solar system, it is safe to say that it is a dominant figure, in fact, if you were to pass by anywhere near Saturn, you would probably shit your pants.

In Indian/Hindu astrology, Saturn is called Shani or "Sani", the bringer of bad luck and it is worshipped by people going through a "bad" phase in their life.

Take a look here.

The "30 year change/return of saturn", is considered to be a tough lesson in life, including both the negative and positive realizations that we have.

It all makes sense to me since I am approaching my 30th birthday and considering my recent struggles with pain and forgiveness...heh.

11-14-2006, 04:23 PM
MULDER: (voiceover) We are but visitors on this rock, hurling through time and space at sixty-six thousand miles an hour. Tethered to a burning sphere by an invisible force and an unfathomable universe. This most of us take for granted while refusing to believe these forces have any more effect on us than a butterfly beating its wings halfway around the world. Or that two girls, born on the same date, the same time and the same place, might not find themselves the unfortunate focus of similar unseen forces. Converging like the planets themselves into burning pinpoints of cosmic energy, whose absolute gravity would threaten to swallow and consume everything in its path. Or maybe the answer lies even further from our grasp.