View Full Version : Gather, place, a race

09-28-2006, 08:44 PM
Does anybody else get the feeling that he is saying "a race" instead of "razor", "erase", or other theroetical lyrics?

With the line after it, "shelter turn to home", it makes me think of the way that humans turned from nomads into people who actually settled in one spot. What was previously just "shelter", a covering, is now "Home". Home isn't just a place where you can be safe from the elements, it is much more than that. This also ties in with Right in Two, because they now have a reason to fight over land. This is the reason that they have the stone that they throw at strangers, making them stay away. This divides the people (I don't believe thats what the lyrics "right in two" refer to, however).

This stone is the spark that becomes the flame (larger battles, war) that are possibly outlined in RIT (I'm getting tired of typing it, but not too tired to explain).

Before this happened, the people in the song were "pure by will alone", meaning they had not yet chosen to do any of these things. Then, by their own will (their free will that the "father" had given them) they start a process that escalates further and further, moving society in a series of choices and consequences that can't be undone and lead things to be the way they are.

That last paragraph was more my own idea and beliefs than something that I felt from the song, but it was how my beliefs seem to tie into the song.

edit: A definition for "intension" is simply the act of becoming more intense (escalating). It also means exertion of the mind/determination. This could be a double meaning, similar to the title of Jambi (the genie as well as iamb in finnish). It relates to the escalation of fighting as well as the will of the people.

Also, I feel like I should add that while the song could have a meaning like this which speaks profoundly on a number of religious and philosophical subjects, it really doesnt matter. The minute I heard this song, I was in absolute amazement at its beauty, and thinking about the meaning has not increased or decreased this songs value to me.

09-28-2006, 09:11 PM
adopted theory, congrats. i knew it wasn't erase or razor - mainly because they don't make sense. "oh, but it sounds like it!" that's too weak an arguement (we're talking about tool here). you've certainly backed yours, Neel, good stuff. "intention" is a process needed to ascend. it is 100% pure. your absolute will, or desire (see my signature). "intention" is an actual chapter in a bob frissell book - explains so much.

again, thank you.

09-28-2006, 09:15 PM
Strangely enough, I just now decided to post this to the thread in "What's He Saying" only to find that the last post in that thread said the same thing, "gather, place, a race soon".

The catch is that the poster posted that at the beginning of august, and nobody has replied to the thread since.

This is probably my new favorite track on the cd.

10-03-2006, 11:35 AM
"gather, place, and raise..
soon shelter turns to home"

i completely agree with your assesment of the song's meaning.

10-16-2006, 04:39 PM
hmm i looked intension and it gave me this:

noun: what you must know in order to determine the reference of an expression

07-05-2009, 10:46 PM
This has been driving me nuts for months. I believe it is "Gather, place, AND RAISE, so shelter turned to home"

This makes sense in the context of building something.

Foe Brady
12-26-2009, 01:20 PM
Gather, place, "array" so
shelter turns to home
that is what Maynard wrote, ive seen a transcript that read what i said
look "array" up it means ; to arrange in a specific fasion

03-20-2010, 05:17 PM
Array works very well in the context. Like multiple homes raised in arrays as in housing developments and such but not limited to this example, of course.