View Full Version : Consequentalism!

05-18-2003, 01:44 AM
the song tokz about consequentalism!...that is to determine the permission to do an action,thru the consequences!...to undertsand the song we must keep in mind Adam Jone's qoute regarding the song!...(His Friend Worked the Best When He Wuz High)...that qoute xplains it all!...Drinking,Drugs are considered sins!...i agree they are and i guess Maynard wud agree to it too!..but the point hes trying to make is that a sin always has terrible consequences...so if getting high is a sing and teh consequences come out to be gud!...so whos to say that its a bad habit or a sin!...Drugs have many other bad effects and the case wid the friend mentioned wud be exceptional!...but i hope i made the point clear!...faith will always mislead u!...u hav eto find the truth!..Consequentalism is one of the ways to do so!...if u want...i cud ellaborate more!...take care..and keep rockin'!

05-18-2003, 04:54 AM
If I could work through the internet syntax, I'd give you a response.