View Full Version : C.J.Jung

11-25-2002, 05:32 PM
Charles Jung initialized the theory of an anima or animatus in every human being. What this is(to the extent of my understanding) is the presence of the second sex within you. That is, if you are a man, your female side. If you are a woman, your male side. However, the overall feeling of the song is the coming of the end of the world?
These two don't seem to have much correspondence besides the thought that they both welcome change. By accepting that you are, at least in part, female you could be devastated by the large change. Seeing as the female persona is more intuitive and emotional than the male the change could destroy you, but who are you who does not welcome change but closed minded. The eventually conclusion as to the meaning of the song is also in the ever changing state of the music. It starts in what seems like a slow 3/4. Then you have basically the same riff in a faster 4/4. The solo is in 5/4, and the drum part(the faster double bass and descending toms) is played in 6/4 since there is no music to accompany it for so long.
Aenima is very blunt, which seems to override the message of the album. This makes me wary of taking Maynard's word at face value