View Full Version : Usually overlooked thought...

05-02-2003, 09:22 AM
I am not addicted to any "hard" drugs, but this song almost begs that you look at it as an addicts addiction/withdrawal attempt. "Overstimlulation numbs me, but I would not want you any other way....I dont want it I just need it to breath, to feel to know I'm alive..." This talks about how overuse of a drug can desensitise you to its effects, and yet you still do it constantly.. And in fact once addicted it can seem like your life is bound up in the substance...and indeed you would think you needed it to feel alive.. "Finger deep within the border line, show me that you love me and we belong together, relax turn around and take my hand..." The chorus refers to how The drug penetrates your life, consciouness and being at first shallowly...A finger at first, as the addiction goes deeper so does the metaphor..A knuckle than an Elbow...brilliant symbolism by MJK as always... And if you listen to the song the musical breakdown right before "Somethings kinda sad about" if you just think about an addict with a needle in his hand, struggling not to engage in this now demeaning act again, Adam paints it beautifully with his guitar...Maybe thats just me though,,,PLease let me know if you agree or disagree with me and why....

05-12-2003, 05:07 PM
Yeah this was exactly the idea that I got when i read the lyrics. It is the interpretation that most strongly jumps at you in my opinion. To me it is simply a very obvious and meaningful interpretation of the song. It all fits at least....