View Full Version : Angels on the sideline again, Petchulent with patience and reason.

08-05-2006, 08:05 AM
What would angels do if not on the sideline? If not petchulent? Those would be much harder words to say. Someone try.

08-05-2006, 08:22 AM
^ Did you mean "petulant"? Don't know what you're trying to say here...

08-05-2006, 11:34 AM
That was "just" a little condescending. Perhaps we should all spell check just for you.

Aunt Acid
08-05-2006, 12:15 PM
They could also be benched along.

08-05-2006, 05:58 PM
That was "just" a little condescending. Perhaps we should all spell check just for you.

Sorry! I didn't mean it to sound like that. I meant the question seriously. I wasn't sure if he meant "petulant" or something else, coz I don't quite see how to make sense of it.
I think it's "Benched along..." but I'm always open to other perspectives and opinions.
Sorry again. Was rather late at night & I was a little bit drunk. Please don't take offense.

5th Eye
08-05-2006, 06:05 PM
I've heard it's "been so long with patience and reason..."

08-06-2006, 04:13 AM
Dear god. Dear god. Dear god. We all know Maynard has some weird speaking (theight oer ell, ober skyle) and why would you ever exchange a word, just because it does sound a bit different? It's either been so long or been too long.

I hope this time no one is saying "theight oer ell, ober skyle" is in no Tool song!

parables in the world
08-06-2006, 05:24 PM
i like benched along better makes more sense to the songs message.

08-07-2006, 04:23 PM
how do we keep getting into this conversation Terry>?

I'll say it again:

Does everyone agree that its "Angels on the SIDELINE again">?
...ok, now here's where you have to think a little....I'll try to go slow...
Ok, where do we find 'sidelines'>?
The most applicable to me is in American football....(i think its sidelines in Euro-futbol) as well, but not a big fan sos I don't really know)...In any case, the most common use of SIDELINEs is in football...or a sporting event.....
So, lets think about these sidelines....what do we find there>?
We find the players whom are taken OUT of the GAME....they are taken out of the game by the coach(being us, humans in this metaphor). So what do these players do when taken out of the game. They sit on the BENCH!
"Angels on the SIDELINE again"
"BENCHED along with patience and reason"

(I still think this whole 'been so long' idea is DOO DOO!!!)

No one and nobody
08-07-2006, 10:17 PM
(I still think this whole 'been so long' idea is DOO DOO!!!)

The proper term is mud-butt...

Alex in Chains
08-07-2006, 10:40 PM
Wow, I never realized there was any question about this. I'm pretty sure it's

"Angels on the sideline again,
Picture of impatience and reason."

Reason because they're sensible beings, but impatient for "this tug of war [to] end."

08-08-2006, 03:00 AM
I'll say it again:

Does everyone agree that its "Angels on the SIDELINE again">?
...ok, now here's where you have to think a little....I'll try to go slow...
Ok, where do we find 'sidelines'>?
The most applicable to me is in American football....(i think its sidelines in Euro-futbol) as well, but not a big fan sos I don't really know)...In any case, the most common use of SIDELINEs is in football...or a sporting event.....
So, lets think about these sidelines....what do we find there>?
We find the players whom are taken OUT of the GAME....they are taken out of the game by the coach(being us, humans in this metaphor). So what do these players do when taken out of the game. They sit on the BENCH!
"Angels on the SIDELINE again"
"BENCHED along with patience and reason"

I totally agree with this. Here's my similar post from the lyrics thread:

It's "benched along...". The angels are on the sideline, out of the game, and just observing humanity. They've been sidelined, put out of the game - benched - by us in the same way that we've carelessly disposed of such things as "patience" and "reason".

I don't get why this is so contentious. It's pretty easy to hear, and makes perfect sense in the context of the song, so why do people insist on it being something else?

08-09-2006, 06:27 PM
yea. how many times have we said it>?....i just makes sense....