View Full Version : Ego. Read It please

04-28-2003, 01:12 AM
my ideas of this song and i think its pretty damn close and it what I think maynard has been getten at for some time.
click link and read or just read what i pasted

read around the site, it all makes sense.
u can easly link the lyrics

"So crucify the ego, before it's far too late
To leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical,
And you will come to find that we are all one mind
Capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable.
Just let the light touch you."

All that you accumulate is a reflection of your ego. Your car, house, clothing, and even your mate and children are a statement to this. You might wonder at why a child would be a reflection of your ego, but I can't count the times I've heard both men and women say, "I need to have a child to carry on my name." Or more often, to carry on their identity in some form. Adoption is rarely as palatable as a person's own child because it is not theirs, and if they do adopt, they often want it to be like them in terms of ethnicity. Of course, then there are those that have managed their egos and don't care about that and just want to give a good life to a child.
Because ego's greatest fear is its own death, it keeps a fanatical vigilance over its survival. Try and remove your ego, and you will have started a war.
What does ego do for us? Well, one of the things it does is rob us of a life of peace, bliss and wholeness. If we do not understand ego and let it run our lives, then we have bought into separation, division, and duality. In essence, we do not live in wholeness because we want what is "good" but not what is "bad." We don't want ALL of life; we want PART of life! This will guarantee your misery!

As long as we are fighting evil's battle over "good and evil" then we will still be fighting. An example is this when you feel hurt because someone insulted you. This is ego. Feel great with praise? This is ego. A managed ego state (or egoless state) is free from emotional attachment and reaction from the judgment of others. When ego is attacked or hurt, it does what ego does: fights and hurts back for ego is not love, it is separation.

If you are truly one with all and see through the illusion of ego, then to hate your neighbor is hating yourself. Rejecting your fellow man is rejecting yourself. Love thy neighbor, and you love yourself.

i think he wants to be a god, by changing him self. hints 46 and 2. we are all gods we just dont relize it.
he wants to leave the physical body behind by evolving and leaving ego behind enlightenment.
maby them buddas are onto some thing.

http://astralvoyage.com read about this, then look at parabol parabola,. i swear im onto some thing here

i may be crazy, but iv talked to other people that love tool and feel the same. dont flame me if some one has mentioned this im new to the board

just my way of making some sense outta maynard lyrics

04-29-2003, 08:21 AM
According to my Psychology book, the ego is the part of the brain that mediatates between the id and the superego. Which focus on primitive basic drives and morals and conscience respectively.

I think that that line refers to getting rid of his ego in order to focus either on his primitive desires or on his morals and conscience. Probably the primitive desires, ie the id, because that goes along with 46&2 and the shadow theory.

faaip de oaid
04-29-2003, 02:53 PM
i think that both of those conecpts are intended.... thats how tool is, especially on lateralus. but man, i read about the ego and stuff on the astral voyage site, and it finally seems to fit. its really inspiring to me. i always heard maynard say lose the ego, but i never understood. and since ive been through a hard time lately, it seems like i now know how to fix things. thanks for feeding me the info... it will go to good use.

faaip de oaid
04-29-2003, 03:03 PM
and by the way... that is starting to open up many new ideas about the whole "disposition-reflection-triad" triad. this is very nice indeed...

04-30-2003, 05:14 AM
i was reading about interview with maynard. that made things a whole lot better.

here is my conculsions about lateralus for most songs
its about exploration and bettering your self and life in general

by they way he talks about it its all just learning new things every day, and dsicoving what mighten be dsicovered and finding out who we are and what we must change to be became a spirtual higger bieing

eg gurdge is pretty simple, we all hold grudges and it gets us now where we have to let got of them to procced.

the patient, not to sure maby sick of being on the same level need to advance, need to be patient.

parabol parabola, is journey of life and spirtual powers,
the joruney never stops

lateralis, i kinda used the idea as spirals being new ideas and stuff like gaining knowledge, exploration sorta feel

disposition i just like the idea of watching the clouds, makes me love life, to see how butiful it is, or maby a changeing,
maby 46 and 2

reflection kill your ego so we can advance and not be held back by what keeps us beliving we are not all we can be.
ego fears death, and tells us right and wrong so there can be no peace. what i posted befor pretty much

i like the idea that this cd is a journey to some thing???
maby to 46 and 2.

but after read what maynard said to this guy it made me much happer every time i listern to this, test your limits, keep searching for a higher level our body and ego hold us back?

iono im getten to into it now i got millions of ideas i just like to think of it as finding out every thing life has to offer and dont get held back

3rd eye
04-30-2003, 06:27 AM
Hey GREAT POST!! That link is awesome, and the ego essay seemed absolutely relevant. Just been cruising other sections of the site.........i'll quote something I found also interesting; "Emotions are the aftermath of our judgment.".....Think Merkaba's lyrics.

05-02-2003, 08:21 PM
yeah merkata is pretty much astral i think and astral projection is meditation to get there or some thing like that

05-03-2003, 07:15 PM
I just tried to reach the astral plain, I dont think it worked cuz I just snorted some ritalin. I definetely heard a noise in my head when I concentrated, I couldn't reach the next level since I couldn't concentrate on nothing.
It felt like I was closer to God, I seriously doubt doing this is a sin.
I bet snorting ritalin is though, that is why I couldn't step out of my body.
I definitely felt something though, something familiar now I know what my third eye is
A third eye is the same as a sixth sense relative to sub-conscious
I suggest everyone try it
don't do any drugs and make sure you visit the website at the begginning of the post if you want it to work

that one dude deserves some thanks for posting the website

05-03-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by eslupminoyler
I just tried to reach the astral plain, I dont think it worked cuz I just snorted some ritalin. I definetely heard a noise in my head when I concentrated, I couldn't reach the next level since I couldn't concentrate on nothing.
It felt like I was closer to God, I seriously doubt doing this is a sin.
I bet snorting ritalin is though, that is why I couldn't step out of my body.
I definitely felt something though, something familiar now I know what my third eye is
A third eye is the same as a sixth sense relative to sub-conscious
I suggest everyone try it
don't do any drugs and make sure you visit the website at the begginning of the post if you want it to work

that one dude deserves some thanks for posting the website

First off...You're fucking insane.

Anyways....Lachrymologist, I have read the same thing. It's the whole Freudian concept of Id/Ego/Superego. I really think they don't have much if anything to do with the other type of ego (our perception of ourselves.)

Somebody on a different thread pretty much posted the anwer to what this song is about. In fact, I think that was the only time I came to a conclusion on what a Tool song is about. To make a long story short, here it is: We are all reflections of what we have learned and experienced throughout our lives. Everything that has been reflected onto us is our ego. Since it is only a reflection, it is not ours. "this light is not my own." So in order to be pure and to find ourselves, we must crucify the ego, meaning...we must look back into our past and sort out what is true and what is not. What is real and what is not.

That's what I think.

05-04-2003, 12:05 AM
pre-mature ejaculation seems similar to false assumptions like calling someone insane with no knowledge or calculation, but if I was insane I wouldn't go to a website and learn about hearing sounds in my head, I'd try to rid myself of perplexing, vexing, or infesting sounds.

I just found that website to be very insightful. Much of what is said makes sense to me, I mean how many people would say drug abuse or alcohol abuse would impede this sort of trek through a different medium. I've never heard this before, and I also like the affirmation of God described in this sight. The cliche about psychic abilities or out of body experience are almost always related to or thought of as satanic. Funny, I've always been able to distinguish negativity. I didn't feel any with this type of exploration.

I agree with you for what little it is worth, knowing this to be true or believing it true, what's to say taking it a step further is a trifle useless.
What I can tell you is that I was afraid and felt an awkward feeling in my infantile practice of ascension. It wasn't a fear of danger it was a fear of the unknown. A fear relative to an upset stomach one might feel with trying to perceive eternity. This fear wasn't negative.

I was doubtful, and I still am, this knoledge seems delicate and perhaps corrupting. But I was far too comfortable to describe within reason. far too comfortable not to try it again

05-04-2003, 04:35 AM
I think it's not a bad idea to be aware of the fact that we are part of a society, everything we know comes from that society.
But why should we crucify the ego? It is something that has a purpose. It enables us to give ourselves a place in society. Without it we wouldn't know what othersexpect from us, because we don't know who we are. And let's not forget that one of the driving forces of innovation is competition between ego's.
So, the fact that we are all 'one mind' and just a reflection of the world around us is all very true, but the ego is just as important, if not more important.

05-05-2003, 10:29 PM
about snorting ritlan then tryen to reach the astral plane

lol its like meditation, and it can take people years to be able to do it. tool music is way to layered to work out. thats my conclusion u think u get close to some thing then BOOM some one else brings out a diff idea that even better then the last.
maby we are all wrong.

any way u guys have some mad idea's i think its pretty close if close is this area.

05-06-2003, 04:21 AM
one good meditation trick is putting pictures on your mind...meditating on nothingness is too tough..for me that is.i am no realy sure that there is another plane..but i think that (like tool say) gos is your mind..think about it..if you get closer to gos you get closer to yourself to your own capabilities....the possibilities are endless and thus you have to realy push yourself to your limits to dicover that there arent any limits.wether you do that with,without drugs or meditation is another thing.i think one can even meditate while practising higher mathematics,you can real feel your brain expanding and you dont have to use lsd!lol
i really think youre onto something random,i really do.your interpratation is closer to the truth than you may think.somewhere between yours and jungs.dont forget..reality is only ones perception.in order to be objective you have to put down a lot of ppls perception and find (buddas quote) the golden way..wich is the middle way.hmm?

05-12-2003, 05:34 PM
just scanning the net, i found a link similar to the one random_1 posted...
interestingly enough, a good number of references to Lateralus can be made from this site, as well.

The Loaded One
07-15-2003, 01:41 AM
To be egoistic is to be morbid.
To be human is to be morbid.
Therefore to be human is to be egoistic.

I don't believe living humans can crucify their ego. To the smallest extent we will still carry our human desires and inhibitions. Although we can eliminate the most egotistical desires and substantially deminish our egos, our egos will follow us until we can acheive another plane of consiousness which in my opinion is obtained once we die.

Making a connection to Tool. The inherent reference to weather changes really makes Disposition connect with Reflection. As I'm typing this a rather large lightning storm is filling the sky and I'm hoping I'll be able to post this before the power goes out. Incliment weather is becoming more and more noticable in the past few weeks with each storm becoming increasingly violent. It is in my opinion that a dawn is upon the human race. I might just be pessimistic (or optimistic from a different viewpoint) but I feel that this Reflection is beyond our ego. May it be Nibiru or what have you, I feel that with whatever comes out way, us humans will find it easiest to deminish our ego and embrace whatever comes our way.

Or I could be wrong ;D

07-16-2003, 05:02 AM
ok, ready? . . .

disposition . . . reflection . . . triad . . .

id . . . . . . . . . . ego . . . . . . . superego . . .

i think i might have made a connection . . .

peace and blessed be . . .

crow011 . . .

07-24-2003, 11:09 AM
Just go here...http://astralvoyage.com/spirituality/ego.html.. this explains the jist of the song at least to me.. not to mention pretty fucking cool to think about it...