View Full Version : thoughts.....

11-24-2002, 09:34 PM
ok here are two opinions on this song, one that is mine and one that is my friends. first, my friends. his take on this song is that maynard has just learned that his girlfriend has just had an abortion. an abortion that killed his future child. an abortion that was never discussed between him and his girlfriend. he was never given the chance of being able to talk her out of getting the abortion or even knowing that she was pregnant in the first place. and basically the song tells the story of this fight and what it has done to him. my friend feels that this is what the song is about because he has also been in this same situation.

i can see what my friend is saying cause i can also see this/ hear this.

in my opinion, pushit is a battle, a battle in ones mind. a battle that includes an old way of thinking and new way of thinking. that the old way of thinking is what most society is in, beliving everything our parents, teachers, society as a whole tell us. and the new way of thinking is questioning, begining to understand that what we have been told, taught and feed all these years are just others opinions. that to fully live, to fully inderstand, we must let go of all that, to learn all over, to branch out and make our own thoughts on things.
basically the song is this battle between these two "people"
battling inside his head. the old person doesn;t wanna go and let this child take his place and let what he has created through all these years go in vain. but in the end the child wins. the old way of thinking is dead. the child is there to take in everything as a child does, without prejudice. a mind of a child where anything is possible. a mind that does that does not take sides.

ps. i can not fully put down all that feel about this song. it would be a whole lot easier for me to say it person to person. i know that i did not fully explain what i think, but thats ok. take how you wanna take it, thats the point.