View Full Version : new(?) idea... plausable?

06-29-2006, 08:38 PM

this may have been brought up, i was high last night, when lookin through the book and i thought i should share these ideas with you, as they may have something to do with the "puzzle"


so i was lookin through all the band pics, when i realised something just after justin, the one with the crazy out of focus bird, the bird is sitting on a claw, the claw is also featured on adams desk. If we were to look at the claw at the angle that we do in the bird photo, we should be able to see over adams desk and past the red curtain... into the next room. and in the back ground, behind the bird? the candles from justins room and smoke, too.

if the puzzle starts with finding out where each room is in relation to the other rooms, this is just the beginning.



in Maynards room, there is also smoke, it seems in justins picture, that the smoke has traveled across from maynards room into his, slightly leaking in from the right. this makes me think Maynards room is next to Justtins


this is as far as i have gotten so far. i realise it oculd all just be me reading into it too much, but i think the claw part is fairly solid. (except for the wax that is dripping down the side of the tables in the bird photo and not in justins.

anyone got any other ideas from my first few?


in the close up of Danney's desk, i can see something in the reflection of the glass casing of the skull, perhaps you can see the room next to him?

the mirror in Maynards picture also reveals what is to the left of his room, but i am yet to see anything that helps this "theory" out

Danny has some flowers sitting behind the curtain, perhaps leaking into anothers room

In Maynards room, there is a shadow on the floor to the left, leaking on from the room to the left, unsure of what its a shadow of, but im hoping its something from justins room.

Let the flaming begin

06-29-2006, 08:45 PM
also, just realised there is a mirror on dannys desk which should reveal the room to the right of him, i can make out a line in it, but thats it at the moment

06-29-2006, 08:53 PM
do you really like ac/dc... for life?

06-29-2006, 08:54 PM
im sorry. what i meant to say was, nice observation, i'll have to look into it for myself tommorrow when i go to the car and get my tool cd. didnt mean to be rude

06-29-2006, 09:06 PM
no, i hate ACDC.

i like to call it humour.

this whole username thing is more trouble than its worth