View Full Version : Intolerable Hatred and the Federal Reserve System

04-10-2003, 08:32 PM
Someone once said that we do not achieve our fullest potential because we are afraid to succeed. I don't think that any reasonably intelligent person actually believes this. The idea that we are afraid of success is ludicrous enough to inspire laughter.

No my dear friends, we are not afraid of success. We are afraid of failure. Complete and total failure. Our dreams rest upon unstable ground as it is. To lose them completely would lead to madness. You can be sure that even the lowliest of workers falls back on his dreams when he returns to his home for the night. A man who pumps gas for a living is not a failed author, someone who didn’t’ have the great ideas he thought he did. He is simply an undiscovered genius. Indeed, he could be discovered at any moment and be taken away from all this madness to a life of success and praise. You can be sure that this is the only thing keeping our friend from opening fire at a public place. It may be a form of denial, but denial has kept society running for thousands of years.

In the end, we are nothing without our dreams. They lift us out of our banal lives and promise us wonderful things that are not completely out of reach