View Full Version : time sig

05-16-2006, 10:55 AM
does anybody know the time siganture for VT, if it even has one?

05-16-2006, 01:42 PM
It doesn't have one:)

05-16-2006, 02:00 PM
Damn, oh well maybe the fib thing i told you about at lunch today maybe isnt true...

05-22-2006, 02:55 AM
does anybody know the time siganture for VT, if it even has one?

After several years of careful study, I have discovered that the time signature for this song is none other than 23/16.

A rather beautiful time signature, great for dancing with a partner or in a group. Mosh pits will find this particularly attractive as well. Just picture yourself jiggling away to the funky "tictacticta" of this groovy number. Crowd surfer is a no-no however(assuming your carriers are still trying to move to this beat). You will soon be finding your hard head hitting the hard floor and chances are, with so many down beats going on, no-one will be able to distinguish the thud of your skull from the funky"tictacticta" of the rhythm. Alone, you will be left, to discover for yourself, the beauties of floor vibration sonics. Worms are motivated to eat their way into concrete by this sound and early birds shatter their beaks digging for them. Part of my studies included eating some of these poor affected creatures, as an exercise in totemism. Never worked of course(read my thesis entitled "The Discouraging Life Cycles of Mayflies and Other Short Lived Macroinvertebrates").

Gosh, where was I? Oh yes, headaches.
Headaches can be treated with various new techniques, the most effective being the Swanson Cow-cuddling embrace technique. However, very few of us keep cows in our medicinal cabinets anymore so a wet marsupial will do fine. And then its right back to the boogeying, young groovesters! Enjoy yourselves kids! Don't take drugs!

05-22-2006, 04:45 AM
Gosh, where was I? Oh yes, headaches.
Headaches can be treated with various new techniques, the most effective being the Swanson Cow-cuddling embrace technique. However, very few of us keep cows in our medicinal cabinets anymore so a wet marsupial will do fine. And then its right back to the boogeying, young groovesters! Enjoy yourselves kids! Don't take drugs!

In your neck of the woods, marsupials are easy to come by...not here. :'(

05-22-2006, 07:53 AM
After several years of careful study, I have discovered that the time signature for this song is none other than 23/16.

A rather beautiful time signature, great for dancing with a partner or in a group. Mosh pits will find this particularly attractive as well. Just picture yourself jiggling away to the funky "tictacticta" of this groovy number. Crowd surfer is a no-no however(assuming your carriers are still trying to move to this beat). You will soon be finding your hard head hitting the hard floor and chances are, with so many down beats going on, no-one will be able to distinguish the thud of your skull from the funky"tictacticta" of the rhythm. Alone, you will be left, to discover for yourself, the beauties of floor vibration sonics. Worms are motivated to eat their way into concrete by this sound and early birds shatter their beaks digging for them. Part of my studies included eating some of these poor affected creatures, as an exercise in totemism. Never worked of course(read my thesis entitled "The Discouraging Life Cycles of Mayflies and Other Short Lived Macroinvertebrates").

Gosh, where was I? Oh yes, headaches.
Headaches can be treated with various new techniques, the most effective being the Swanson Cow-cuddling embrace technique. However, very few of us keep cows in our medicinal cabinets anymore so a wet marsupial will do fine. And then its right back to the boogeying, young groovesters! Enjoy yourselves kids! Don't take drugs!


06-07-2006, 09:33 PM

Doodle 23