View Full Version : Kangaroo??

05-13-2006, 07:44 PM
Most of the lyrics on this track seem to make some sense to me after a bit of a think about them, but I'm a bit stumped with the line:

"Kangaroo done hung the guilty with the innocent"

or something similar to that. Is he really saying Kangaroo? What the hell does a kangaroo have to do with anything??

05-13-2006, 08:05 PM
You're a kangaroo, as in: (noun); a mammal who cannot read previous threads about the exact same thing.

05-13-2006, 10:52 PM
He's referig to a kangaroo court session, which is a mock-up trial that is rigged from the get-go. The evidence is faked, the jurors paid off, etc.

Look it up on wikipedia. They have a pretty good definition of it.

05-22-2006, 03:11 AM
Most of the lyrics on this track seem to make some sense to me after a bit of a think about them, but I'm a bit stumped with the line:

"Kangaroo done hung the guilty with the innocent"

or something similar to that. Is he really saying Kangaroo? What the hell does a kangaroo have to do with anything??

Check this link out. Might help out. http://hereticalideas.com/index.php?p=611

THE US has floated plans to turn Guantanamo Bay into a death camp, with its own death row and execution chamber.

Prisoners would be tried, convicted and executed without leaving its boundaries, without a jury and without right of appeal, The Mail on Sunday newspaper reported yesterday.

The plans were revealed by Major-General Geoffrey Miller, who is in charge of 680 suspects from 43 countries, including two Australians.

If the Administration is “floating” this idea they damn well better sink it. That people have been held there without representation or recourse for 18 months is atrocity enough. The idea that people will be tried by kangaroo courts without appeal and executed is disgusting. This is the United States of America, people! We’re supposed to be better than this! And don’t give me that bullshit about “well, the beds are nice and soft and the food is hot…” A prison is still a prison, no matter how nice the weather is. And people shouldn’t be held in one without just cause.

The Administration’s had 18 months to build a case. Surely if they have one against those at Gitmo (and I’m sure that some people there belong there), then they can damn well prove it. If not, then let them go. But they must not be allowed betray everything the United States is by buidling an execution chamber for people who’ve never been tried for any crime.

05-22-2006, 04:10 AM
Most of the lyrics on this track seem to make some sense to me after a bit of a think about them, but I'm a bit stumped with the line:

"Kangaroo done hung the guilty with the innocent"

or something similar to that. Is he really saying Kangaroo? What the hell does a kangaroo have to do with anything??

Yeah, that is a funny lyric.
I would've called 'em chazwozzers!

05-22-2006, 06:17 AM
im pretty sure its Kangaroo Dung. Hung the Jury.....

05-22-2006, 07:40 AM
im pretty sure its Kangaroo Dung. Hung the Jury.....
Haha, like bullshit, excellent.

will see you auntie
05-22-2006, 08:05 AM
Most of the lyrics on this track seem to make some sense to me after a bit of a think about them, but I'm a bit stumped with the line:

"Kangaroo done hung the guilty with the innocent"

or something similar to that. Is he really saying Kangaroo? What the hell does a kangaroo have to do with anything??

it is a reference to a kangaroo court

05-22-2006, 10:29 AM
A kangaroo court is a court that is basicaly for show....The out come is set...

"Hung the juror with the innocent"

The one juror who is holding out on the gilty verdict...get rid of them at the same time you get rid of the patsy.....


05-23-2006, 09:36 AM
What about my razor sharp simpsons reference?
Argh, my brilliance is lost on the lot of ya!

05-23-2006, 10:17 AM
What about my razor sharp simpsons reference?
Argh, my brilliance is lost on the lot of ya!

Actually, the Aussi was referring to bullfrogs, so sharp, but not razor sharp!

05-23-2006, 10:28 AM
A kangaroo court is a court that is basicaly for show....The out come is set...

"Hung the juror with the innocent"

The one juror who is holding out on the gilty verdict...get rid of them at the same time you get rid of the patsy.....


To add to this kangaroo discussion, when the British settlers discoverd Australia, they found this very strange animal that bounced around seemingly on its tail. The settlers asked the aboriginals what that animal was. The aboriginals replied "kangaroo". The interesting thing is, in their language "kangaroo" means "I don't know". I am not sure if this has anything to do with the lyrics or the origin of a kangaroo court, but I thought it was interesting.

05-24-2006, 01:18 AM
Actually, the Aussi was referring to bullfrogs, so sharp, but not razor sharp!

Meh... I'll accept that!

05-25-2006, 08:21 AM
That's not a knife, that's a spoon.

Yeah, I contributed nothing to this post, and kept a repeat post going. All well.