View Full Version : i think i figured it out finally

05-11-2006, 05:06 PM
so years back, probably around 2000, i was in an airport reading a magazine with a tool interview (should have bought it, it had badass photos) and i distinctly remember the boys saying that on aenema 2 songs were about BILL HICKS.

Basically it seems like i always thought Third Eye (obviously) and Eulogy were tinged with Bill Hicks references/dedication, however Eulogy never quite sat well with me because MJK seems very bitter in the song and I doubt MJK thought "Bill Hicks had alot of nothing so say"

So finally I came to the conclusions Eulogy IS NOT about Bill Hicks, but rather Aenema. I mean not in the sense its about him, but that he played a good role in the song's subject matter (Arizona Bay anyone)


05-11-2006, 05:13 PM
so years back, probably around 2000, i was in an airport reading a magazine with a tool interview (should have bought it, it had badass photos) and i distinctly remember the boys saying that on aenema 2 songs were about BILL HICKS.

Basically it seems like i always thought Third Eye (obviously) and Eulogy were tinged with Bill Hicks references/dedication, however Eulogy never quite sat well with me because MJK seems very bitter in the song and I doubt MJK thought "Bill Hicks had alot of nothing so say"

So finally I came to the conclusions Eulogy IS NOT about Bill Hicks, but rather Aenema. I mean not in the sense its about him, but that he played a good role in the song's subject matter (Arizona Bay anyone)


I always thought the same thing but then I realized Eulogy was written about Maynard's dislike of L. Ron Hubbard...think about that and listen to it again then it makes perfect sense. Even in Aenima he says "fuck L. Ron Hubbard and fuck all his clones"

05-11-2006, 05:19 PM
Sorry for being completely oblivious but who exactly is L. Ron Hubbard?

05-11-2006, 05:28 PM
Sorry for being completely oblivious but who exactly is L. Ron Hubbard?

Google it.

05-11-2006, 05:41 PM
Imo aenima is about not falling into groups (religious or otherwise ) and think and stand on your own ( learn to swim ), And/or the great to come to cali. Cuz' he's praying for rain to come to make you think on your own. It not until tradegy that people start to pay attenion a little more.

As for eulogy,kind of along the same lines of thinking ( i also heard/read it's about bill ),but i think it's about religion in general. Not getting all your hopes and dreams wrap up into them. Cuz' for every belief that rises one can fall and so on.

Either way great fucking tunes. Fucking great. ;)

05-12-2006, 10:01 AM
Well, Aenima I would definately say is regarding the precession of the magnetic poles in the earth. It is a scientific fact that north and south switch places every so many thousands of years and we are currently in the process of one of these flips. Google pole shift and/or Age of Aquarius. According to documents of the ancients and popular New Age beliefs, much tragedy will happen at the time of this change and it will eventually turn out to be for the better as we will eventually rise through the turmoil to a state of higher consciousness (christ consciousness). I think California seems to be an epicenter of materialism and therefore Maynard wishes for this change to occur and cleanse the "stupid shit, silly shit" and begin anew. All these people not in tune with the reality of the matter will be the "dumbfounded dipshits". Bill Hicks was also familiar with this theory and which he based his beliefs upon. I would highly suggest picking up the book "Nothing in this book is true, but it's exactly the way things are" by Bob Frissell. This book can and will shed a completely new light behind many of Tool's themes during the Aenima and Lateralus albums.

[edit] also Google Carl Jung and what "the snake" and "the shadow" stands for in his philosophy. And 46&2 is based on the human chromosomes in our genetic DNA structure. You may find that under "christ consciousness". You will soon begin to have a whole new understanding of the depth of Tool's intelligence and thought they put into their music and lyrics. There is so much more....."think for yourself" and "seek the truth"

05-12-2006, 09:21 PM
Eulogy: "this song is about martyrs" so yeah i do think this song COULD be abour Hubbard now that i think about it, but for so many years i tried to tie this song down to have one specific target (bill hicks, hubbard, even kobain) but now i believe this song is just about anyone in general who uses martyrdrom(osama, etc) as a weapon, or a way to brainwash people.
"i swallowed his facade cuz im so eager to identify with someone above the crowd, someone prepared to lead the way"
so mjk is also targeting weak minded people as well...

i mean for so long i heard/thought this song(Eulogy) was about Bill Hicks, but it never sat well with me b/c i thought this song was negative, and mjks and bills relationship was deffinatley not....so yeah i also am gonna paraphrase mjk on what he once said aenema is about

"this song is about spiritually cleansing the earth" or something to that extent..evolving spiritually and philosophically and what not

Plus the Arizone Bay reference which Bill spoke openly about makes me believe this song is about/influenced by him

05-13-2006, 04:44 PM
Eulogy: "this song is about martyrs" so yeah i do think this song COULD be abour Hubbard now that i think about it, but for so many years i tried to tie this song down to have one specific target (bill hicks, hubbard, even kobain) but now i believe this song is just about anyone in general who uses martyrdrom(osama, etc) as a weapon, or a way to brainwash people.
"i swallowed his facade cuz im so eager to identify with someone above the crowd, someone prepared to lead the way"
so mjk is also targeting weak minded people as well...

i mean for so long i heard/thought this song(Eulogy) was about Bill Hicks, but it never sat well with me b/c i thought this song was negative, and mjks and bills relationship was deffinatley not....so yeah i also am gonna paraphrase mjk on what he once said aenema is about

"this song is about spiritually cleansing the earth" or something to that extent..evolving spiritually and philosophically and what not

Plus the Arizone Bay reference which Bill spoke openly about makes me believe this song is about/influenced by him

I've heard the Kobain name thrown in by a few people but, I highly doubt that. It just doesn't even make any sense. Kobain was a great musician but he didn't stand for anything in particular really. I mean, he wasn' political nor did he die for a belief. He killed himself, or even as conspiracy theory goes..was murdered. Either way, he wasn't trying to make much of a point in anything in particular. I don't know, I just don't see any connection to him.

05-18-2006, 12:03 PM
It's interesting to see "Anima" mentioned on Jung's Wikipedia page.
Is this connected to the album title?

05-18-2006, 12:06 PM
Sorry to keep putting posts up, but Jung also mentions, Feeling, Intuition, Thinking, in the introvert/extrovert section. All used in Lateralus.

05-18-2006, 05:09 PM
It's interesting to see "Anima" mentioned on Jung's Wikipedia page.
Is this connected to the album title?

Aenima is meant to be a combination of the term "anima" and "enima"...look up those 2 things in wilkepedia. This combination sums up the whole up he album combined with what I mentioned above. Or you can follow this link for one of the most comprehensible hypothesis of Tool meanings I've seen.


05-19-2006, 11:20 PM
come down to nail you on the cross again....

06-03-2006, 05:50 PM
Bob Frissell is just the tip of the iceberg.. check out Drunvalo Machizedek's The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life: Volumes 1 and 2

Everything is spelled out much more plainly, and extensively

06-04-2006, 02:33 AM
I dunno, I've always seen Ænema as more of a complete distaste of the shitty spiral that social humanity has fallen into, but these theories make sense too, if not more than my own bullshit.

06-04-2006, 09:40 AM
I love this song,and album.