View Full Version : approaching singularity

05-04-2006, 06:53 AM
first time i heard this i thought..."ok, neat?"
however last night i took a break from the hell of studying for exams and went out to sit in my car and listen to intension/right in two/viginti tres. i closed my eyes and put my seat back to take it all in. when VT started i started visualizing three dimensional waves and tubes of blue energy/water/static. for some reason i started to fit a "story" to the seemingly chaotic sound. i started to imagine that this track was an interpretation of the coming technological singularity discussed in many science and sociology books as of late. just a thought. not a well formed thought, but take it as it is. yay.

05-04-2006, 07:19 AM
You don't by chance consume schrooms when you're on study break?
LOL just kidding. It actually sounds like you had a cool experience with this song.

Strangely, I'm intrigued by this seemingly simple and boring song. I want to know what it is, and why it is.

05-04-2006, 07:58 AM
eh...its not anything i would normally get into...i guess i was just in a contemplative enough mood to "get it" at that moment.

shrooms? nope. only time i did that all i got was an annoying buzzing noise and a sick stomach.