View Full Version : I was rosetta stoned

04-27-2006, 09:24 PM
I dropped some very intense acid last night to the point of some form of schizophrenia. I was in my room having conversations with objects like the wall and the floor. Everything kept getting more and more intense, things moving around more and more, so I crawled into a corner in my closet and put on Reflection. I closed my eyes and completely left my body and conversed with something that was definitely above and beyond my consciousness and perception. I came out of it when Reflection ended. I'm not sure whether the experience was caused by the song of if it was just a coincidence, but either way, I kind of sat in awe, trying to figure out what had happened, while listening to Triad. After it ended I put on Rosetta Stoned to see what kind of effect it would have on me, and it fried my fucking mind. The song was telling me and explaining exactly what was happening to me as it was happening. I could remember what was said to me until I listened to that song. As I listened to it, I felt my mind lose its capacity to understand and remember the experience.

This isn't any real new analysis of the song, but I wanted to share it. This song is such an acid trip, especially in the part Maynard is screaming "holy fucking shit, holy fucking shit." That is exactly what it is like when your mind is just too fucked to make sense of your perception.

Clutch it like an AEnima
04-27-2006, 09:59 PM
yup ....acid will do that to you

Lost Keys
04-27-2006, 10:55 PM
yeah. to bad the song isn't talking about lsd. then this experience you had would fit.

04-27-2006, 11:34 PM
yeah. to bad the song isn't talking about lsd. then this experience you had would fit.

to an onlooker, being an ex- stoner, dropping cid seems sooooo freaking interesting.

would u reccomend it.
im thinking i need to be in a good mood.
and im thinking i need to be in a safe place.
with relaxing music.
but whatever
after all this acid talk, both my online and personal life..
should i try it once?

i mean, i always told myself, my mind couldnt take hallucinations.
ive been thru the drunkest drunks, the stonedest stones, the weirdest shvit you could ever think of.

but hallucinations and extreme time distortions and reality being totally lost...
make me think otherwise.

probably wont do it.

04-27-2006, 11:58 PM
trying drugs isn't the same as getting a college degree, stop thinking about it and just jump in. You can't plan for this shit, you have to experience it.

04-28-2006, 12:03 AM
There is nothing you can do to prepare yourself mentally for a psychedelic trip. It is an exploration of the unknown parts of your perception - hallucinations are actually the mind's attempt to fill in what it cannot perceive.

I think its worth it to try at least once. It's just a drug, and no matter how terrible or frightening the trip gets, you just have to remember that - it is just a drug, none of it is real, and it has an end.

04-28-2006, 12:17 AM
trying drugs isn't the same as getting a college degree, stop thinking about it and just jump in. You can't plan for this shit, you have to experience it.

heh, so much irony in your post, in the process of getting the degree.

but yeah
i know i shouldnt think about it
but its something i dont think im ready for.
and if i dont think im ready for it....
what would make me do it.

i lost all my peer pressure i think.
if only i could do it with no fear of losing it, its blocking the way
people i know already told me, theres no need for drugs with the shvit i do.
funny funny shvit.


04-28-2006, 02:06 AM
to an onlooker, being an ex- stoner, dropping cid seems sooooo freaking interesting.

would u reccomend it.
im thinking i need to be in a good mood.
and im thinking i need to be in a safe place.
with relaxing music.
but whatever
after all this acid talk, both my online and personal life..
should i try it once?

i mean, i always told myself, my mind couldnt take hallucinations.
ive been thru the drunkest drunks, the stonedest stones, the weirdest shvit you could ever think of.

but hallucinations and extreme time distortions and reality being totally lost...
make me think otherwise.

probably wont do it.

Only you know the answer. However I would recommend reading some literature on the subject.

Heaven and Hell & Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley (for the best detailed view on the experience (this was on peyote or shrooms though))

From Chocolate to Morphine (forget the author's name) (for an unbiased view into all forms of drugs)

And of course you have the net (drug info, trip reports, and more):


Lost Keys
04-28-2006, 02:29 AM
to an onlooker, being an ex- stoner, dropping cid seems sooooo freaking interesting.

would u reccomend it.
im thinking i need to be in a good mood.
and im thinking i need to be in a safe place.
with relaxing music.
but whatever
after all this acid talk, both my online and personal life..
should i try it once?

i mean, i always told myself, my mind couldnt take hallucinations.
ive been thru the drunkest drunks, the stonedest stones, the weirdest shvit you could ever think of.

but hallucinations and extreme time distortions and reality being totally lost...
make me think otherwise.

probably wont do it.

if you do trip. do it to learn and discover the perceptions of reality. to look at things or hear things that you enjoy. don't do it to just get fucked up or to be high. that's what herion is for.

Lost Keys
04-28-2006, 02:31 AM
trying drugs isn't the same as getting a college degree, stop thinking about it and just jump in. You can't plan for this shit, you have to experience it.

wrong advice. don't listen to this guy. taking a trip on acid is like taking a trip anywhere else physically. you have to plan a time, place, event, etc etc. otherwise you're just wasting your time and could put yourself in a bad trip without having something to do.

unplug/turnoff the telephone. any responsibilities you have. get them done before hand.

if anything..........look at the stars in the night sky.


04-28-2006, 08:48 AM
wrong advice. don't listen to this guy. taking a trip on acid is like taking a trip anywhere else physically. you have to plan a time, place, event, etc etc. otherwise you're just wasting your time and could put yourself in a bad trip without having something to do.

Very true. I suggest going camping and dropping AFTER you have set up your tent etc.

04-28-2006, 06:01 PM
I dropped some very intense acid last night to the point of some form of schizophrenia. I was in my room having conversations with objects like the wall and the floor. Everything kept getting more and more intense, things moving around more and more, so I crawled into a corner in my closet and put on Reflection. I closed my eyes and completely left my body and conversed with something that was definitely above and beyond my consciousness and perception. I came out of it when Reflection ended. I'm not sure whether the experience was caused by the song of if it was just a coincidence, but either way, I kind of sat in awe, trying to figure out what had happened, while listening to Triad. After it ended I put on Rosetta Stoned to see what kind of effect it would have on me, and it fried my fucking mind. The song was telling me and explaining exactly what was happening to me as it was happening. I could remember what was said to me until I listened to that song. As I listened to it, I felt my mind lose its capacity to understand and remember the experience.

This isn't any real new analysis of the song, but I wanted to share it. This song is such an acid trip, especially in the part Maynard is screaming "holy fucking shit, holy fucking shit." That is exactly what it is like when your mind is just too fucked to make sense of your perception.

i had an experience 2 years ago on a heroic dose of psilocybin and all i can see is that i saw an eye vortex and this was before ever knowing of alex grey or seeing the parabola video and now they are useing it on the cover of the new cd. i wrote a long rant a while back about it under a different name that had to deal with something i called "the triangle of truth" the long and the short of it i think they are explaining a rather common event i mean in the beginning he says something like "contemplateing the whole chosen people thing" i mean even if you go back to the book of ezekial he mentions seeing wheels within wheels covered in eyes as well as eating a scroll from cow dung then he procedes to prophisize doom and destruction to those who do not choose to hear his message.. since this experience ive found many people whove had the same as well as many ancient references and the biggest part of it is that tho most gain alot from it they have an impossible time trying to A. remember it or B. communicate it. i really dont know what else to say other than shit i can relate to this song alot and especially falling into the narrcisism so many people who have this experience do. only after 2 years am i finally integrateing what i learned and in a way where im not running around babbleing about triangles and eyes lol um ok ima shut up now hehe

04-28-2006, 06:07 PM
For user "elevation"

Funny the part you think is interesting is the repetitive part or RS...(you know, the one that goes "holy fuckin shit") Hey! that's exactly how Britney Spears, Ashley Simpson, and Daddy Yankee get their songs to be popular! And they don't even need to tell their fans to dope up! Does that make their fans smarter? hmm... I'm gonna get high and think about that one.

04-28-2006, 06:10 PM
(...) taking a trip on acid is like taking a trip anywhere else physically. you have to plan a time, place, event, etc etc. otherwise you're just wasting your time and could put yourself in a bad trip without having something to do.

unplug/turnoff the telephone. any responsibilities you have. get them done before hand.

if anything..........look at the stars in the night sky.

Wow, that sounds like pro advice on doing acid. If I ever tried it I'd do it the way you're indicating. thanks for the tip...

God, I'm diggin' Jambi soooo much. listening to it right now...

04-28-2006, 06:38 PM
As I'm getting sandwiched between American and Dominican pussy, the Dominican one is getting high on the posts about getting high... and the American one has the munchies. A message from the Dominican:

No! I'm not telling you anything!!

04-28-2006, 09:36 PM
although when i was younger (i.e. when i actually did lots of acid) i would just trip whenever the idea struck me.. for a while it was every weekend.. it was fun, but it lead to some pretty weird experiences and one "bad" trip in particular..

it wasn't til years later that i read about tim leary and his "set and setting" concept of tripping.. like Lost Keys said, you need to prepare for it.. you need to make sure you're in a good place mentally, and you need to make sure your surroundings are going to be familiar.. good peaceful music is a good idea, too..

of course i had plenty of good times on acid in the homes of people i barely knew listening to music that was really bizarre and fucked up, so you know.. do what thou wilt. :P

04-28-2006, 10:03 PM
I am of two minds of acid set/setting:

Go out to nature, yada yada.

Or, go to a really busy city. Do everything the opposite of normal. If you're white, go into the hip hop club. Dance. If you're straight, go to the gay bar. Dance.

Drive really fast down alleyways. Scream at pedestrians. Drink heavily.

With this closed experiment, you'll be sure to find out which kind of tripper you are. Happy 'trails'...

Lost Keys
04-29-2006, 12:53 AM
Wow, that sounds like pro advice on doing acid. If I ever tried it I'd do it the way you're indicating. thanks for the tip...

God, I'm diggin' Jambi soooo much. listening to it right now...

any time. it's been about 6 years since i seen lucy but I will remember the experiences forever. it's life changing and can possibly be a rebirth for your own personality.

i don't really say do it or don't do it. it's one of those things there is no right answer for.

i never experienced a bad trip or a good trip. to me it it's always just been a trip. to have that feeling in your stomach like the one when you climb to the top of the rollercoaster ............ before the big spill....... THAT for 12 hours straight is nerve racking. the constant sighing, changing your posture every few minutes so you're comfortable with your surroundings. shit like that makes it seem a bit to much at times. BUT if you have things planned, things to check out or do. you don't notice those negatives all that much. infact the positives from opening your third eye can outway those. for me, feeling a connective 'force' through everything and a feeling of being taken care of from a power beyond (the lord). being able to look at the simplest of things and seeing an overwelming amasement of intricate detail and life that you never noticed before. being in awe of it, more so than anything else in your life up to that point. it's priceless.

art, music, cgi movies, video games, anything positive or natural

you decide.

it's like the matrix. nobody can show you. you'd have to see it for yourself.

to stay on subject. this fuckin song has nothing to do with drugs. it's about alien abduction :P

04-29-2006, 11:15 AM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned: do it with friends. I don't think it's a good idea to trip alone, at least the first time, because it's difficult to have someone to relate to. If you are on the same intensity of trip (even if your thoughts are different) as someone else, then it is like you have someone on the journey with you. As for bad tripping, I always found that it was possible to recognize when your mind is headed down a dark hole and then makea conscious effort to change tracks. However I've seen people have some bad trips where they came un-fucking-glued, so I guess anything's possible.

But I believe everyone should do it once. Do it in a safe place, with friends, good music, etc. Don't plan on doing anything the next day. The insidious thing about acid is that it's hard to tell when the trip is over. You may experience strange but brief audio and visual hallucinations the whole next day.

Of course your mileage may vary...I can say that I saw the Atlanta Aenima tour stop on half a hit and it turned everything up a notch. A memorable experience.

04-30-2006, 08:35 AM
wrong advice. don't listen to this guy. taking a trip on acid is like taking a trip anywhere else physically. you have to plan a time, place, event, etc etc. otherwise you're just wasting your time and could put yourself in a bad trip without having something to do.

unplug/turnoff the telephone. any responsibilities you have. get them done before hand.

if anything..........look at the stars in the night sky.


Hold on, i dont mean just go to work flyin, or take acid just whenever or wherever, you have to whats necessary to have a safe trip, but what i meant was that the decision to try acid is one that cannot be made, because the person making the choice is in no way prepared for what is about to happen to them, nor could they be. with acid, one decides when to take the trip, but not the destination. as a result how could you possibly plan this in terms of how it will affect the rest of your life??

04-30-2006, 08:37 AM
hey, thats in time.

04-30-2006, 10:15 PM
Very true. I suggest going camping and dropping AFTER you have set up your tent etc.

before could be fun too though...............

Lost Keys
04-30-2006, 11:36 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned: do it with friends. I don't think it's a good idea to trip alone, at least the first time, because it's difficult to have someone to relate to.

Very true. I was going to mention this but didn't in terms of how I would trip today. I would probably do it alone nowadays but yes for a first time it is best to do it with someone you completely TRUST. a true friend. so you'll both be on the same mental plane. if something goes wrong you have someone there to guide you. you may even see things in the same way. many of times i tripped with my best friend and would see some shit and think it's just me and be able to ask him if he saw it to and find out he did. it lets you know you aren't craZy and it could make the friendship stronger or not. it's unpredictable really, but yeah good call, jack.

05-01-2006, 12:17 AM
i remember a few months ago dropping a hit with two good mates and staying at a caravan park. crazyness insued. we spent most the night on an adventure through a golf course, a construction site and a plantation just to get to the servo to buy some chewies.

the small caravan was jampacked with 5 of us in total and the whole thing had some crazy psycadelic wood grain wallpaper which plays with your mind a bit :P trying to play poker was an experience as well.

good times. yeah do it at least once.

05-01-2006, 12:18 AM
That was a good story.

05-02-2006, 12:55 AM
I just smoked a shit-ton of some quite potent grass, and my 1st listen through this album I just *stared* at the ocular 3D artwork/pictures. (for the full 75 minutes)

Fuckin rad. Now there's an experience.

(If you're having trouble getting your eyes to focus right back away from the lenses until you can see the picture in one then slowly move in)

When he says "Forgot my pen", I think that signifies that he forgot to bring his pen along for the trip, so now he can't remember what happened or "can't remember what he said".

Sounds alot like DMT or a high LSD dose.

08-26-2006, 08:59 AM
EXCELLENT analogy, LK. I couldn't agree more with your advice. I haven't fried in over 10 years, but I can remember when we did it was a highly planned affair (e.g. phones off the hook, doors locked with only travelers inside, 90% of lights off to give appearance that no one is home, basically taking great care to remove ourselves wholly and completely from society for a few hours). In addition to minimizing the potential for a bad trip, these preparations gave us all a much greater freedom to submit to the experience and fully explore the thoughts, feelings, and circumstances presented to us.

Excellent advice.

wrong advice. don't listen to this guy. taking a trip on acid is like taking a trip anywhere else physically. you have to plan a time, place, event, etc etc. otherwise you're just wasting your time and could put yourself in a bad trip without having something to do.

unplug/turnoff the telephone. any responsibilities you have. get them done before hand.

if anything..........look at the stars in the night sky.


09-02-2006, 08:19 AM
Lock the door, that's some good advice. I was at a mates house a few months ago after doing a reasnoble amount of mdma, ended up sitting topless hugging my male friend and his dad walks in. Talk about bursting the bubble.

elephant man
09-07-2006, 11:54 PM
Never used anything but marijuana and alcohol...I'm thinking about using mushrooms someday...Does any of you guys have experience with that? Does it have the same effect as lsd? thnx for all the great tips just now, locking the doors and stuff... can't wait for more info!

09-08-2006, 06:25 AM
The song was telling me and explaining exactly what was happening to me as it was happening. I could remember what was said to me until I listened to that song. As I listened to it, I felt my mind lose its capacity to understand and remember the experience.

I think this might be important for you to remember and learn something from. Also, just the fact that it did that to you should further prove the power that this band possesses.

09-08-2006, 06:26 AM
i had an experience 2 years ago on a heroic dose of psilocybin and all i can see is that i saw an eye vortex and this was before ever knowing of alex grey or seeing the parabola video

This very same thing

happened to me.

When you listened to Parabola, you didnt, by any chance, feel like your head became a rocket and soared out above the earth and looekd down on it, did you?

But for real, I was on mushrooms and I saw the eye vortex too, before seeing the alex grey painting.

09-08-2006, 09:43 AM
no offense to your acid inspired insights but everyone I know that has done acid is a total fuck up who thinks people are out to get them, even random ones driving down the road...scary enough shit to make me never want to do it...I have tried mushrooms and pot, and while I find a mushroom trip to be scary as fuck (I went into convulsions once from them, thought I would die) pot to be quite mellow and even keel, I find that based on how other people I have known to do acid, and how they act, I would never try it myself.

As for the song, It is one of my favorite on the album, besides right in two, and I actually found it rather amusing...claiming to know the details of our ending yet forgetting to write it down, sounds like we are all acting it out instead of saying it (or writing it down). Deciphering a secret code sounds a little bit too deep too look into a song for me, I like something accessible, and although there might be one I think it would be pretty cool for someone to figure it out. Gday

09-08-2006, 10:25 AM
Yeah, looking back on this now, I really just laugh at myself. I was out of my head, going insane over the illegal download I made of 10,000 Days...haha...it all happened just as I described. A few visions ran through my head as I read over that first post...

I love this song, though. Probably my favorite Tool song in terms of the actual music. It is psychedelic metal, just a pure sonic assault. Probably the most dynamic the band has ever been.

09-08-2006, 11:07 AM
I don't think I wil ever 'get' 10,000 Days until I've taken acid and seen it live.

For real.

09-08-2006, 11:14 AM
For real.

09-09-2006, 09:22 AM
no offense to your acid inspired insights but everyone I know that has done acid is a total fuck up who thinks people are out to get them, even random ones driving down the road...scary enough shit to make me never want to do it

Perhaps you just need to choose friends more wisely. I'm not paranoid about people driving down the road, and I'm not a fuck-up.

09-09-2006, 11:02 AM
Perhaps you need to do something to realize that everyone that takes shit like that is a fuck-up.

09-09-2006, 11:08 AM
Perhaps you are right, I don't doubt that there are intelligent people out there who have done acid, I just seem to never meet them. I was mostly around it in high school, a bit in college but more so in high school, but everyone I knew that took acid was just into other shit (coke, etc.) as well. Maybe that would explain a lot. I have a degree from from a major university so I'm no dummy and am VERY cautious and careful in choosing what I put into my body. Someone that makes something seem okay doesn't mean when u go to take it it will be enjoyable (I have learned this the hard way a few times). I'm not in any way trying to preach to you, or call you a fuckup or offend anyone here, it just seems from my personal experience people I know that have done it are very out there...and alot of people on the internet lie/or make up experiences about it. So ultimately my opinion is formed by what I have been around...

09-09-2006, 11:13 AM
I love the fact how people still think that shit like that gives them knowledge or something like that.

09-10-2006, 01:27 PM
When you listened to Parabola, you didnt, by any chance, feel like your head became a rocket and soared out above the earth and looekd down on it, did you?

I'm thinking your mind was inside the man at the end of the Parabola video.

You must remember that a lot of Alex Grey's work has been done after a trip, taking thoughts from his experience and developing them into what are now Tool's artwork.

09-10-2006, 05:19 PM
to stay on subject. this fuckin song has nothing to do with drugs. it's about alien abduction :P

Not sure if I'm missing your sarcasm in that statement, but there's so much evidence in the lyrics and music to the contrary that you have to be being sarcastic...

09-10-2006, 08:01 PM
you know, the other day i got stoned while listening to RS, and by big revelation was the following: listen to your music on major mofo speakers, not on headphones, no matter how good or expensive they are. Why? well, because nothing can replace the reverberations that you feel in your tummy and legs when Danny and Justin dance. wow. i had forgotten that feeling. been listening to my iPod for too long...

09-11-2006, 06:05 AM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned: do it with friends. I don't think it's a good idea to trip alone, at least the first time, because it's difficult to have someone to relate to. If you are on the same intensity of trip (even if your thoughts are different) as someone else, then it is like you have someone on the journey with you. As for bad tripping, I always found that it was possible to recognize when your mind is headed down a dark hole and then makea conscious effort to change tracks. However I've seen people have some bad trips where they came un-fucking-glued, so I guess anything's possible.

But I believe everyone should do it once. Do it in a safe place, with friends, good music, etc. Don't plan on doing anything the next day. The insidious thing about acid is that it's hard to tell when the trip is over. You may experience strange but brief audio and visual hallucinations the whole next day.

Of course your mileage may vary...I can say that I saw the Atlanta Aenima tour stop on half a hit and it turned everything up a notch. A memorable experience.

I was thinking the same thing as I was reading these posts...'what about the friends bit?'...

I haven't done the stuff in years, but I swallowed alot of it in the 90's, and I'll tell you one thing...be comfortable where you are. You do not want to go into it with any kind of lingering apprehensions. Relax...it is, after all, just a drug, but it can be damn powerful, and having someone you love near you experiencing the same things you are is a very special bond. Go camping, set up your tent, get all the firewood you'll need for the next 36 hours, and prepare. You'll love it.

JE Mack
09-17-2006, 07:17 PM
acid didnt effect me when i tried it but i did almost die once and had kinda a rosetta stoned experience then (minus the aliens, of course). i think it's just an illusion, that feeling like you know the point of it all but really there's no knowledge gained, nothing to remember or write down if you had brought a pen. i'd love to know what physically causes the hallucination/feeling. just my rambling thoughts. flame away

09-18-2006, 09:13 AM
two new enhancement drugs: big speakers and friends.

i TOTALLY agree.

09-21-2006, 08:45 AM
Very true. I was going to mention this but didn't in terms of how I would trip today. I would probably do it alone nowadays but yes for a first time it is best to do it with someone you completely TRUST. a true friend. so you'll both be on the same mental plane. if something goes wrong you have someone there to guide you. you may even see things in the same way. many of times i tripped with my best friend and would see some shit and think it's just me and be able to ask him if he saw it to and find out he did. it lets you know you aren't craZy and it could make the friendship stronger or not. it's unpredictable really, but yeah good call, jack.

i would at least do it with someone who has done it before... acid Will knock you on your ass if its your first time. Everything that happens is like being a baby... you need to learn everything all over.

09-21-2006, 08:54 AM
ummmm... even though the song really isnt about acid... its about "10 to 2 AM, X, Yogi DMT, and a box of Krispy Kremes" ive never done DMT, and i dont think i will as its smoked out of a crack pipe... and sorry i just dont like that kinda thing. however... i did acid and x, and i have listened to the song while doing it. I must say, it was THE best expiernce of my life. i also listened to the 2 songs that followed. i was overwhelmed with feelings of contempt, excitement, inspiration, and just happiness. Incredible!

Id like to talk more about it, if anyones interested.
Id also like to hear about any expierences other ppl have had :)
IDK let me know what you think i guess.

mr. nikki jensen
09-21-2006, 09:17 AM
I vote for a SOBER tool experience.... i can't see how drugs should make it better....

09-21-2006, 12:30 PM
they shouldnt, but they do. it also depends on your definition of better.

btw, love the avvy.

10-11-2006, 10:20 AM
there is no denying that this song is about a dmt drug trip, and with the X coming before it, i only assume it is refering to ecstacy. please correct me if you think i am incorrect. i have never experienced dmt, but i have expereienced x and mushrooms together and it is a very intense feeling. i went to the tool concert on 3 caps of e, and i have to tell it you it was the best experience of my life... i could feel every part of the music blowing into my body. drugs shouldnt have to make the music better, and it doesnt make you admire their talent more, its just a way of feeling the music in a different way. people that say drugs are bad etc are ignorant to the benefits drugs have on expanding personal perceptions. i am a college student that does drugs on a regular basis, and am not a fuck up in any way. athough i will stand by that chemical drugs are dangerous and addictive (i have experienced this first hand) i will stand by any drug that is naturally grown out of the ground and is unaltered by chemcials. sober people, please dont be ignorant and say drugs are bad unless you have experienced it for yourself.

10-11-2006, 11:09 AM
what do you think is in the plants and such things "coming out of the ground" that gets you high?

10-11-2006, 12:09 PM
thats a good question actually.. and the answer is chemicals. but at the same time one could say that water is a chemical compound just as much... what i was trying to get across is i dont know of any drug that comes out of the ground that has significant damaging qualities to your body or intensive addictive properties.

10-11-2006, 01:15 PM
...and makes you high...

10-11-2006, 01:50 PM
what i was trying to get across is i dont know of any drug that comes out of the ground that has significant damaging qualities to your body or intensive addictive properties.

Poppy Seeds = Opium =

Tooth decay
appetite loss,
stomach and intestines don't function properly
The gall bladder becomes inflamed;
eyes and skin turn a bilious yellow;
membranes of the nose turn a flaming red;
the partition separating the nostrils is eaten away
Oxygen in the blood decreases
bronchitis and tuberculosis develop
Sex organs become affected
Veins collapse and livid purplish scars remain
Boils and abscesses plague the skin
Nerves snap
vicious twitching develops
Imaginary and fantastic fears blight the mind
SOMETIMES complete insanity results.
Eventual untimely death.

Then again , none of this has been scientifically proven.
Read on ... http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/Library/studies/cu/cu4.html

10-11-2006, 07:55 PM
I vote for a SOBER tool experience.... i can't see how drugs should make it better....

I have been to Tool concerts sober, high, drunk, and on shrooms... Of the 10 or so shows i have been to the 3 i ate shrooms at were the best... They are the ones i remember the most as well because they were incredibly intense... you dont forget the feeling you get when you are in that state...But hey to each is own. See you in the spring.

10-11-2006, 08:47 PM
i dont deny the damaging effects of some drugs, but then again there are other ways of administering the drugs or using its properties for benefical use. the opium that you pointed out has use in morphine, and when your hurt pretty bad or just had surgery you thank god that they invented morphine. please dont get me wrong, im not saying everyone should do drugs because they're good, im just saying that people that choose to do some of them should sterytpyed into junkies or drug addicts. everyone has their own opinion and insight into life, i just choose to expand my mind with my choice drugs.