View Full Version : Rosetta Stone(R) Language learning software

04-22-2006, 12:42 AM
I got this from http://www.sys-con.com/read/209974.htm

Rosetta Stone: A Natural Choice

Rosetta Stone is a natural choice for many language revitalization programs because it helps users develop everyday proficiency naturally, the same way people learn their first language -- by associating new words with real-life meaning. Rosetta Stone's Dynamic Immersion(TM) method uses thousands of real-life color images to convey the meaning of the spoken and written phrases in the program. Its carefully sequenced structure, use of native speakers and ability to provide instantaneous feedback teaches new language without memorization, translation or grammar drills. In the program, Kanien'keha words are never equated to English words, ensuring that words don't lose the many aspects of their meaning in the teaching process.

I wonder if "Rosetta Stoned" has anything to do with this. In the beginning of the song, the words are very unclear... later on they become more understandable after being distorted with effects. When Maynard talks about not finding his pen, It might relate to new language being taught without memorization... maybe.

"'We believe the best way to preserve a language is through teaching and learning, keeping it a living language in the hands of the people to whom it belongs," says Ilse Ackerman, manager of the Endangered Language Program at Rosetta Stone. '

A Language Nearly Lost

Between 1892 and 1969, thousands of Aboriginal children in Canada, including many Kanien'kehaka children, were not allowed to speak their native language. As part of Canada's government policies, Aboriginal children were forced to attend residential schools where only English was allowed."

I remember Maynard making a reference to Aboriginal people/religions during an interview regarding "Lateralus."

04-22-2006, 12:57 AM
Rosetta is also a European Space Agency mission to orbit and land on a comet in the near future... I wonder if this song uses metaphors from the Rosetta Spacecraft as well as the Rosetta Stone(R) language system? Just a thought.

The Rosetta Stone is also an ancient stone discovered in Egypt that supposedly unlocked the mysteries of Egyptian hieroglyphics. see http://www.rosetta.com/RosettaStone.html

04-22-2006, 01:43 PM
I got this from http://www.sys-con.com/read/209974.htm

Rosetta Stone: A Natural Choice

Rosetta Stone is a natural choice for many language


I remember Maynard making a reference to Aboriginal people/religions during an interview regarding "Lateralus."

I'm a software engineer for Fairfield Language Tech (aka Rosetta Stone) and being "rosetta stoned" has actually been a running joke at the company for years now. Very cool that it will now be immortalized through song (although for an entirely different reason). I'm sure all my fellow tool-loving coworkers will get a kick out of it.

And no, to my knowledge maynard has never stopped by ;)

04-22-2006, 06:13 PM
The Rosetta Stone is also an ancient stone discovered in Egypt that supposedly unlocked the mysteries of Egyptian hieroglyphics. see http://www.rosetta.com/RosettaStone.html

the rosetta stone is written in half greek/half egyptian.. and at the time man knew the greek language so therefore we could dechiper the egyptian language...

. i think this song is in reference to dechipering a drug/alien experience....

04-22-2006, 08:52 PM
Rosetta the Stoned was a drug dealer in the old Illuminatus! series. It dealt with sci-fi and drugs, among other things.