View Full Version : Wrench Logo

03-23-2003, 05:47 AM

This logo excist out circles and squares...

*Look The Top:
-the inside is like a square..
-the outside like a circle..

*Then The Middle:
-the outsides are straight.. like a square
-the inside is a circle.. oval..
-in the inside the letters of TOOL are in blockletters...

*Then The End:
-the outside are circles
-the inside of the circles are squares

#does this have any reason?#

I`m Out... Lata

4th Eye
03-23-2003, 08:19 AM
Hmm, the reason might be that it's pretty difficult to unscrew a nut with a circle wrench...

Andy DV
03-23-2003, 11:24 AM
Ha, yes, your answer lies in a toolbox on an actual wrench...The inside is square to grab onto nuts, while the outside is circular because circles take up the least possible amount of space in order to turn the wrench to and fro. No brilliant artistic purpose here, at least I think. Of course, the logo also resembles a phallus. Make of that what you will, you pervs.

George Bush Sr.
03-23-2003, 11:29 AM
it's a phallic symbol and you can tighten or loosen two bolts at the same time with the end. i know most tool fans do that constantly.

03-23-2003, 12:31 PM
i have this logo on a patch on my backpack... and every now and then, i see one of the teachers or faculty members in the line for backpack checks in the metal detectors noticing the penis on my backpack... thats an expression no one should miss.... like.... "what the fuckin' shit?".... beautiful

and about the circle and square thing.... of course its made of circles and squares... everything is.... (if you count ovals and rectangles, then you could count any kind of line that reflects them) it all comes down to strait lines and curved lines... ands what else is there? and you might say... what about triangles... things are made of triangles... but whats a triange? a square split from corner to corner... i could say theres a triangle in the head of the wrench... but thats also a square turned-diamond. now if they were all made with perfect squares and perfect circles... i'd think you might have somthing... or not... most likly not

03-24-2003, 05:17 PM
um... well... its definitely a dick.

03-25-2003, 05:39 PM
My favorite part of that logo is the fact that its slightly bent to one side.

03-25-2003, 05:51 PM
to the left.... like mine

03-25-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by plexus
to the left.... like mine

right-handed i see...

03-27-2003, 01:35 PM
I own a sweatshirt with this logo on it. I would say that it is quite phalical, considering the exuberant amounts of feedback I get when I wear it to walk to the grocery store to pick up a gallon of orange juice, as well as times i've worn it to school. Although mine hangs to the right.

04-06-2003, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by psilomind
right-handed i see...

your wrong with that... mine is slightly bent to the right... and im right handed...

:-p just to make sure!

04-07-2003, 12:58 AM
i'm a lefty