View Full Version : Dealing with death

04-19-2006, 11:56 PM
I think this has to be one of / if not the greatest tribute / dealing with death songs ever written. Even if one is to not like Tool's sounds, the words are undenaibly priceless.

I lost my girlfriend of two years to a motorcycle accident earlier this year, and this song makes me remember all the wonderful things that we had and did... and how in a sense she saved me....

I love it. Has helped a lot.

On a side note, no where near the same, but I sorta did the same thing maynard did, but my attempt was unfocused and I just delt with the changing of emotions
http://toolnavy.com/showthread.php?t=42275 . Give it a read if you have ever experienced the death of a close friend/loved one.

EDIT: Sorry for the shameless self-plug. But It could help some... who knows.