View Full Version : nibiru giving earth an (a)enema

11-21-2002, 10:34 PM

it has been mentioned several times on toolband.com. now, i have no idea if the band believes in it, but it's worth reading. quite interesting too.

11-23-2002, 02:43 PM
That's a nice site and it sums up the Planet X theory pretty well but, Sitchin covers the subject in much more depth. He estimates the return, or coming round again, of Niburu at about 200-300 years from now. If it was coming in 2003 then we would already see the earth going thru some hellacious events. Volcanoes, tidal waves, not to mention the huge planet looing overhead inour skies. Sitchin also has a theory that the Annunaki will return to earth about 100 years before Niiburu arrives. I don't know how much longer I have to live on this planet but I hope I am still around to witness these events. Ahhh....good times.

Anyway, back to the song. I do believe Tool wrote this song with the Planet X theory in mind. It's a fascinating subject and they put it into words that made Ænema my favorite Tool song.

11-23-2002, 03:35 PM
I can see the theorie's impact.

I still doubt it will happen, though that would be cool!

By the way, What is Annukai?

11-23-2002, 10:27 PM
Annukai is a race of reptilian people that does not exist. i doubt tool believes in Annukai.

11-24-2002, 11:43 AM
Reptillian? Where did you hear that they were reptillian? The Sumerians described them as looking like giants, around 10 ft tall, but they had human features.

Ragna, the Annunaki are supposed to be an alien race from the planet Niburu. According to some people, they genetically engineered humans and used us more or less as slaves to mine for gold. They could be the Gods that we read about in the Bible and other religous fairy tales. I'm not claiming that this shit is real but it's worth reading. It makes more sense to me than the Bible ever did.

11-24-2002, 05:29 PM
basically the story is that the reptilian people lived on nibiru, came to earth to enslave neanderthals to mine gold (they needed gold so they could keep their planet warm because of its long orbit from the sun), and they mated with some neanderthals to make modern day man (that's supposed to solve the missing link). they then left the planet to go to theirs. there is a lot of crap dealing with their planet getting knocked out of orbit and what not, but it's all b.s. anyway.

frater aaa
11-25-2002, 02:44 PM
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

I know it may sound crack potted, but please listen, and listen good.
Planet X is coming. But the government, and people in any position of major power cannot divulge it.
"If it was coming, we would be seeing tidal waves, floods".
LOOK AT THE WAETHER AROUND THE WORLD. We have whether changes that no scientist can explain, no modern day comparison to place these finding on.
What about the mayan calander. Most accurate callendar we have ever seen, and it was counting backwards! Its date ended 2012- at least by the julien calendar. But we know this is flawed. If we translate the dates off of a gregorian calendar, we get a 9 year differance. 2012 become 2003.
You want earth changes? Already we are getting fucked up. Most coastal cities are flooding, the is lava flowing somewhere in the east threatening villages. The italian alps are melting, the poles are getting more an more wacky. It is all culminating.

See, the thing about Nibiru is that once it reaches the belt of pluto, it drops like a bowling ball due to the gravity of our sun. And the closer it gets, the more we notice the changes. Our whether becomes more schitzaphrenic, more random and unpredictable. The Magnetic frequency it gives off messes us up psychologically (are we not 80% water?). This would explain the planets odd coming coincidin with so many political and human politics problems. We are on the verge of world war three, we have plagies and famine over the world, there already are floods, monsoons, eathquakes, and more. And this is just the beggining.

For this is also going to bring on a world-wide initiation into the next circuit level.

When planet X comes by our earth, it passes between us and the sun, and earth gets pulled into its orbit for a period orbit for a period of 3 days. During this time, we will have complete blackening of the sun, and the moon will turn blood red. the atmosphere of the planet will get into our atmoshere, turning our rain the color of blood (thats right, all you bible thumpers! Revelations! WOOHOO!) We will all be subjected to a world wide 0 magnetic frequency feild. The only place that this can be found on earth right now is in the kings chamber of the great pyramids- which, as those who can think for themselves have realized, was used a a big temple of initiation. The aspiring priest would have to go through certain ordeals, and then would be placed in the sarcophagus of the chamber in the kings room for 3 DAYS! Coincidence? I think not.

Consider like every human on this planet being given 50 hits of Acid apeice.

Well, that is all I can say for now. Hopefully I offered some new material that will lead others to speculation.
Now that you know, do not have one doubt in your mind abouts its coming. Research if you must, be be fast! For the date, even as nostradamus saw, is May20th 2003.
If you want co-ordinates to see it in the sky, check out www.zetatalk.com. they have its co-ordinates up to date.

Until next time.
Blessing and Worship to the Prophet of the Star and the Snake.
Love is the law, love under will.

11-28-2002, 05:12 PM
amazing how every single picture on that sight that "confirms" its existance doesn't show it. it just has a circle that supposedly contains the "planet." i don't see anything...

12-04-2002, 06:11 PM
Wow! This has got to be the most interesting thread on this site. I don't know how reputable these sources are that are telling us that the world will end in 2003....but how cool would that be if it did! Earth is a fucking hellacious place...I mean shit besides people reading this shit were talking about right now, everyone is a fucking idiot. Think about it...everyone focuses all their energy on material things and shit that doesn't even matter. No one has true faith in anything anymore, it's all blind faith. I think that their is a "Master of Puppets" so to speak of the Universe....and I do beleive that he is pulling the strings of Nibiru to fix this fucking hellhole planet called earth. All I can say is when the day comes...and everyone is running around screaming in chaos...I will be looking up in the sky....accepting the true beauty of armageddon. I think it will be funny watching all the little sheep run around so scared of leaving this reality which is so guided and structured.

Mom's gonna fix it all soon.....Moms Coming Round to put it back the way it ought to be!!!!!

Can you put it any better than that? Just like children we must rely on our mother to solve all of our problems...well here she comes again!

12-04-2002, 09:54 PM
here is a better link...http://www.detailshere.com/niburu.htm I just wonder if this will really happen and if so what will you guys do

12-22-2002, 03:08 AM
Well, I dunno if this will really happen. According to Revelations, Armageddon doesn't come untill after the 7 year period of turmoil, and then Judgement Day. First comes the Rapture, where all Christ believers, no matter how much theyr sinned of course, are taken, and the rest are left on Earth for a period of 7 years. A hellious period too, like the second Great Depression, only 10-100 times worse. Then, Judgement Day, when all the remaining people will be judged to see if they truly accepted Christ into their hearts. After Judgement Day...not a catarophic event...but a battle...known as The Battle Of Armageddon. This will be the final battle, where Michael, The Arch Angel, will lead an army of angels against Lucifer(Satan) and his demons. And, in the end, The Heavenly Forces win, and Michael himself throws Satan back into Hell, and it seals for 10,000 years. And that's all we know...once we are in Heaven, I guess we will find out what happens after the 10,000 years is over. ^_^;
So all in all, the Planet X theory sounds partially correct to me, I believe in the possibility of it's existance, but that it will do anything to our planet in 2003, much less at all, I don't think I can believe that. Maybe it will be a part of The Battle Of Armageddon...I'd have to go back to the Revelations to see that...but honestly, I am SURE nothing will happen to the planet itself in 2003. Rapture? Maybe...we don't know when God will decide it's time...

Some Bible code actually does prove my Planet-X counter theory!! http://www.detailshere.com/images/planetxcode.jpg

I'm not sure whether this Bible Code stuff is true, but, God CAN see the future...so I have a hunch it may be true. Here's a website on it...pretty interesting.

01-28-2003, 02:18 PM
When is this shit going to end? Well..definately not in 3 months.

01-28-2003, 02:24 PM
If you can find the time to read this...?

It explains a lot about travelling time of the planet and sums it up a bit.


Believers or non-believers, it's interesting.

frater aaa
02-29-2004, 06:43 PM
Well, 2003 being come and gone, the warning was off. But it is no doubt as to the existance of Planet X, more when. The enviormental chanegs are becoming more drastuic, there is more threat of floods all around the world due to rapidly melting ice caps, etc etc. The planet has arrived before, as we see from the 7 metoers that hit aprox. 10-12000 years ago ( noah, gilgamesh, etc. see the Book of Enoch, as well as The holy Blood and the Holy Grail).
As to the comment by someone about revelation, i must say you take all this quite literally. I am an kind of Revelations freak (a hobby of mine) but to take it all so literally seems kind of.. well, ignorant. I see Revealations from more of a mystic standpoint, of archetypes an the such more than i do literally. the locusts I see as the current released by the Beast in 1904, given power over men, not to kill but to torture. Psychological warfare. As for the battle between michael and satan, well, lucifer being the fallign star, an the one who LIBERATED MAN from the bondage of restriction (making them GODS) the throwing into the abyss (which by Crowleys is defined is agateway OUT of this spacetime continuum) this can only be good. Jesus coming back represents the ascension, and the antichrist is the one whom all ingnorant christian will follow thinking they have found salvation, whereas the true Christ will appear in the hearts of the indiviuals who have not bowed their will to anybody,nor t the slave god and have reamined true only to themselves, for that is the nature of Christs teaching. DO NOT follow establishments or any authority figure. Follow the light within, for in ones own nature is the glory of the father. Thus is the only sin restriction.
Of course the Beass refered to is TO MEGA THERION, The Great Beast 666, the inner heart of man ( not and evil figure if you know ur greek and hebrew qabalah well enough). this beast is Crowley, who manifested his light as VVVVV, the five wounds of intiation and gave us certain books in which this is all made clear. For a full account of this prophechy being fullfilled, I refer you to liber 418- the vision and the voice. As for the lamb with two horns who follows, well that one is obvious enough.
Did not jesus himself say "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am guarding it until it blazes." And also 'Men think, perhaps, that it is peace which I have come to cast upon the world. They do not know that it is dissension which I have come to cast upon the earth: fire sword and war." And again "Whoever blasphemes the father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the son, it will be forgiven, but whoever blashpemes the holy spirit will not be forgiven, either on earth or in heaven."
Also, for people who are follwing planet X, it is not a theory. There are documents existing about it, even the sumerians (the most precise astronomers of history) recorded it. Do some searching, and I guarentee you will come by some intersting stuff.
And as for the sheer stupidity of thinking that just because you beleive in some guy, you are saved is BULL SH#T. I pity you, who think that you have to do nothing to find enlightenment, that you can blaspheme your own holy spirit, an that which dwells in others, just because you think some guy said it was ok. The true guiding light is in every man and ever woman. "every man and woman is a star" And of course, if you are pure of spirit, no matter what "faith" or "religion" you come from, you will be lifted up into the next level of conciousness, or 46+2 as TOOL says. We are all One in the Light of existance, just as all thi is One in relaity, and any apparent seperateness is an illusion based on your false perception, and your bondage to dogma and beleif.
So I must say, I spit on the ignorance that only christains will be saved. In my opnion, most christians will be damned to hell than those whoa re not (the hell you so beleive you will go to if you dont beleive in it). What if hell only exists for those who beleive in it? heres some irony for you "The innermost ring of hell is reserved for people who beleive they will go to hell if they dont beleive in hell."
I need no faith, for I have experienced a unity above all of it, an experince open to ANY MAN, depsite the colour of their skin, or the label they have chosen to follow.
So go have fun with your little personal egotistic bubbel you have built... but I guarentee, all bubbles will pop, and then what? You found out there was no santa, no easter bunny, the governemt isnt there to protect you. What fairy tale is next to fall? ill tell you which one... that laziness and ignorance pay off by beleving in some dead guy is gonna descend from the sky, and love you for worshipping his dead body hanging in pain on a cross that stupid dicks like you put him on because they were fearful of real freedom. You think hes gonna give a rats ass about what you have or have not done, or whether you "beleive" in him or not? hes an idea, and something to emulate, NOT worship. So you would rather damn all "non-belivers" rather than loving you fellow man (thats rigth ALL of them, even the fukin "heathens") I pity you, and all who beleive that horseshit. I for one am for the divinty of every man and woman, so long as you hold freedom outstrethched to ALL men and woman. unless of course you woudl rather emulate hitler (which I must say, he simply followed the catholic spirit) and slaughetred anyone who disagreed with him. yeah, thats gonna bring world peace, and heaven on earth. Man, people are stupid.

03-02-2004, 06:35 PM
Those are cool sites. Thanks people.

03-13-2004, 11:42 PM
We see armageddon chewing through the earth and spitting it back out every single day. Through our eyes we are willing to either accept the world is ending, or that it is truly helping life. Ever since the first want, the first time someone wanted something they were willing to pay for the world began its slow descent into another wasted planet drifting to the victim of gravity. No one can truly say why were here or when it's going to end. However, I can tell you how it will end. These false prophecies and wishful thinking of a judgment day are truly pathetic. Just think about it, humans need an excuse not to ask why? or how? or what am I doing here? or how will it end? suicide rates are much higher in atheists and prodistans than religious people. Are humans really so weak? How is it so we can create computer chips and fiber technology and know so much, yet strive so much for the only thing we can't explain...and when they finally accept there is no meaning of life we simply go crazy. Back to the subject, we witness an armageddon not many can accept. Humans. A small, humble creature which learned too much. We began harvesting the earth as a product. The greed of one man becomes the greed of another. It's amazing to think about. We believe to be the center of the planet we are destroying. I believe in appreciating the planet that gives us life every day, the one that gives us energy and food and water and the delicate system that happened to come together known as our solar system. God is overrated and the end of Earth as an adequate place for posessing life is simply the ones who take it for granted. I'm tired of all this shit about the future and aliens and god and any kind of blind faith. Is it so hard to see that we just don't know any better. I don't see how we are so desperate for an answer. Oh well. I'm tired. The point is fuck your prophecies and bibles and gods and false hope.

05-02-2004, 01:43 PM
The niburu theory is pretty out there in every article i've read about it. I remember there was one that had some good points about it and it sounded very educated. Then he started talking about civilization and somehow knew all the lizard people rulers of the planet, like prince gieashamah and queen harumagisha.

05-02-2004, 03:17 PM
Neberu is a star.

05-06-2004, 11:41 AM

05-06-2004, 01:13 PM
We see armageddon chewing through the earth and spitting it back out every single day. Through our eyes we are willing to either accept the world is ending, or that it is truly helping life. Ever since the first want, the first time someone wanted something they were willing to pay for the world began its slow descent into another wasted planet drifting to the victim of gravity. No one can truly say why were here or when it's going to end. However, I can tell you how it will end. These false prophecies and wishful thinking of a judgment day are truly pathetic. Just think about it, humans need an excuse not to ask why? or how? or what am I doing here? or how will it end? suicide rates are much higher in atheists and prodistans than religious people. Are humans really so weak? How is it so we can create computer chips and fiber technology and know so much, yet strive so much for the only thing we can't explain...and when they finally accept there is no meaning of life we simply go crazy. Back to the subject, we witness an armageddon not many can accept. Humans. A small, humble creature which learned too much. We began harvesting the earth as a product. The greed of one man becomes the greed of another. It's amazing to think about. We believe to be the center of the planet we are destroying. I believe in appreciating the planet that gives us life every day, the one that gives us energy and food and water and the delicate system that happened to come together known as our solar system. God is overrated and the end of Earth as an adequate place for posessing life is simply the ones who take it for granted. I'm tired of all this shit about the future and aliens and god and any kind of blind faith. Is it so hard to see that we just don't know any better. I don't see how we are so desperate for an answer. Oh well. I'm tired. The point is fuck your prophecies and bibles and gods and false hope.

i'm pretty sure that there is a part of the brain that pushes us to believe in some form of a god...so that may answer "I don't see how we are so desperate for an answer"....were programed to...

also i think there will eb an armagedon, mayans predicted it, 2012, and they have not been wrong yet, so well see in 8 years.