View Full Version : 3d Music

09-20-2005, 09:49 AM
Hello fellows,
I read somewhere that Tool have used a concept called 3dimension music in Schism. Listening to music would make a person to visualise objects. The integration of the sense of hearing and vision would make a person to visualise different geometrical objects according to the tune. I also read that Schism would make the listener to visualise rectangular cubes or boxes or something while listening...I couldnt really experience that...but i can get where Tool are going...I mean i can feel what Tool are trying to do....

I now sorta want to know more info on that...but unfortunately i couldnt get the exact article(which i read sometime back) or any thing about this 3-d music...Does anybody have more information on this concept?

09-21-2005, 08:51 AM
i found the link (http://www.cdicarlo.com/paper_04maynard.htm) where i remember reading it...it is acutally called three-dimensional sound and not three-dimensional music....is this something to do with synthesizer's? i donno about that..now i will google it if i can find some...its sad no body replied here..! :(

The band is also very interested in what is called three-dimensional sound. For some time, Maynard and I talked about Synesthesia-the perceptual sensation produced when a stimulus experienced by one sense is experienced in another, as when the hearing of a certain sound induces the visualization of a certain colour or geometric shape. I recalled listening to 'Schism' and noting how the metre of Maynard's lyrical cadence was offset from the bass and drums in certain parts as to invoke a type of sharp-sidedness. I do not actually 'see' a geometric shape before me. But I do get a sense of what he meant. This ephemeral capacity to 'see' sound is about as close as I've gotten to a synesthetic experience.

09-21-2005, 09:02 AM
synesthetic (http://web.mit.edu/synesthesia/www/synesthesia.html) Experience (http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/v3/psyche-3-06-vancampen.html)

syn-es-the-sia n. Physiol. Sensation produced at a point other than
or remote from the point of stimulation, as of a color from hearing a
certain sound (fr. Gk, syn = together + aisthesis = to perceive).

Very Interesting....

09-21-2005, 11:02 AM
thats kerazy stuff!

there was this program about that.

when you spoke to this guy he could taste different things when certain words were said, also a woman who could just see an endless 'wall' of numbers around her when numbers were mentioned.


09-22-2005, 08:02 AM
oh...i never realised Wikepedia has an article on Synthesia...how stupid of me not to check wikipedia on the first hand....
but it is an awesome read (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthesia) with some great links..

09-22-2005, 03:28 PM
to comment on your first two posts, this has happened to me.. when i lay down and put on a tool album and close my eyes i can see different geometric shapes.. not all the time but when it happens its pretty cool

09-22-2005, 03:34 PM
lucky!, sounds like a good experience.

10-14-2005, 09:04 AM
Im synesthesic but only with certain things. Maths for example. Im still shit at it though. The thing about synesthesia though is that its different for different people, 1 guy mite see cubes another mite see spheres or penises or something.
Some say it stems from when youre an infant and just begining to learn and some people say its the next stage of evolution. Make of it what you want, but I think its just another way of thinking.