View Full Version : waterfalls and such

11-21-2002, 10:02 AM
the only thing i know about (-)ions is that they are very good for you and can be found by waterfalls or just water in general. they help you relax and have peace of mind. (+)ions aren't as good for you and can be found by tvs and computers etc. that's all i really know.

11-23-2002, 09:24 AM
And to think, it's all in the FAQ. :)

11-24-2002, 10:53 AM
my friend has like this iron build up in his blood and whatever.
but anyway because of this, his blood is negatively charged.
but the thing is he reports all the benefits of the (-)ions without ever knowing about them.

so how’s that for semi-scientific proof

Metatron's Cube
11-26-2002, 11:26 PM
An ion is just an atom that has lost or gained electrons, anion is negative (gained electrons), cation is positive (lost). To say that a negative ion is good for you is too general, many are strong nucleophiles and can react to form free radicals, or are straight up poisonous. Almost any atom can become an ion if dissolved in water, or put in the right circumstance (except noble gases).

I think name of this song is just a simple reference to the "electric" sound you hear in the back ground. Aqueous ions are the reason that water conducts electricity, so ions often get associated with conduction, and electricity.

When people say that negative ions are good for you, its like the glazed over chemistry of anti-oxidants/free-radicals you always hear about, people just bastardize chemistry and create buzz words to sell products.

11-27-2002, 06:07 AM
look i'm not a genious or anything i don't know much about science but that's what i've heard. and i'm pretty sure it was on the FAQ also.

12-01-2002, 09:02 PM
just because it's on the FAQ doesn't mean that you should accept it as fact.

12-02-2002, 06:41 AM
look my mind is open to a whole lot of possiblities. i didn't say i always believe the FAQ. i just read it on there and i thought it made sence. i'm sorry if i'm not a freekin science genius, i just thought it was interesting.

Metatron's Cube
12-14-2002, 03:31 AM
Well I didnt mean to come off like a science snob or attack anyone, I was just hoping what I knew about chemistry could help others understand tool better. As far as this song goes, I have no idea what they are referring to, I would like to know. Its strange in the title they even specify negative ions.

(Correction to what I wrote above, negative ions react to form carbocations (in some cases), not free radicals. Still carbocations are very reactive and usually proceed to something else.)

I still stand by what I said though. To say negative ions come from waterfalls, or are good for you, its dead wrong (or very, very conditional). If the F.A.Q. says this, its wrong and should be updated.

Examles of negative ions:

Cynanide (CN-), Hydroxide (OH- the stuff in Drano and Lye, a strong base), Superoxide (O2-, reacts with NO- in your body to make the chemical your body uses to poison and kill bad cells).

Not trying to dis anyone here, Im dissing the FAQ.

12-21-2002, 12:00 PM
I don't really have anything to say that hasn't been said, but I thought since I'm taking chemistry right now, I'd back up what Metatron's Cube is saying. Most atoms form anions and many polyatomic ions like the ones mentioned above form anions. I think the FAQ should be updated so it doesn't make such a huge generalization.