View Full Version : Schism...a reference to Babel?

11-21-2002, 05:05 AM
In the bible, there is a tale of a temple called Babel. This temple was being built to be the highest of all temples, and would be to worship many gods. According to the Christianity, that is blasphemous. Up to this point, there was only one universal language. Therefor, god mixed the languages into many so that they could not communicate and not complete the temple.

11-21-2002, 10:45 AM
This is interestingly enough part of the connection made inthe Lateralus-Qabala idea. http://www.toolpantheon.com/lateralus_meanings.htm

It makes a lot of sense to think that at one time there was this great Tower constructed with the idea that you should worship divinity regardless of what form it takes...that perfection and unity of minds. We had 1 language (intuition, telepathy, etc) that was pure and could understand all things but that all changed when the tower was knocked down and the languages were split along with the divine. This has caused so much trouble as members of various religions and groups fight amongst one another and even kill one another while fighting for the exact same thing. The lack of communication has kept us from finding our truth and future by veiling it in confusion and hate...or simply ignorance of other ideas. This ignorance seems to be seen when the 2 creatures in the video run from one another and do not communicate. The smoke blowing out of his mouth is the language which has not been used for so long and is blowing out the dust. She screams because it is blaphemy...but after they work together and go back and forth they see...

When these different views are brought together peacefully however, debated a greater meaning is found...the arguments and dissonance that previously destroyed both allow for further strength and meaning and a closer understaning of each and in the end a merging of these ideas into something pure and true. By fighting and arguing over a point the weak ideas, the false concepts, and meaningless are sheered off and what is left is a core of perfect divinity. Hence at the end of the video where the 2 merge to form one creature...the unity consciousness

11-21-2002, 12:47 PM
Thanks for elaborating on that.

11-25-2002, 05:45 PM
Exactly! I've found someone who has the same view on Schism as I do. My friend noticed the part of Schism where they say "and watch the temple tumble over", and so we have believed that it is a reference to the Tower of Babel. Yes, Eidolon, thank you for elaborating on that.

11-26-2002, 08:00 PM
Hmmm……I never looked at the song from a biblical or religious stand point, but you guys may have something here!

\Schism\, n. [OE. scisme, OF. cisme, scisme, F. schisme, L. schisma, Gr. schi`sma, fr. schi`zein to split; akin to L. scindere, Skr. chid, and prob. to E. shed, v.t. (which see); cf. Rescind, Schedule, Zest.] Division or separation; specifically (Eccl.), permanent division or separation in the Christian church; breach of unity among people of the same religious faith; the offense of seeking to produce division in a church without justifiable cause.

Set bounds to our passions by reason, to our errors by truth, and to our schisms by charity. --Eikon Basilike.

http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/dissent/defnschi.htm :

"By this name St. Paul characterizes and condemns the parties formed in the community of Corinth (I Cor., i, 12): "I beseech you, brethren", he writes, ". . . that there be no schisms among you; but that you be perfect in the same mind, and in the same judgment" (ibid., i, 10)."

"And therefore the name of schismatics is given to those who will not submit to the supreme pontiff nor communicate with the members of the Church subject to him. Since the definition of Papal Infallibility, schism usually implies the heresy of denying this dogma. Heresy is opposed to faith; schism to charity; so that, although all heretics are schismatics because loss of faith involves separation from the Church, not all schismatics are necessarily heretics, since a man may, from anger, pride, ambition, or the like, sever himself from the communion of the Church and yet believe all the Church proposes for our belief (II-II, Q. xxix, a. 1). Such a one, however, would be more properly called rebellious than heretical."

This is what I love! This is the way it’s suppose to be, fans sharing ideas and insight. It has nothing to do with Maynard’s meanings, or who’s right and who’s wrong. I say this because I have been floating through various posts for a week now, and I’m saying quite a bit of “No, I’m right!” or “fuck you, you’re stupid! This song is all about how there is no god and you’re a fuckin’ idiot!” People forcing their views into the lyrics and then trying to say that it’s evidence supporting their point of view. It’s pretty sad really, but I guess in the end, they are still a metal band and will attract the usual element that accompanies this type of music. Guess I just have to “let go, let go, let go….”