View Full Version : Psychedelic Experience and Bill Hicks

02-14-2003, 12:37 PM
You've all known for a long while what this song is about. L.A. sinking into the ocean (which, ironically is similar to what is going to happen to California soon). This notion came from a Bill Hicks comedy routine.

However, what the hell does this have to do with Jung's Anima and getting your ass cleansed? Well, take a look at Timothy Leary's "The Psychedelic Experience". It is based off the Tibetan Book of the Dead. In the First Bardo, you will eventually come to a list of terms that the Tibetans relate to different feelings and sensations. They refer to 'bodily pressure' as 'Earth Sinking Into Water'.

Coincidence? Never with Tool. Remember, Leary is the one who first identified the Futants. How this relates to Carl Jung's Anima is difficult to imagine.

I'm still looking for a way to link all this with Jung. Leary and Jung definitely knew each other, and rubbed off on each other. There's even a tribute to each in the other's books.

07-11-2007, 05:33 AM
I'm still looking for a way to link all this with Jung.
Jung first studied such books as "Tibetan Book of the Dead".