View Full Version : A Correllation

07-02-2005, 10:50 PM
"rest your trigger on my finger, bang my head upon the fault line" from Pushit
"waiting like a stalkign buttler, who upon the finger rests" from Sober

these lines seem to have some kind of correlation...
I think that this line from Pushit is abo wanting to trust (check my post about Pushit) and the line "Trust me" is said a few times in Sober...if I wasn't so dilerious right now I'd take the time to look into this more...but I'm tired. I'll leave it to all you people. heh.

waiting like a stalking buttler
who upon the finger rests
rest your trigger on my finger
bang my head upon the fault line

another thought: "figner deep within the border line" from Stinkfist. probably has nothing to do with this.