View Full Version : Speculations on unorthodox ideas

02-12-2003, 12:10 PM
I've just finished reading "The Archaic Revival" by the ethno pharmacological genius Terrence McKenna. I must say I truly enjoyed this book. Here are some ideas and such that came to me, though I hardly know where to start.
Humanity is in a crisis of evolutionary beginning. We are failing to realize our potential for transcendental growth and understanding of the human mind. We must conquer all dimensions of time, space, knowledge, and growth.
Psychedelics play a major role in our history. Since the beginning of time we have shoveled large amounts plant hallucinogens into our mouths. Yet now, after the development of technology, religion and vast culture, the undergoing task of expanding our mind has become a taboo in society. And it will remain this way until the authorities decide to step down from their thrones of economic domination.
When LSD was made illegal in the 60’s, the decision was also made to ban all hallucinogens, for it was believed they were identical to the synthetic make-up of acid. In which case is not true, such as the plant hallucinogens psilocybin and DiMeThltryptamine (psilocybin actually contains tryptamines), along with ayahuasca and others.
Further research of these plants and future integration into society will, in short, stave off Armageddon.

“The plant-human relationship has always been the foundation of our individual and group existence in the world. What I call the Archaic Revival is the process of reawakening awareness of traditional attitudes toward nature, including plants and our relationship to them.
When accepting the solutions of vegetable forms of life as metaphors for the conduct of the affairs of the human world, two important changes would follow:
“The feminizing of culture, on a level that has yet to be fully explored. Recognizing the real division between the masculine and feminine is not a division between men and women but rather a division between ourselves as conscious animals-omnivorous, land-clearing war makers, supreme expression of the yang-and the circumglobal mantle of vegetation-the ancient metastable yin element that constitutes by far the major portion of the biomass of the living earth. “
“An inward search for values, the characteristic feature of the vegetable rather than the animal approach to existence. The animals move, migrate, and swarm, while plants hold fast. Living in a dimension characterized by the solid state, the fixed, and the enduring.

Theres a lot more I could go on about. So I guess u will just have to go and read it.

Please followup with ideas you my have about this or any other subject.

winston grudge
02-12-2003, 02:49 PM
Or you can listen to Bill Hicks and get a hillarious yet insightful view on the effects and wonders of natural hallucinogens. Open your 3rd eye today!
(and pity me, for I am allergic to just about every drug found on this earth)


02-19-2003, 10:57 AM
This post is based on the readings of Bob Frissel.

Some of u may remember, a while back ago, I had mentioned I took X and became god for a cuple hrs. After have doing some research, I came to the conclusion that I had actually achieved or ascended into a Fourth-Dimensional Awareness, or Christ-Consciousness.
Thousands of years ago, the ancients practiced af form of breathing much different than our own, which its end was catalized by the recent pole change 10,600 yrs ago. What this breathing does, is harness the Prana energy that surrounds you and everything in the universe, through the Pineal Gland, or Third Eye. Prana is just as essential os O2 in our survival. You then direct this energy into a chosen chakra, one that you are best tuned to mentally, emotionally, and dimensionally. Imagine the star tetrahedrons (male,female) filled with bright light and the respectable directions and locations of these fields that surrounds all life and plantets. After time, you will have achieved Christ-Consciousness.

Now whether or not Drunvalo was actually what he said to be (52,000 yrs ol, and died only very recently), or if this shit is true, I feel it. I havent tried spherical breathing. However, I believe that this meditation can be achieved through psycoactive chemicals, and inter-dimensional awarness and control of thought.

Frissel claims to have the universe figured out on a far further level than most of us. He says our father(created humans) was an alien species called the Sirians, which the star Sirius is the star of wih our sun circles. He also says the great flares in '72 were actually the imminent demise of our solar-system, until the Sirians stepped in to protect their children. And that we have sevarl alien species on our planet, of which include te Greys, but set at one dimensional overtone higher than our own, so we cant see them. It is beieved that usin meditaion similar to fourth dimensional awareness meditation, can set our consciousness to ths ascended ovetone. I could go on and on about this guy, so if your interested, pls get the book, Nothing In This Book Is True ... blah.