View Full Version : Tool vs. L. Ron Hubbard

06-12-2005, 09:53 AM
Hey everyone,

I have this question about all the things that Tool says about the forementioned writer. Now, I know he's the founder of Dianetics and Scientology (and I'm not, nor feel, identified by them at all). The thing is that I'd like to know what are the points of view from the members of the band about L. Ron Hubbard... I just find it interesting to know others points of view about one subject, that's all. And, because my english isn't perfect nor anything near it, I don't understand completely the context in which his name is bought up in this Tool songs, that's why I need your help.

Thank you very much and have a great one.


06-14-2005, 01:59 PM
L. Ron Hubbard is supposedly who Eulogy is about. Scientology is an "alternative faith" where they basically re-educate its patrons through texts made by the man himself and "auditors" that drill points of interest into their heads. As of the doctrines? Think Utopians striving to hit jackpot with Jung mixed with science fiction.
Its a scheme, also. Very expensive, and brings in the troubled souls by claimed to soothe issues...(by the brainwashing)
Also, no higher power or spirtuality of any kind.

False martyr


06-14-2005, 04:02 PM
I think when danny (i think it was him) said "eulogy" was about L Ron Hubbard, he meant people like L Ron Hubbard, not actually him. I don't see why they would be that pissed at him to reference him twice on the same album. Hes not the first or the last brainwashing ego-maniac.

06-14-2005, 07:06 PM
Sorry about that, didn't think of it in that light...wish that Tool wouldn't be so vague in interviews; or misleading for that matter

06-14-2005, 07:22 PM
Try reading "The Phoenix Lectures," or "The Fundamentals of Thought," or "Scientology: 8-8008 The Basics." All are very good, particularly "The Phoenix Lectures" and all were copyrighted before 1965. Something very strange happened to Hubbard at that time.

Ironic that individuals make severe judgments concerning Scientology when they haven't even read a text. Think for yourself, question authority.

06-14-2005, 08:21 PM
Try reading "The Phoenix Lectures," or "The Fundamentals of Thought," or "Scientology: 8-8008 The Basics." All are very good, particularly "The Phoenix Lectures" and all were copyrighted before 1965. Something very strange happened to Hubbard at that time.

Ironic that individuals make severe judgments concerning Scientology when they haven't even read a text. Think for yourself, question authority.

You can't go on and read about all the crap in this world, just because you want to think for yourself. In this case, I tend to trust Maynard when he says "Fuck L Ron Hubbard" and stay from anything 'scientological'. I prefer to read Jung instead.

06-15-2005, 07:05 PM
Indeed. I would, but yeah, other thinkers are much more...interesting and unique to me. Also, why would I want to read up on something that many places internationally have already listed as a sham faith just to "think for myself".
How about the whole "believe in nothing"...want to ditch any spirituality just for that comment?

Sorry for being so edgy.

my shadow
06-29-2005, 05:50 PM
"You can't go on and read about all the crap in this world, just because you want to think for yourself. In this case, I tend to trust Maynard when he says "Fuck L Ron Hubbard" and stay from anything 'scientological'. I prefer to read Jung instead."

doesnt he also say fuck tatoos and yet he has one of a spine on his back?

06-29-2005, 06:05 PM
"You can't go on and read about all the crap in this world, just because you want to think for yourself. In this case, I tend to trust Maynard when he says "Fuck L Ron Hubbard" and stay from anything 'scientological'. I prefer to read Jung instead."

doesnt he also say fuck tatoos and yet he has one of a spine on his back?

Did you know that he was a strict scientologist for 10 years before starting Tool?

06-29-2005, 06:17 PM
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Long time between posts,

07-08-2005, 10:22 PM
Scientology is crazy I was reading about it the other day. Some alien stacked people around some volcanos or something and it created us. It was a bit confusing. Its just a bunch of sci fi stuff. Interesting to read about though.